Old 35 mm Film SLR Equipment

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Good morning all.

I am a new member here, but I do have an interest in photography albeit I don’t get out much, nor would I even consider myself a keen amateur compared with members on here, and work I see published online, so please bear this in mind I’m no way an expert, and I come here looking for experts. (I may deem myself as all the fear a little bit of an idea).

My father recently passed away and was very much a keen photographer and far better than myself, I have his equipment and I was just wondering if there is a market for old Film SLR bodies, Lenses etc.

I have a variety of Zenit, Cannon, Minolta, Practika bodies, and a wide range of lenses, tele convertors etc, and I already have the items he gave me personally to use a few years back, so in all honesty although I would love to keep all the equipment, firstly I don’t need anymore, secondly I do not have room to keep it all, and thirdly there is no one else in the family who could use it / is interested.

All I am asking is there still a market for these still, and where would be the place to advertise.

I still haven’t decided if I can somehow shoehorn them all into my very small amount of equipment, and If I could manage to get out and about more and start getting back into photography myself, re-learning what I little I knew and have forgotten and also learning more from forums such as this, about the digital side as well as old school (as I believe it is now called).

Currently long term, degenerative health issues stop me.

I am in no rush to part with these, but I was speaking to a professional photographer today and as you do the topic of photography came up, and they politely directed me here in an attempt to perhaps answer my questions.

Value and sales costs are unimportant, as I’m still not sure on what to do, although should I sell I would obviously wish to obtain a sell price that the purchasers and I are happy with, and that whomever should purchase would get decent deal, as I am not in the habit of ripping people off, nor want anyone to feel disappointed.

I wanted to be as open and honest as possible and to give a little bit of information so I may hopefully receive some sound advice.

Many thanks in advance

One option, I think, is to make a detailed list of what you've got, then those who are up on the current prices could give you some ideas.

There are several companies that specialise in film era equipment. Feed "vintage camera shop uk" into Google or a similar search engine and you'll find links to various companies that specialise in this equipment, That itemised list will let them give you some indication of saleability and price.
Easiest way to find out about prices is checking Ebay. There’s many potential buyers there. I’ve noticed there’s little to no interest here in buying film equipment.
You could also contact a film camera store or even better take the equipment to the shop.
As above, but first welcome to the site and I hope your arrival here perks up your interest in photography to the extent that it can be an enjoyment for you.
Regarding the kit, a detailed list is an excellent place to start. As suggested look at ebay sold prices, not starting prices.
The google search should help direct you to places such as ffordes and west yorkshire cameras amongst others, that deal in old film gear.
There is a decent group of members here who do film photography, but who are not huge buyers of such kit except when they spot real bargains, often because such cameras often come in a slightly or completely faulty condition, or are likely to become so in the near future, as we don't know how much use they've had and their type of handling. However once you've become involved in this site and reach a threshold of posting in forums, you become eligible to use our Marketplace section and you could list items there - nothing to lose and everything to gain if someone is interested in what you are selling.
There is a healthy market for some s/h 35mm film gear, but Zenith and Practika gear is generally of little or no value. The Minolta and Canon equipment could be of value IF it is the 'right' models AND can be guaranteed to be clean, fungus free and operating correctly. As has been suggested, ebay searches can be used as a guidance, but you will require some specialist knowledge to be able to describe the items.
I dont know where your based but theres a few camera shops that sell used film cameras (some have a huge stock) I would guess they would be interested.
Otherwise the classified on here.