The story made me smile. I'm glad you enjoyed the wine before going back to get the shot
The harsh lighting works really well and the layout reminds me of a scorpion.
Good shot Nick!
Weirdly I walked past one of these the other day and it never occurred to me that it would fit the theme. But it’s perfect.
Well spotted and great for the theme. That looks much larger than the ones I've seen around here.
Yep - that works
Spot on Nick - there's some of these in a place near us - nowhere near as well "constructed" though.
Someone has put a lot of effort in making that. Nicely composed, drawn into the middle of the shelter by the lines
Good thinking and meets the theme well Nick.
That's a great rustic construct Nick. did you build it yourself?
I hope you have a great Christmas Nick!
Honestly... you don't!We want to see the final, finished result!
Intriguing shot - I like it
I can see why it’s your choice of the year, agree that it’s intriguing and I like it too
Great shot!
Really interesting and well exposed by the looks of the conditions