Nikon D800......

It'll be fixed in the firmware upgrade. ...........I hope!
PLEASE NOTE+this is chris westons report on the camera not mine [as i stated above].

its not a D700 replacement and it needs to be handled with care as small mistakes will show up

the 36mp can be a double edged sword.
wasnt someone raving about detail and seeing reflections?

well here is one from me i am reflected in the frogs eyes as is the house and telephone pole.

I was watching the Fundamentals of Digital Photography live webcast earlier and the chap presenting it, John Greengo, was talking about camera sensors and ISO and showed some some pictures taken with a 6MP camera (can't remember what he said it was :bonk:) a Canon 5DII, Canon 5DIII and D800. He was showing the detail at low ISO (the D800 showed the most detail btw ;)), but he also showed the same scene as the ISO was raised. The D800 came out as the best at the higher ISO settings which surprised me against the 5DIII. :eek:

He was just showing the effects of ISO, and not a 'look at how great the D800 is', as he's a Canon user 'trying to think of a reason to upgrade from the 5DII to the 5DIII'. ;) But it was quite interesting. :)
Good read. Dispels alot of what has been said on here.
Want one even more now.

I am leaning towards the view that the D800 is a step forward, but am cautious enough to wait until I read a lot from many of those with hands on experience of the camera.
I am leaning towards the view that the D800 is a step forward, but am cautious enough to wait until I read a lot from many of those with hands on experience of the camera.

Ditto - and I'm not so sure that one person's 'incomplete' test views necessarily indicate that all the concerns mentioned here are invalid!
I am leaning towards the view that the D800 is a step forward, but am cautious enough to wait until I read a lot from many of those with hands on experience of the camera.

I agree. I think I'm going to wait until some of the initial problems reported have been ironed out/clarified and buy one later in the year
I'm still not convinced with the resolution; had a quick look last night at a full size D800 shot compared to a MF shot and there really was a whole new level of detail with the MF one which is making me wonder if the 36MP is simply too much for the full frame sensor size and is there enough benefit to justify the huge files? Same for the dynamic range, I'm really not seeing anything that can't be done on the D3 series.

I think more real world examples are needed :)
I'm still not convinced with the resolution; had a quick look last night at a full size D800 shot compared to a MF shot and there really was a whole new level of detail with the MF one which is making me wonder if the 36MP is simply too much for the full frame sensor size
That sounds like you're questioning whether a 36mp file from an FX body can match a MF body, and you're finding that it can't. Well that's no surprise. The D800 is not a MF camera, but it gets closer than anything else we've seen. That it can't match a MF body doesn't mean 36mp is too much.

The question you should be asking is 'are the results better than the other FX body you would choose?' and (subject to what you're shooting) the answer is yes.
That sounds like you're questioning whether a 36mp file from an FX body can match a MF body, and you're finding that it can't. Well that's no surprise. The D800 is not a MF camera, but it gets closer than anything else we've seen. That it can't match a MF body doesn't mean 36mp is too much.

The question you should be asking is 'are the results better than the other FX body you would choose?' and (subject to what you're shooting) the answer is yes.

The D800 is being compared to MF though, which I agree isn't really ideal. But I'd have to say that so far I'm not really seeing anything about the D800 that would blow away say the D3s or D3, especially in the dynamic range side of things and the D3s still looks better with low light performance.

Perhaps it's still early days but for all the current hassle with stock problems, potential faults, price increases and massive file sizes I think there's plenty to think about first :)
The D800 is being compared to MF though
By whom, and what is the testing criteria, etc etc? For almost everyone reading this thread, we're looking at the D800 vs other FX and DX bodies, so whether MF camera can produce more detail isn't important to us.
But I'd have to say that so far I'm not really seeing anything about the D800 that would blow away say the D3s or D3, especially in the dynamic range side of things and the D3s still looks better with low light performance.
It looks like the D3s is just ahead of the D800 at high ISO, but that's the strong point of the D3s, and there's not much in it. The D800 has better dynamic range than the D3, better high ISO than the D3, better detail for landscapes etc, and it's cheaper. What's not to like?

