Nikon D3S - due three weeks time.

Yes the street price of a D3 is about £3k, and once the initial rush of pre-orders of the D3s are out of the way the price of that will fall to about £3500ish I'd guess. Just as the price of a D3x is now about £4700 where the RRP is £5999
Like I said about the D300s it is just a cynical ploy to up the price at each price point by bringing out new improved cameras for slightly more than are basically the same thing with a few tweaks that don't exactly cost Nikon anything. Will be interesting to see though when it does come out. I am more than happy with my camera body though so no changes happening there.
not sure if I'm pleased I picked up a D3 a few weeks ago now or wish I'd waited for a price drop, either way its a great peice of kit. I'd be interested to know how well the D300s is selling compared to the D300...
not sure if I'm pleased I picked up a D3 a few weeks ago now or wish I'd waited for a price drop, either way its a great peice of kit. I'd be interested to know how well the D300s is selling compared to the D300...

There are no D300 camera bodies left either now apparently. Mrs_C got one of the last about 3 weeks ago.
There are no D300 camera bodies left either now apparently. Mrs_C got one of the last about 3 weeks ago.

So as has been said before in this thread, they are introducing a price increase on the back of a name change and a couple of features that most don't seem overly fussed about. Be interesting to see what happens to D3 SH values if that is the case.
Like I said about the D300s it is just a cynical ploy to up the price at each price point by bringing out new improved cameras for slightly more than are basically the same thing with a few tweaks that don't exactly cost Nikon anything. Will be interesting to see though when it does come out. I am more than happy with my camera body though so no changes happening there.

You assume. If the D3s has the buffer upgrade, and improves ISO, or even has the FPS increase then it's not a stealth increase. I'd almost put money on it having the buffer upgrade as standard which accounts for some of the increase anyway.
Hmmm - I wonder if there will be a firmware upgrade for the D3, not giving it video, but increasing the buffer (which is far more than i need as it is anyway) and other tweaks.

They did the firmware upgrade for the D2X when the D2Xs came out....I think a phone call to Rob at Nikon Pro is in order.
Hmmm - I wonder if there will be a firmware upgrade for the D3, not giving it video, but increasing the buffer (which is far more than i need as it is anyway) and other tweaks.

They did the firmware upgrade for the D2X when the D2Xs came out....I think a phone call to Rob at Nikon Pro is in order.

The buffer upgrade is a HW mod, you can send your D3 in to have it done, and I think it costs about £300.
this maybe pointless but thought id say anyway, was working at a corprate day today where there was off road driving, highland games and ourselves doing falconry, when we got there i was told it was a camera launch, then when we were setting up a guy came over with a 200mm and 300mm nikon lens on tripods, i asked him what camera it was and his reply was 'im not alowed to say as its not been released yet but its a profesional camera'. i was asking the guests who they were and it turned out to be photography magazine journolists testing the new camera, things had little yellow stickers over the name though.
Well it's been 3 weeks since this post started so our wait should be nearly over.

Well it depends which rumor you listen to. Some said the 6th Oct and others said 15th.

But Diego Garcia definitely implied October 6th when he started this thread.... and today is the 7th.
First two dealers I just checked with said they have them in stock (W.E and Park)

Nothing to convince me it's still nothing more than a rumour :)

Grays of Westminster today have the D3 on special offer of £2999 instead of their usual £3150. If the D3s is not announced by the end of next week I will eat my desk.

And if the ISO is as good as the rumours suggest it WILL be worth the upgrade from the D700. (y)
any D3 is worth the upgrade from a d700! :D:D:D
Just tp add my 2cents worth. It makes sence Nikon bringing out a vidio pro spec camera as, already pointed out by Pete, It's getting harder if not impossible to get press freelance work unless you have vidio capability, so I think that nikon are closing in on the future market of press photography
Corect me if i'm wrong ,but isan't the video in a dslr camera only a short burst thing and not as a video camera continuous.In which case i can see not a lot of use for it.

