newbie question, how do you do you long exposure your camera for 4 mins?

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reason i ask is because im trying to do something that is in a photography magazine, i put all the setting to how it says, but i got very confused when it said exposure your camera for 4 minuets! does this mean i just leave it switch on kept still for four mins befor taking the photo?? or do i just set the shutter speed down? altho it said set the shutter speed to bulb thats why im confused you see.

anyways if anyone can help and explain that be great thank you.
Hi Xsjado,

What camera do you have?

canon 400D, and kit lens.
As above then mate.

Get yourself a cable release and use bulb mode.

Best of luck.
get a cable release for sure or you will be standng there like a plank for 4 mins trying not to move your finger :LOL:
ok ill have a look around, i spose i could put it in timer mode for now *** lol.
You can't use the timer mode to keep the shutter open, the timer only works to give a delay before the shutter is fired.

To get a long exposure the shutter needs to be kept open for the length of time required, the only way to do this without a cable release would be to keep your finger on the shutter button - set your camera to bulb mode and press the shutter button for different lengths of time to see what happens. Cable releases usually have a lock on them that acts as a way to keep the shutter open.
Why cant they make bulb so that you push to open the shutter then push again to close it? Would save having to use a remote release?
Why cant they make bulb so that you push to open the shutter then push again to close it? Would save having to use a remote release?



Hey, I wouldn't complain, at least you don't have to subscribe to a magazine £2 for the first issue, £5 for the rest, 400 issues, monthly, each week giving you a different piece of a camera :p