Of course it's not the camera for everyone, you might prefer the larger pro body design, you might need higher fps, or you might need the maximum low light performance available, which would be served better by the D4. But the D800 does other things, does them better than any other camera on the market, and is very good value too.
I have to admit that I like everything about the D800 except the high mp count and the issues it is throwing up. It's main selling points for me would be that it is smaller than a D4 which is useful for a camera that I would use probably 75% of the time for shots while travelling. Secondly that it has full HD video. For me a D700 with full HD video would be much more appealing than a D800. That's just from my perspective and I can see the D800 being very useful to certain types of photographers.
Not on here, externally it's been said that the D800, or perhaps more specifically the D800E is to rival medium format. It's no big deal, just some passing comments. As for dynamic range, as said I've still to see anything that will blow away the D3 series despite it technically having a higher dynamic range but, also as said, it's early days.

I'm seeing photographs taken with the 5D MkIII, and the D3x all looking just as sharp and detailed as the D800, if not better. I'm just of the opinion at the moment that I feel the extra MP above 20 odd are perhaps not adding a great deal extra value on the current sensor size and the negative side of dealing with the larger file sizes may outweigh this.

But the price point is very good and I think this has been a massive plus point for it :)
Late to this thread :D

But it seems to me to be the PERFECT camera for Weddings (y)

So I'll be ordering one later (once a few initial niggles are resolved as always happens with the first few batches), along with the 14-24 f2.8

Then all I have to do is CROP to give me any focal length I'd normally use

Can't wait :)

As I said in the other post, I had to "make do" with a D800 because I couldn't get my hands on a D700 quick enough. I continue to be astounded by the colour and detail in the files.

I have been following this thread, and was starting to be worried by all the comments about focus issues, on/off switch problems, file sizes, etc, etc, etc.

Then I made a decision not to worry about the negativity towards the new camera.

I will use and enjoy the camera until MY D800 displays a problem, then and only then will I worry. Until then I will take photographs and be thrilled with the results. I took a shot of a seagull on a post with Caernarfon Castle in the background, and if I view that image at 200%, the detail in the bird is amazing. That image at 200% would be almost 48" on the long edge!

I agree that the file sizes are large, but I am not a spray and pray shooter, and if the image is any good I am happy to wait a little longer for the result, but I know I have a lot of leeway for cropping if I need it. I can also use the second card slot for small jpg's, which I can use to quickly identify images for deletion without having to load them to pc first if I wish.

So for me, no complaints yet.
david357 said:
As I said in the other post, I had to "make do" with a D800 because I couldn't get my hands on a D700 quick enough. I continue to be astounded by the colour and detail in the files.

I have been following this thread, and was starting to be worried by all the comments about focus issues, on/off switch problems, file sizes, etc, etc, etc.

Then I made a decision not to worry about the negativity towards the new camera.

I will use and enjoy the camera until MY D800 displays a problem, then and only then will I worry. Until then I will take photographs and be thrilled with the results. I took a shot of a seagull on a post with Caernarfon Castle in the background, and if I view that image at 200%, the detail in the bird is amazing. That image at 200% would be almost 48" on the long edge!

I agree that the file sizes are large, but I am not a spray and pray shooter, and if the image is any good I am happy to wait a little longer for the result, but I know I have a lot of leeway for cropping if I need it. I can also use the second card slot for small jpg's, which I can use to quickly identify images for deletion without having to load them to pc first if I wish.

So for me, no complaints yet.

Glad to hear you are enjoying the camera, I look forward to receiving mine....

IMO it is far too easy to get carried along with all the forum negativity, it is good to hear from people who are actually using the camera rather than making armchair analysis ;)
Can people stop wanting this camera. When i can afford one i dont want there to still be a waiting list. :(

I think this camera will be perfect for weddings. I usually rent a couple of lenses so can afford decent glass at them until i eventually save up enough for some decent primes.
it is good to hear from people who are actually using the camera rather than making armchair analysis ;)

It would be nice to see the shots that people are raving about, it only takes a few minutes to upload after all :)
It would be nice to see the shots that people are raving about, it only takes a few minutes to upload after all :)

I put three full res nef images on dropbox with links to a thread on Sunday, at about 50mb each. No-one looked at them so I removed them to save space.

I will put some back when I get a chance.

If anyone is genuinely looking to buy and wants to take a couple of images with my D800 on their own card so that they have images to look at on their own pc, and lives locally, let me know.

Bear in mind that while you are using my D800, you will be chained to something immovable :LOL::LOL:
i think there are plenty of fantastic images out there now to show how good it is.

