MICRO 4/3 CAMERAS with any lens fitted

one day live and we are already on page 2 . many thanks to those that have joined in so far , KEEP THEM COMING

pic below house martins in flight ,if you can catch these blighters in flight then anything is possible . g80-100-400

right of passage by jeff and jan cohen, on Flickr
No different to getting wild birds in flight , I also thought when I changed to mft my b.i.f days were over ,you do have to think about your settings but it’s easy once you work it out. The terns btw come from a 400+ shot day withabout a 85% success rate

Yes,when i bought in about 2 years ago i stood there with the camera in hand and loads of crap BIF results and thought WTF have i done, its looking at what isnt working and find a way to make it work.
EM1MK11 40-150 1.4TC

panasonic g80 + 100-300mm lens for a change, oops you cant do b.i.f with MFT cameras can you :banana::banana::banana:

lift off by jeff and jan cohen, on Flickr
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well I suppose these two come into the thread description act , panasonic g80 + Jupiter 37AM manual focus 135mm lens , a superb bit of Russian glass . I think it works better on the olympus though

sundial by jeff and jan cohen, on Flickr

roses are red by jeff and jan cohen, on Flickr
Is that the RSPB Conwy reserve? Used to go there as a child, I'm sure it rings a bell!
Good guess ,but no it’s the Dee estuary from the Wirral side ,that’s the welsh foothills in the background . According to my records the harriers move in for the next month .followed by the short eared owls in October and other raptors
I started with a GF1 and 20mm f1.7.

Saltburn. f4, 1/8 sec handheld and ISO 1,600.


Posh ski resort in Kazakhstan, and you can't really tell from this but she's a babe :D happy days :D f4, 1/3,200, ISO 100.


Apple City Kazakhstan. f4, 1/4,000, ISO 100.


Belgium, f1.7, 1/80 and ISO 1,600.


Same settings.

I liked the GF1 but not back screen shooting so I changed to a G1. I kept the 20mm f1.7 and added a 14-42mm kit lens. I was very impressed with that cheap kit lens, it seemed to display no distortion or CA or any other nasties... at all, which I found quite remarkable for such a cheap little lens :D I was less impressed with my 45-200mm and later changed it for the IMO much better 45-150mm.

Whitby, G1 and 20mm f1.7 at f4, 1/2,500, ISO 100.


I added a Voigtlander 25mm f0.95 and although you wont be able to tell too much from this picture when I saw pictures taken with this lens on my PC I was shocked in a good way :D as the level of detail and sharpness was something I just didn't expect from MFT.

Outside an old pub, South Bank on the outskirts of Middlesbrough, G1, Voigtlander 25mm f0.95, 1/3200, ISO 100. Stopped down but I forget to what aperture.


I then got into old film era lenses and I now have a few of them :D This was taken with a Minolta 50mm of some sort but I forget which.

Dancing man, Redcar, G1 and Minolta 50mm.


This is a heavy crop, G1 and Minolta 50mm f1.7, 1/200, ISO 100.

Galloping horse, Saltburn.


I also added the Olympus 25 and 45mm f1.8's which are both excellent.

Wild growing daffodils, Normanby, G1 with 45mm f1.8 at f4, 1/640, ISO 100.

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I bought a GX7 and later sold my trusty old G1 and added a G7 to my little collection and along the way picked up the excellent 12-35mm f2.8, and Olympus 9-18mm and the tiny and shockingly good 14-42mm Mega OIS. I couldn't get on with the grip on the G7 as it annoyed me every time I pickled it up so it went.

The 12-35mm f2.8 was a revelation to me as for the first time I had a MFT zoom that gave me a FF look... allow me to explain... with previous MFT zooms I had an aperture range of f3.5-5.6 but with the 12-35mm I could have f2.8 throughout the range which gave me pretty much the same look I'd get from FF at about f5-11 or so which with FF would be about where I took most of my pictures. The way the dof falls away gives a FF look at f2.8-4 or 5 or so that was difficult to get from the f3.5-5.6 zooms.

G7 and 12-35mm f2.8 at 33mm, f2.8, 1/1,600 and ISO 200. Mrs WW...


This was taken with the same lens on my GX7...

GX7 and 12-35mm f2.8 at 35mm, f2.8, 1/400 and ISO 400.


I sold the GX7 and bought a GX80 and later added a GX9.

To be honest I can see no real difference in image quality between the G7, GX7, GX80 and GX9 but the GX9 has the advantage of being 20mp instead of 16mp.

Just a few more pictures :D

GX80 and 45-150mm at 150mm, f5.6, 1/500 and ISO 16,000. Yup ISO 16,000 :D It wont be great printed 1m wide and viewed with a magnifying glass but as a whole picture it looks fine on screen and will be ok as quite a large print too.


A couple of GX9 pictures with the teeny tiny 14-42mm...

42mm, f5.6, 1/500 and ISO 200.


24mm, at f8 for deep dof, 1/800 and ISO 200. Mrs WW again...


Where I am now...

I now have the GX80 and GX9 and I'd use either at any ISO up to and including the max of 25,600. My lens line up is now Panasonic 14-42mm Mega OIS, Olympus 9-18mm, Panasonic 45-150mm, Panasonic 12-35mm f2.8 and Olympus 17, 25 and 45mm f1.8's. I think that'll do but I may add a long zoom at some point :D
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the block of flats down town , olympus om10-mk2 plus a recently acquired 500mm f8 mirror lens . annoyingly I couldn't replicate these results with other shots . I will try again with the tripod and gimbal plus a bit of sunlight
500 mirror test by jeff and jan cohen, on Flickr
the block of flats down town , olympus om10-mk2 plus a recently acquired 500mm f8 mirror lens . annoyingly I couldn't replicate these results with other shots . I will try again with the tripod and gimbal plus a bit of sunlight
500 mirror test by jeff and jan cohen, on Flickr
And at the other end of the focal length...........

A quick shot at work today with my new 7 Artisans 7.5mm f2.8

Cloudy blue by Pete Banks, on Flickr