Lightroom learning course?

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Hi Everyone, I'm looking for some advice or suggestions for a course or programme to help me improve my pp on lightroom. I have a fairly decent grasp of it so far, but would really like some help to get tobthe next level. There are plenty of on line videos, but I woukd really like the chance to speak with someone as well. thanking you in advance.
Given your background statement, my own approach would be to search online for answers to any particular problem that you'd come up against - as & when. The learning, then, is tailored to your particular circumstance, & saves a measure of wasted effort ...

There is so much online these days - just use it. It doesn't have to be videos, which can be tedious - just find what works. Cut through the chaff.
Hi Everyone, I'm looking for some advice or suggestions for a course or programme to help me improve my pp on lightroom. I have a fairly decent grasp of it so far, but would really like some help to get tobthe next level. There are plenty of on line videos, but I woukd really like the chance to speak with someone as well. thanking you in advance.
Adobe used to run accredited course years ago if I remember rightly, no idea if they still do. There was an exam you could also take. Failing that you could try local community colleges. Some have courses, how good they are is another question.
If you have not done so already then sign up/register for Lightroom Queen (
I find the easiest way to learn these things is to find what you want to learn about , say masking, and just do that otherwise you get bogged down.
For example there is oodles about using the catalogue function but if you don't need it there is not much point if learning it.
Hi Everyone, I'm looking for some advice or suggestions for a course or programme to help me improve my pp on lightroom. I have a fairly decent grasp of it so far, but would really like some help to get tobthe next level. There are plenty of on line videos, but I woukd really like the chance to speak with someone as well. thanking you in advance.

Personally you don't need a course. Just go on Youtube. Try not to use presets, learn the software yourself.
Hi Everyone, I'm looking for some advice or suggestions for a course or programme to help me improve my pp on lightroom. I have a fairly decent grasp of it so far, but would really like some help to get tobthe next level. There are plenty of on line videos, but I woukd really like the chance to speak with someone as well. thanking you in advance.

If I'm allowed to offer my services, I do Lightroom tuition on Zoom or in person (depending on your location of course)