Has it now reached a point where anyone with something good to say about the camera has to provide images that put Bailey or Ansel Adams to shame otherwise their words carry less weight than someone who doesnt own one whos heard something bad about it from someone else who doesnt own one?

Im not going to sit down and upload 50 meg images as
a) im not nikons marketing dept
b) i cant be bothered

ive got one and know first hand how good it is bar a couple of niggles.
1. green tint on preset white balances, do a custom reading and it goes away
2. actually, thats it. I cant think of anything else and havnt experienced focusing problems or lockups since day 1

I use cheap lenses, i shoot hand held and still havnt used mirror lock up yet and it still destroys my D300 utterly and i dont regret a single penny.

If people are put off and dont want one, dont buy it. Buy a D700, D3s, Canon <whatever> instead. How hard can it be?

All through this thread people have been asking questions and getting generally positive answers. There's a multitude of fab images out there showing how good it is and people are still not happy?

What more do you need to know? I think its basically down to people not being happy that owners dont share their mistrust of the camera despite everything thats been said. Anyway, knickers to it, see point a) above.
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I put three full res nef images on dropbox with links to a thread on Sunday, at about 50mb each. No-one looked at them so I removed them to save space.

I will put some back when I get a chance.

If anyone is genuinely looking to buy and wants to take a couple of images with my D800 on their own card so that they have images to look at on their own pc, and lives locally, let me know.

Bear in mind that while you are using my D800, you will be chained to something immovable :LOL::LOL:

I tried to look, but they were taking ages to download, for some reason.

Currently the D800 is a carrot dangling in front of me, but I'll be doing a lot of reading and looking before convincing myself that I want one (need to be carefull - it would be very easy to succumb to temptation).
Whenever new kit appears (or even just rumoured) there are always all sorts of opinions thrown into the arena, especially when something groundbreaking is involved. Some are based on experience and some are just based on what the writer has heard/read elsewhere. Magazine reviewers can do that too.
Should not be too long now before there is plenty experienced based opinion and "in the field" evidence of what the D800 can do. I am hoping to be well impressed.
IMO it is far too easy to get carried along with all the forum negativity, it is good to hear from people who are actually using the camera rather than making armchair analysis ;)

I would say there are twice as many giving armchair analysis regarding how god like it is without even using one.

Before anyone (i think) had one here I made a few comments on how it might not be the great all round camera that everyone was praising, and got shot down for doing so.Again mainly because it was people that had ordered or wanted one..maybe to justify there purchase.

Im not saying his is a bad camera and it may be as great as people believe but I don't get lured in by marketing, nikon fan boys and NPS people giving great reviews,do you really think that they will give it bad reviews...i don't.

I posted to a few reviews and highlighted parts regarding some bad points or reviewers saying it isn't the best all round camera only for my post to be ignored or shot down again.
And guess what it was the pre order group, who would have guessed.

If i wanted to and could get one I could go and buy one right now,but I would rather let others find the faults and problems first then after its been in many hands decide if its really what i want.
Im still on the fence regarding the d800, even though many probably think I'm trying to ridicule it.

i would be interested in hearing from so pros on here if any have one on how it preformed in say a wedding compared to similar kit or any other full time jobs.

I only know of one wedding photographer(spxxx/simon) on here who had one and on NR he stated that he was returning it due to it locking up quite a few time during two different wedding.I would be intrigued to find out f he will be getting another or going for something different and how he found it bar that issue.
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i think there are plenty of fantastic images out there now to show how good it is.

Has it now reached a point where anyone with something good to say about the camera has to provide images that put Bailey or Ansel Adams to shame otherwise their words carry less weight than someone who doesnt own one whos heard something bad about it from someone else who doesnt own one?

Im not going to sit down and upload 50 meg images as
a) im not nikons marketing dept
b) i cant be bothered

ive got one and know first hand how good it is bar a couple of niggles.
1. green tint on preset white balances, do a custom reading and it goes away
2. actually, thats it. I cant think of anything else and havnt experienced focusing problems or lockups since day 1

I use cheap lenses, i shoot hand held and still havnt used mirror lock up yet and it still destroys my D300 utterly and i dont regret a single penny.

If people are put off and dont want one, dont buy it. Buy a D700, D3s, Canon <whatever> instead. How hard can it be?

All through this thread people have been asking questions and getting generally positive answers. There's a multitude of fab images out there showing how good it is and people are still not happy?

