missing plane

In theory if you had a decent ammount of controllability then yes probably - and if you did the air inside and the wing plan would probably keep it afloat long enough to get people off - however if your plane was fully functional you wouldn't be landing on water anyway - whether you could get a damaged plane with serious faults down safely would probably be another matter - the hudson river pilot did, but he was relatively low and slow at the time - getting a badly damaged tripple 7 down from altitude and pulling off a safe landing would be miraculous, you'd be much more likely to break up or depart controlled flight and spin in, or to cartwheel when you hit the water which would leave debris.

The question of why they havent found debris is more likely answered by the sea being a very big place, and the debris not staying afloat that long - what has happened to the black box is another question

The flight data recorder is designed to send out a homing signal once per second from depths up to 20,000 ft for 30 days. It is audible on sonar but only from a few miles therefore searchers would need to get quite near before hearing it.

Sorry duplicate post.
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Yes, it can be done, but the engines on most, if not all airliners nowadays will cause drag as they touch the water, and a break up is more likely to happen than not. Of course, there's always one that debunks the theory, and the Hudson river landing is one that springs to mind. However, that was an A320 series, with much smaller engine pods. A Nimord (about 737/A320 size) was ditched off the Scottish coast a few years ago, but that had the engines in the wing roots, and the result was a good landing with very little debris.

The engine pods on a 777 are massive. A good example of the more expected result is the Ethiopian Boeing 767 that was hijacked and the pilot was forced to fly to Australia, irrespective of the fact it didn't have enough fuel. It ended badly for a fair proportion of the passengers, and left a lot of bits.

Pete, there's a lot of floaty bits in an aircraft, more so if it's broken up. Even parts of the structure will float, but there's also seat cushions, baggage coats etc. They wont know where the "black boxes" are until they find the back end.

Apology excepted.

Interesting wikapiedia article about the EI flight. Not sure I would put a great deal of weight on that though. Like all these theories, too many people would have to keep their mouths shut for a cover up to be realistic. Also, missiles are made of different metals to planes. The Irish Accident Investigations people are very good, I'm sure they would have noticed.
Sorry, to add to that, just noticed it happened on a Sunday, which is the best evidence there is it wasn't a missile from a British Defence site. The Forces are effectively Monday to Friday, with a few exceptions, and always have been apart from when we are at war, even if it was a full Military site that would be the case, but as the majority of test site staff are civvies, again always have been, it's even less likely.
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The mystery deepens even further, according to ABC News a senior Pentagon Official claims that the plane has gone down in the Indian Ocean and USS Kidd is off to have a look....

This one, whatever the outcome, will keep the conspiracy theorists in dinner conversation for years to come.
I can only think of the punchline "... and on the third day, the parrot turned to the magician and squawked 'Alright, I give up! What did you do with the effing ship?'"
The mystery deepens even further, according to ABC News a senior Pentagon Official claims that the plane has gone down in the Indian Ocean and USS Kidd is off to have a look....

This one, whatever the outcome, will keep the conspiracy theorists in dinner conversation for years to come.
I listened to the Gralian Report earlier. They mentioned the theory that the plane has been quarantined to isolate the first human to human carrier of avian flu. Some strange people out there!
I saw one conspiracy website that reckons the plane never existed and that this is all a hoax by "the world government" to make people afraid to fly - another one says that the americans shot it down because it was carrying a russian nuclear scientist who they thought was working with al queda (because the russians are well known for aiding muslim extremists :bang: ).. and then theres the predictable alien abduction theories,,,, there are a lot of nutters out there
I saw one conspiracy website that reckons the plane never existed and that this is all a hoax by "the world government" to make people afraid to fly - another one says that the americans shot it down because it was carrying a russian nuclear scientist who they thought was working with al queda (because the russians are well known for aiding muslim extremists :bang: ).. and then theres the predictable alien abduction theories,,,, there are a lot of nutters out there

According to the guy leading the search "anything is possible" so I guess they'll be looking at these ideas next :)
According to the guy leading the search "anything is possible" so I guess they'll be looking at these ideas next :)

Anything is possible.... except it seems effectively organising a search and rescue effort.
Uncle Sam have deployed the USS Kidd to the Indian Ocean, has one of their hunter-killer subs heard a "ping"? Malaysians are denying the engine transponder stories but the US wouldn't be there without good reason.
I thought that water effectively becomes concrete if you impact at a certain speed? Would the aircraft have been able to land at this speed?
thats if you hit it straight on - a landing aircraft going latterally doesnt have the degree of velocity
Just hit facebook!

