weekly Oy's Weekly Photo Thingamabob for 2024 : WEEK 35 : Friendship

Great set, agree on your choice though the damselfly is a cracker as well
I spent a long time in my garden today trying to photograph insects and was reasonably pleased with the outcome until I saw these. You've ruined it. I hope you're happy.
I spent a long time in my garden today trying to photograph insects and was reasonably pleased with the outcome until I saw these. You've ruined it. I hope you're happy.

Thanks - Ecstatic :hug:
All well spotted & captured! Agree that you've gone with the right pic, although the damselfly's colour is very striking in your pic too
All well spotted & captured! Agree that you've gone with the right pic, although the damselfly's colour is very striking in your pic too
Ta muchly :)
All look fabulous to me but I like the point of focus and dof of your chosen shot.
I'd have a hard time picking between your chosen shot and the butterfly.

I think the butterfly is a better shot (for me), but your chosen one is a more unusual subject, so I think that wins it.
Cheers Kell :)
Week 23 : Vegetable

Taken in a local farm shop. I'd have got more in but there wasn't mushroom :naughty:

Ah yes, much closer in than my picture! The lighting is really nice over the shrooms.

I did laugh at the pun :ROFLMAO:
Great light to have found considering you were in a farm shop, certainly good enough not to dwell on whether mushrooms are really vegetables. ;)
Week 24 : Decay

The bottom of an old anchor in Bridlington Harbour yesterday.

Very good!

Had me fooled, at first glance I thought it was a tree.