What more do you need to know? I think its basically down to people not being happy that owners dont share their mistrust of the camera despite everything thats been said. Anyway, knickers to it, see point a) above.

:LOL: tell it like it is why don't you - however there is enough to be sceptical about. That having been said somewhere here there were some cycling shots from a D800 and they were simply superb!
:LOL: tell it like it is why don't you - however there is enough to be sceptical about. That having been said somewhere here there were some cycling shots from a D800 and they were simply superb!

well maybe, sorry :) but some things just make you go grrrrr sometimes! And some of the utter nonsence being spread "you have to use top lenses" rubbish "more pixels will mean you get less sharp images" rubbish Its just unfounded crap like that thats annoying.

But its lovely, it was a huge leap from a D300 and worth every penny, without owning a D700/D3 i cant say how much of leap that would be from them. £2500 worth of leap? No if you want a simple answer, i cant see how it could be 2.5k better than one of those. Although if you have 2.5k kicking about then go for it :)
I'd love one but can't justify it to myself currently....I need a new iMac desperately (HD brim full and waiting for new model release) and that has priority for now.

The flexibility it affords just makes it such a powerful tool in my eyes. Only potential downsides are the size of the files (IF you use it in that mode) and the fps which are both minor compared to all the pluses.
I would like one,maybe toward the end of the year.

Also i like to try one in my hands before buying,but their seem such a short supply,i think it going to be a while yet :)
i think there are plenty of fantastic images out there now to show how good it is.

My point isn't about the camera producing fantastic images, it's about it producing images that are far superior to cameras such as the D3 series or the 5D MkII & III etc such as is what people seem to be implying. I feel like I'm repeating myself a lot lol

Has it now reached a point where anyone with something good to say about the camera has to provide images

lol, it's hardly reached a point. It's only been out for two weeks in the UK!

I put three full res nef images on dropbox with links to a thread on Sunday, at about 50mb each. No-one looked at them so I removed them to save space.

I will put some back when I get a chance.

Sorry, I missed the original opportunity but would appreciate you putting them back up :)

I would say there are twice as many giving armchair analysis regarding how god like it is without even using one.

Before anyone (i think) had one here I made a few comments on how it might not be the great all round camera that everyone was praising, and got shot down for doing so.Again mainly because it was people that had ordered or wanted one..maybe to justify there purchase.

Im not saying his is a bad camera and it may be as great as people believe but I don't get lured in by marketing, nikon fan boys and NPS people giving great reviews,do you really think that they will give it bad reviews...i don't.

I posted to a few reviews and highlighted parts regarding some bad points or reviewers saying it isn't the best all round camera only for my post to be ignored or shot down again.
And guess what it was the pre order group, who would have guessed.

If i wanted to and could get one I could go and buy one right now,but I would rather let others find the faults and problems first then after its been in many hands decide if its really what i want.
Im still on the fence regarding the d800, even though many probably think I'm trying to ridicule it.

i would be interested in hearing from so pros on here if any have one on how it preformed in say a wedding compared to similar kit or any other full time jobs.

I only know of one wedding photographer(spxxx/simon) on here who had one and on NR he stated that he was returning it due to it locking up quite a few time during two different wedding.I would be intrigued to find out f he will be getting another or going for something different and how he found it bar that issue.

This is what I'm thinking. I'm not wanting to find fault with it and would rather see it excel, but it's always looking just in case :)

I don't think it's such a big deal to discuss the pros and cons of a camera which costs in excess of £2K. The defensive reaction from some is interesting.
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just watched this and thought it was a good comparison between the d800 and 5dmk3.
a quick summery was that the nikon was given the edge due to the higher MP but that iso and DR wernt much different between the two,not noticably anyway and the 5dmk3 AF was slightly faster to lock focus.

It seems that its alotmore of an even playing field this time around with both cameras preforming equaly aswell.i wonder if the d4 and 1dx will be similar also

Becuase going on the offensive with "facts" gleaned from people who dont know what theyre talking about just (becuase they dont own the item and are just playing a huge game of chinese whispers) seems odd.

Pointing out the errors in what people are claiming as fact, when they plainly dont have a fact on them isnt particularly defensive, its actually doing a service.

Of course, whether people choose to ignore that information once they have it is down to them, for whatever reason theyre comfortable with.
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