** link removed** but it suggests the plane was found near the Bermuda triangle

So is it a scam? nothing on the news channels yet?
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Warning...I get a malicious website alert when I try and follow that link. Fortunately my web security blocked access.

You have been warned!!!!!
Just hit facebook!
**link removed**
So is it a scam? nothing on the news channels yet?

Given you have to like and share stuff to see it then deffo a scam, just someone trying to boost a facebook page off the event.
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Given you have to like and share stuff to see it then deffo a scam, just someone trying to boost a facebook page off the event.
That's what made me a little suspicious, so
I did neither, and I don't actually know the out-come.
Warning...I get a malicious website alert when I try and follow that link. Fortunately my web security blocked access.

You have been warned!!!!!
Given the likely hood that it is now a scam links removed
Up there next to the b52 on the moon

Yes yes right between that and the U-boat up there according to the now defunct Sunday Sport.

All very amusing, but let's try to keep this thread as factual as possible. A lot of folk have died. Whilst that is not a reason to prohibit serious discussion or conjecture it is, perhaps, a reason not to be too frivilous.

This is a very mysterious event. Just about as mysterious as they come ( so far) and is well worthy of discussion and opinion.

So far very sofisticated technology has revealed nothing of substance. I'll not be surprised if the first evidence comes from a fishing boat picking up debris or some washed up on a beach somewhere.
Come on guys .. keep up....

According to one listener on Jeremy Vine yesterday lunchtime, there is a good chance that it was taken out by a meteorite.......

Anyone care to give me the odds of a meteorite and a plane being in exactly the same very small piece of airspace at the exact same time??

(No they had no answer for why no debris!)
its not actually real its just a viral stunt to promote the remake of 'lost'
Yes yes right between that and the U-boat up there according to the now defunct Sunday Sport.

All very amusing, but let's try to keep this thread as factual as possible. A lot of folk have died. Whilst that is not a reason to prohibit serious discussion or conjecture it is, perhaps, a reason not to be too frivilous.

This is a very mysterious event. Just about as mysterious as they come ( so far) and is well worthy of discussion and opinion.

So far very sofisticated technology has revealed nothing of substance. I'll not be surprised if the first evidence comes from a fishing boat picking up debris or some washed up on a beach somewhere.

or [and not wanting to sound like one of the conspiracists here], nothing the Malaysian authorities have revealed in amongst their many contradictions and cock-ups :rolleyes:
The headline says it wad found near Bermuda...

So it somehow managed to either fly cross the USA or Europe/The Med without being detected to get to Bermuda?

Considering it would have only been fuelled to fly Malaysia to China, those extra thousands of miles would also have been powered by fumes...
So it somehow managed to either fly cross the USA or Europe/The Med without being detected to get to Bermuda?

Considering it would have only been fuelled to fly Malaysia to China, those extra thousands of miles would also have been powered by fumes...

I think the headline was supposed to suggest it "appeared" in Bermuda...having vanished where it vanished. Only a guess as didn't give it much attention.
Come on guys .. keep up....

According to one listener on Jeremy Vine yesterday lunchtime, there is a good chance that it was taken out by a meteorite.......

Anyone care to give me the odds of a meteorite and a plane being in exactly the same very small piece of airspace at the exact same time??

(No they had no answer for why no debris!)

Extraordinarily slim, but not impossible, I suppose. By and large, looking for rational and plausible explanations for anything that seems "mysterious" usually pays more dividends than delving into the speculative and highly improbable.
God knows regarding MH370 Malaysian flight and I wish all people are safe.
Malaysian press conference in KL this morning:-

1 Turnback not 100% certified. primary military radar shows an unidentified aircraft flew across the peninsula.
2 US satelliet information cannot be revealed right now until verified and confirmed
3 we are now sharing info that is not normally shared because of national security
4 cannot confirm that there has been no hijacking
5 we are extending the search into the Indian Ocean and further into the South China Sea
6 two oil slicks found near area of last point of contact - one had jet fuel but say not from MH370. Other had no jet fuel.
7 Plane flew across the peninsula and on up to Andaman islands question - Transport minister will not confirm or verify.
8 Reports engine data continued not true.
So the short version..

We still have no idea where it is, or what happened to it...
Sorry I've not read this whole thread, so may have been mentioned already.

They're now saying the two transponders were deliberately turned off, 14 minutes apart, and the then the last 'Ping' sent out to Rolls Royce, was 4 hours later, before they too were turned off, is it not possible that this plane landed somewhere else, possibly safely?
I appreciate the human tragedy element to this story, and I really do feel for the families of those missing, but I have to say im finding this whole thing extremely interesting. A real mystery...very Hollywood movie-like.