My most viewed photo on Flickr yesterday......... Part 2

That is a lovely shot George and black & white really suits the subject.

Thank you kindly Sir, sure is appreciated.(y)

2694 Views for this snap.

Just a simple candid street style Snapograph taken of an elderly Lady sitting on a wall appearing to be "Deep In Thought"

X-T2, 55-200mm Lens, 1/140th @ F5.6, ISO-200, Handheld.
Deep In Thought (3)-03128 by G.K.Jnr., on Flickr

:ty: for looking., (y)

1044 Views for this snap.

Just a simple Snapograph taken of a "War Time Sound Reflector". These constructions were used to give an early warning by picking up the sound of aircraft etc approaching across the channel during the war.
I've done a bit of messing about during PP to give a slightly grainy/gritty effect to this presentation.

X-T1, 18-55mm Lens, 1/640th @ F8, ISO-200, Handheld.
War Time Sound Reflector (M)-03163M by G.K.Jnr., on Flickr

:ty: for looking., (y)