Hi Razer, the reason behind the vidio capability is for the on line news pages etc which do not require high def & long vids rather more action capture sequences!
Corect me if i'm wrong ,but isan't the video in a dslr camera only a short burst thing and not as a video camera continuous.In which case i can see not a lot of use for it.

It's five minutes isn't it? Or there abouts. That's not too bad, as you can hit record again as soon as 5 minutes are up, so only the briefest of pause I would have thought.
It's five minutes isn't it? Or there abouts. That's not too bad, as you can hit record again as soon as 5 minutes are up, so only the briefest of pause I would have thought.

Technically, the threshold is 15 minutes. If a stills camera can record over 14.59 secs. then it is classed in import law as a video camera thus falling into a higher import tax bracket and cost to the importer from its native country of which the extra cost would add to retail.

The old ruse about card space etc is rubbish, it is simply to do with cost. BUT I stress I have never tried it, but I am am aware of it as I purchase stock when I am not terminating Sarah Connor and her clan.
Technically, the threshold is 15 minutes. If a stills camera can record over 14.59 secs. then it is classed in import law as a video camera thus falling into a higher import tax bracket and cost to the importer from its native country of which the extra cost would add to retail.
Oh yes, sorry I knew about the 15 minute rule Lumix TZ7 does 14.59, but for some reason I though DSLRs only did 5 minute chunks, didn't know the did 15mins too :)
There's clearly a demand for video capability - here's a photo taken this week showing Chief of Media Ops, Task Force Helmand, Lieutenant Colonel Nick Richardson talking to members of the UK Press covering the Sec State for Defence and Home Secretary's visit to Afghanistan...the PA Photographer on the right of the picture has a small cam-corder attached to his EOS-1D II via a custom-made ally bracket screwed to the tripod mount...he switched it on every time he was shooting stills via a small remote taped to the side of the Canon...

You can just make it out hiding behind the other stills camera with the 70-200...


Here's a 'better' view, massively enlarged from an underexposed portion from another frame - no prizes for the photography here!

There's clearly a demand for video capability - here's a photo taken this week showing Chief of Media Ops, Task Force Helmand, Lieutenant Colonel Nick Richardson talking to members of the UK Press covering the Sec State for Defence and Home Secretary's visit to Afghanistan...the PA Photographer on the right of the picture has a small cam-corder attached to his EOS-1D II via a custom-made ally bracket screwed to the tripod mount...he switched it on every time he was shooting stills via a small remote taped to the side of the Canon...

You can just make it out hiding behind the other stills camera with the 70-200...


Cool - evidence enough that video is here and now, but in fact arrive a while back.(y)
Grays of Westminster today have the D3 on special offer of £2999 instead of their usual £3150. If the D3s is not announced by the end of next week I will eat my desk.

And if the ISO is as good as the rumours suggest it WILL be worth the upgrade from the D700. (y)

hope you're hungry :) & we want pics

for that ISO increase you'd have to be implying a new sensor - which doesn't make a lot of sense in a product line extension, as opposed to a whole new model.

Bedminster apparently!

Aha, well I have joined the Southville types and live here now. Its like Notting Hill (sans stabbings). All the luvvie types sat outside bistro's and coffee shops drinking tall skinny things with a mac book and a big newspaper, of which 9/10ths of them are bald.

Must.get.a.macbook :D

Join me one day Dan - 'two skinny latte's please - we are photographers darling'. :nuts:
Aha, well I have joined the Southville types and live here now. Its like Notting Hill (sans stabbings). All the luvvie types sat outside bistro's and coffee shops drinking tall skinny things with a mac book and a big newspaper, of which 9/10ths of them are bald.

Must.get.a.macbook :D

Join me one day Dan - 'two skinny latte's please - we are photographers darling'. :nuts:

Make that a doppio and a glass of minted water and I'll join you...

Still not sure about the macbook though...