Tutorial My tutorial to my smoke art images.

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My tutorial to my smoke art images. - My tutorial to my smoke art images.

Several people expressed an interest in the smoke art pics I posted here:- Smoke Art.

So I knocked up this tutorial for those interested.
I'll go slow and try to be as in depth as possible for you all.

1. The gear.


I set up in conservatory as it had easy ventilation, which you will need later.
I used my sigma flash gun on a hot...

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Wow - I wonder how many of these we are going to see over the coming weeks :D
Fantastic wingnut :clap:,

I bet we see loads EdinburghGary, and I'm gonna be one of them:LOL:
Excellent tutorial, mate. I've been meaning to give something different a go.
Seen a few of these of yours now mate. Nice one for the tut!
Cheers guys, glad it had inspired some of you.
Bertroot - You could be seeing some more soon I have shot about another 75 smokies yesterday.
Trying different fill and colorations this time though
I glad you all liked it.. So who's going to have a go seeing as the weekend weather is looking pants??

Got my eye on a pack of b&q lightbulbs at present. Should be fun..
I've tried this today but I couldn't get the flash right... I kept getting light falling onto the black background which is a problem, but i'll keep on trying!! I've only had my D60 a week :)
You are using an off camera flash unit??? If you are and it is still falling onto the background The you need to angle the flash more towards the camera, if that still fails try using a peice of black card taped to the flash to act as a snoot and direct the light away from the background.
Excellent tutorial. Will be trying these out for myself. Thanks for the inspiration :)
I'm using an SB-600 flash unit... I'll try the card around the flash....


Nice to have an idea of something to do since the weather out has been so crap all weekend!

Great tutorial, who'd have thought its so simple.
I'm using an SB-600 flash unit... I'll try the card around the flash....



What distances are you placing the flash from the back ground??

Ideally it needs to be about 1ft off to the side of the background and about 4-6 inches in front of with a very slight angle towards the camera, say no more than about 20-35 degrees. Don't use a stoffen or similar diffuser, just the raw hard light from the flash.
Hi wingnut,

I had another go and managed to get a great big lens flare right in the middle of the shot :(

But I'm getting there, I made a mistake in a previous post, I have a SB-800 flash, I've removed the diffuser. I just need to get the smoke focussed a bit better.
Thanks for your help.

The light on the right of the set up is one of my studio lights. I tried to use it first to see what difference it made by lighting the smoke from both sides. The answer. Not worth it.
I had a go at this, I had tried before with no success but folowing your instructions made it easy. Thanks.

Here is my one of my efforts.

Very nice mate, glad my tutorial helped.. Got anymore on your flickr account?? Let us see...
Wow many thanks for posting the tutorial wingnut!

This looks pretty good fun adn teh results well they speak for themselves :)
This is great, I supidly posted a question on how to do this, then noticed this perfet tutorial.

Going to try it later today if I get time and can find some black card.

Thanks again!!!
Ok I think I know what the answer will be to this but is there a way to do this without an external flash? I don't have one as very rarely take shots with flash but would like to try this without having to spend any money
A bright halogen light can also work. Just remember to adjust the white balance
Not sure if a halogen light would give too much spread, as the idea of the flash is to direct it on to the smoke and smoke alone, you don't want any light fall hitting the black background. So I reckon a mag lite would do the trick as they have a very narrow beam. As said don't forget to adjust the w/b
Hmmm maglight might be a good idea, have a couple of those
Okay, this seems like a good excuse to make the next purchase - off camera flash. Any tips on what to look for and what to pay, please bear in mind I am a newbie and have entry level kit (Pentax K-m).
Wow, that is amazing, thanks for a tut, great stuff!
nice tutorial - bit of card attached to your flash will prevent to much light spill onto your background :) I should have tried some with my 50mm lol... instead I was sniping across the room with my 70-200 :p worked out really well though