weekly Marshall194's Photo52 Week 21 temperature added

No1 for me, great dof and colours are great.

well done
Hi Chris, some cracking shots there and great ideas on the themes.

Week 1 - Good composition, I like the position of the focus it draws you in.

Week 2 - Very good fear shot, I'd certainly be scared, the light on the hatchet really helps, good thinking.

Week 3 - For me its number 4 with the foot, it gives the impression of laying back in the bath having a nice relax and obviously a big sigh.

Week 4 - Has to be number 3, the lighting and DOF really make it a classic food shot with the great shadows.

Week 5 - I really like number 1, the others are good but dont have the impact of the first, great DOF and colours.

Some strong work in the first few weeks, look forward to seeing the rest of the year.
Playing catchup here but ....

Sweet, the first one's the best, nice and simple, good depth of field and focus.

Secure, I'd say the second one's best due to the composition and the eyes drawn from the clamp to what it's securing
Here's a shot of chris taking his second secure image.

well done Chris, you wouldn't have got me hanging about on a cliff face, i'm torn on this one, i like the DOF and colours of #1 but i like the composition and story of #2
Fantastic shot of the friend. I had something similar in mind but all my gear was too scruffy. Even if it wasn't, I don't think I'd have got it nailed like you have though. Great shot..
Hi Chris....catch up time for...been busy sorting the meet :D

Sigh...of the 4 images nu 4 hits the theme best for me...the inclusion of the foo is what makes it...can imagine just lying there ...like the mono as well :clap:

Sweet... like the simplicity of #1...white whites & great focus on the crystals (y)
#3...the winner....looks scummy...great lighting & focus...excellent :clap:

Secure...mad as box of frogs ! #1....love the DOF , great focus & nice colors in the rock :clap:
#3....love the look of concentration...making sure all is secure...all right on theme ...really good work mister :clap:
when this theme came up i got really excited and had loads of plans(y) but none of them came to fruition:crying:. then at 3am on monday i woke up and thought of this!

as i live in blackpool John Ditchfeild's studio (Glassform http://www.glasform.com/ ) is just down the road and here are the results i have three shots this one is to show you what he does

6 Feb 2012-13 by CMarshall194, on Flickr

and these are my shots

6 Feb 2012-11 by CMarshall194, on Flickr

6 Feb 2012-16 by CMarshall194, on Flickr
Nice 'Industrial' work Chris subject fits well with this weeks theme. The glasswork is outstanding I think #2 is the best shot but I think a smaller aperture would have sharpened those rods a little which would look better.
Hi Chris, my favourite image out of these is the first one its just amazing what can be done with glass, however it doesn't say industry to me, that goes to number 3 the DOF on this is very good the tools are nice and sharp with enough blur in the background to take away the busyness without completely obscuring where it is
Hi Chris,

It's No2 for me, I like the colour and the lines and shapes formed by the pipes. I would also like to see the pipes a wee bit sharper. But it's a good image none the less.

Hi Chris,
As the other guys say, #2 is v good. Perhaps you could have got one with the artist working the rods in the oven and that would have been special. Also it would be nice if the othre 2 could be combined somehow so that the glassmakers tools in#3 are allied to the finished product in #1.

I live nearby too and was driving up to Staining last wednesday, before the theme was anounced (!). If only I had known. That large structure at the traffic light junction looks splendid in the sunlight.
All really good, love the structures in one. Amazing to see what can be done.

As for on theme...I think #3, #2 is close but there is something that isnt working for me in it (not sure why, might be because I'm tired :LOL:).
Nice 'Industrial' work Chris subject fits well with this weeks theme. The glasswork is outstanding I think #2 is the best shot but I think a smaller aperture would have sharpened those rods a little which would look better.
yes i did think that but i was shooting from behind a barrier:thumbsdown: and so had to use my 55-200 lens to get the shot i wanted. thanks for the crit.:D

Hi Chris, my favourite image out of these is the first one its just amazing what can be done with glass, however it doesn't say industry to me, that goes to number 3 the DOF on this is very good the tools are nice and sharp with enough blur in the background to take away the busyness without completely obscuring where it is
thanks lizzy i think #3 is my fav too.

