"New" Photographer Seeking Feedback & Tips

Very interesting insight, thank you. What’s or what would be your approach for awards competitions with professional jury? I don’t want to alter any of my « work » to please a wider audience. I would be very happy with a small niche audience.

That's not something I can easily answer, other than to make the most interesting image that you can. Technical competence is obviously a minimum starting point too, but should always be secondary to making a great photo. However if the first thing someone notices about your picture are technical faults then the photo is automatically a failure.
As a late response to earlier points, I make a distinction between the like/dislike and good/bad pairs of words. I can like a photograph that I actually think is a bad image if the subject matter appeals - such as a happy and contented cat. A really good image of a spider I would never like, being an arachnaphobe.

On the other side, there are photographers that I consider good photographers, but dislike their photographs.

With that mind set, I don't worry too much about whether people like my work as that is far too subjective for my tastes.
What this highlights to me is that for photographers starting out the online photography community is very fractured.

It used to be that Flickr was the place to go to display work, get constructive feedback and compete if that was your thing. And just logging in recently it seems to me the site has now rediscovered its original purpose of being for photographers. But sadly, many have now left and so it's a smaller community

These days photographers are split across this forum, instagram (not really for photographers these days), Google photos and countless other sites. Each of these separate communities have a slightly different purpose and deliver that purpose better than Flickr which is a positive. But at the cost of a fractured online community.
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I've just been re-reading this thread, and it really struck me that one of the things you @cfg were interested in was your current projects that included series' of images, possibly for eventual publication. A good way of achieving that in the relatively short term for experience, would be to join the latest "zine" challenge, where people compile a booklet of their selected images on a theme, add in some text (can be as little or as much as you want to add), self-publish using Mixam the required number of copies and send them to the other challenge participants. Some have also given copies to a local retail outlet to sell. You might want to try that.