Nostromo, up for it, Wk: 52 Decorate 52-2020

Very nice composition on static Dom :)
I haven't checked in for a while. You have some lovely images here Dominic.

Personal: I have the same secateurs and can understand - mine are not so well used these days, but are also squirrelled away. Lovely composition and the slightly faded colours and vignette work really well.

Graceful: Lovely shot capturing the movement nicely.

Static: I like the lighting and ambience and again, a lovely composition.
Fantastic reflections there - and a great idea for the patterns shot.
As already mentioned, great reflections Dom
Interesting & different patterns on the seeds pods too :)
Hi Dom

The reflection is so good I did not realise it was one at first, great image.

Wk: 33 Camouflage

After an hour traipsing through the woods, with dog in tow, searching for this type of shot. I sat down to take to take a break, as i hadn't found the shot i wanted, (things are hard to find when they're camouflaged). As the dog was sniffing around, this little moth (well i guess it's a moth) took flight and landed on a nearby tree.
My next problem was my tripod wasn't quite tall enough (it has a short centre column in it most of the time for macro work) and it wasn't on very stable ground, tree roots, leaf mold etc.
So i got what i could.

untitled-193.jpg by Dominic Rodgers, on Flickr
I like that (y)
Well spotted and captured Dom.
Nicely done :)
It's extremely well camouflaged. Lots of detail and texture in there - well spotted.
Wk:34 Tiny

Is this cheating?

Edit: Thinking about it, I might claim this as technique. Because the word 'Tiny' is bigger than the those that are outside of the magnifying glass. Does that count?

untitled-201.jpg by Dominic Rodgers, on Flickr
Last edited:
Great idea for tiny, works for me :)
Wk:35 Snappers choice

Ok, so this might seem a bit of a random shot of some chili's, but i was trying out a new background that i'd made. I really am sh*te at art, so wasn't expecting a great result. That being said, i do think it has come out quite well and sort of what i had in mind when i started.

untitled-5-Edit.jpg by Dominic Rodgers, on Flickr
I really like it, the combination of products, materials, shapes and colours make this a very interesting shot with lots to look at without it being overwhelming. I get the sense of organised chaos!
I really like this too Dominic. The colours and textures are lovely and it is nicely laid out. You’ve done well with the background.
Great combo of colour and texture. I think it does look quite artistic.
Wk:36 Textures

These are some of this years harvest from the kitchen garden. I spent a rainy day in the greenhouse plaiting them all up (there's 80-90 Onions and 30-40 Garlic's).

untitled-23-Edit.jpg by Dominic Rodgers, on Flickr

This was my first idea for Textures and i am really quite happy with it, but after doing the Onion shot, i thought that maybe that was a better representation of textures.

untitled-12-Edit.jpg by Dominic Rodgers, on Flickr
Long time since I commented, sadly your book is still topical. I love the detail in your Fern and your "Dandelion" for initial. your liquid shots with the rippled reflections are great and I like patterns of the poppy seed heads. A lot of great shots glad I visited.
Beautiful still lifes, Dominic. I love the processing.
I rather like your Tiny shot - not cheating for me at all, just a clever play on words. Literally!

Nice backgrounds and textures in your other shots as well. They have the feel of paintings about them, which is no bad thing at all.
Two nice shots - maybe a little more light on No2?

No1 for me - my eyes are filling up looking at those onions :D
Two great still life's, very atmospheric. It looks like a good harvest!
Both very fine images Dom.
And the processing sets them off perfectly (y)