Hi Chris,

It's No2 for me, I like the colour and the lines and shapes formed by the pipes. I would also like to see the pipes a wee bit sharper. But it's a good image none the less.

thank you i like it when i get things right!

Hi Chris,
As the other guys say, #2 is v good. Perhaps you could have got one with the artist working the rods in the oven and that would have been special. Also it would be nice if the othre 2 could be combined somehow so that the glassmakers tools in#3 are allied to the finished product in #1.

I live nearby too and was driving up to Staining last wednesday, before the theme was anounced (!). If only I had known. That large structure at the traffic light junction looks splendid in the sunlight.
yeah i was a bit miffed if you ever go to glassform john will do a demo for you but he was not in:crying: i did want a shot of him working and just as i was walking out he was walking in!!!:bang::bang::bang:
as for combining #1 and #3 it would of meant moving the workshop round witch i would of been up for:nuts: but i dont think they would :razz:

All really good, love the structures in one. Amazing to see what can be done.

As for on theme...I think #3, #2 is close but there is something that isnt working for me in it (not sure why, might be because I'm tired :LOL:).
i had a play with the WB as i wanted it to have a warmth about it. it maybe that i will try and play with it. thanks for looking (y)
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Beautiful glass and you have caught the workings of the factory especially in the second shot which is my favourite out of the set. ;)
Oooo it's amazing what you can do with glass!

Of your two shots I like the rods as it really does say industry. I think you've done well behind a barrier.

I initially thought the second shot was too busy, but closer inspection and I like the DOF, the tools are very sharp(y)
Although that blue thing in the background is a bit annoying for me! Perhaps converting to B&W and then selectively colouring in everything but that would help disguise it?!?
No 2 for me as already said about the poles but the colours and exposer are spot on
HI Chris

those glass blowings are amazing :)

of the 3 images I much prefer the 2nd....lovely warm feel to it , quite like the rod ends being a bit oof cos it draws my eye to the firepit which is really well exposed....nice work mister :clap:
Hi Chris, think number 2 for me also, agree with the comments about the poles though, exposure is perfect, really like the colours and lighting :)

Number 3 the other way though I would of like to see a much shallower DOF to get that background more OOF.

Good work :)
Second shot for me, big time. Fantastic shot!
I've missed loads of threads...

Direction - nicely on theme and a good shot.

Fear - bit staged (well, I bloody hope so!) but well taken.

Sigh - shot four by a long way, includes the best of the previous 3 shots.

Sweet - the 3rd by a country mile. Not only is it technically the best (imo) with the deep black background and vibrant colours it's also had a lot of work put into staging it.

Secure - no they ain't. I never trusted them and think they're a bit like witchcraft. 1st shot for me, 3rd you can see the top of the crag, 2nd there's too much going on. Alll very well taken though.

Industry - shot 3, the first doesn't scream industrial to me, the 2nd is a bit more on theme but the 3rd is most on target. Good focus on the tools and a couple of good patches of colour to draw the eyes around the shot.
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Secure, I'm liking these.

#1 is nice and sharp and I really like the greens. tad off the bottom for me.

#2, blooming heck...doesn't look too secure, rather flimsy...:puke:

#3, nice inclusion of the face, adds to the narrative.

Industry, of the 3 it's #2 for me. The rich orange really make the photograph.

Looking forward to seeing the rest of your 52 (y)
I like you takes on industry. You seem to have split opinions which I always like as you are pleasing everyone with your two or three photos. 2 is a very nice picture but 3 gets my vote for the theme from me. All three together tell a story which I like as well.
All 3 are really good, but for me no 2 is the one that shines. Fantastic shot with lovely exposure and just the right amount of detail. Nice.

I drove past this place a couple of months ago and couldn't believe the stuff this guy has hanging beside the road!
Not sure about this one Chris to be honest.
I think the point of focus needs to be more on the knife or ginger root itself as opposed to the front of the chopping board. Sorry but those were my immediate thoughts. All IMHO of course. iain