My most viewed photo on Flickr yesterday.........

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ok, here is an odd one.... over 25000 views in the last 3 days [including today], most from unknown referrer. I have checked the stats and google reverse image search, it shows up on several tumblr sites but always with links back and they show in the stats anyway. It is also on pinterest, pinned by someone I know, through a cat forum though, hosted there, not from the flickr link... soooo... no idea whats going on, its obviously being used/seen somewhere, just can't work out where, and obviously with a link back to my flickr photostream.

Tail with a cat attached to carry it round by Yvonne White - WhiteGoldImages, on Flickr
This one:


What an amazing shot, Dave. Where did you take it? I've been looking at this one for a while - there has to be a lesson for me in there.
How did you do it?
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