Mist Morning

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Untitled by Liam™™, on Flickr

Mamiya C330 / Neopan 100 / Cardiff

My first film in a while :crying: From the roll this is my favourite but would love some thoughts..
Nice capture - good "feel", and well framed. Only slight downside (IMO) is the timing - I think the people would be better if "balanced" better by the bridge - also the two ?ducks? are just in the wrong place - great shot, but I think that your timing is very slightly off. That said - I have the luxury of sitting and analysing the picture, not standing in the freezing cold taking it!

Generally speaking though - nice shot! :clap:
[and I still have the utmost respect for anyone who can shoot film!]
I like the people in this, they give a certain sense of scale to the image.

The ducks, I'm not so keen on, but not much you could do about that!

All in, a very good shot, makes me want a 6x6 camera to compliment my 6x4.5.
Hi Nigel,
Thanks for the crit, I left the ducks and people as I thought that they gave the eye something to look at but here it is without...

Definitely keep the people in - gives a sense of scale to the shot. On balance, i'd loose the ducks though. Maybe something like this...

Nice use of the Neopan - smooth enough to suit the misty look, yet just enough contrast to make something of the tree on right of frame. I like the overall composition - half and half for the reflections, yet something happening on the upright thirds. Maybe a half a step back, just to get the stay wire anchored onto the bridge rather than just out of frame, whilst still keeping the tree-trunk on rhs frame edge ?
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Definitely keep the people in, they add so much, scale & clone the ducks out. I may be tempted to crop just a little from the top to just above the top of the bridge support. If printing in a darkroom would use a harder paper than you have shown here to just boost the contrast slightly but still leave the softness created by the mist. A lovely composed image worth trying a few takes on the final output but dont feel this is quite there yet.
Thanks for the crit guys. I was a bit limited on viewpoint as any further left or right and I started to get trees in the way from the bank I was standing on.

I will probably make a print of this soon :D
Definitely leave the people in - as has been said, they improve the picture by giving perspective - my comment was just that I'd have preferred the shot taken 1 second later when they were central between the two cables. As I also said - simply a thought for the future - still a great pic!
I guess that has to be the Blackweir Bridge at Pontcanna Fields. Nearly 20 years since I lived just round the corner on Colum Place...

Maybe a half a step back, just to get the stay wire anchored onto the bridge rather than just out of frame, whilst still keeping the tree-trunk on rhs frame edge ?

I'd tend to agree. Just a little more space on the left would help.