Playing around with a home studio setup...

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Yeah flickr actually sucked some juice out of those, especially the top one. I was using a lastolite hilite, just without the light on the inside, I kind-of wanted the background effect to be off-white, I'm nearly happy with it.

Oh, and a wee plug for my facebook page - - like me, because I like to feel popular...
Mainly just to test my newish Interfit triple head kit, and the Nikon 24-70 f2.8.

That's like buying a Rolls Royce and sticking Pikey fuel in it :LOL:

Nice shots, I like the processing. A little further away from the background in the first two would be better but I like the background tones - nice change from blown white.
That's like buying a Rolls Royce and sticking Pikey fuel in it :LOL:

Nice shots, I like the processing. A little further away from the background in the first two would be better but I like the background tones - nice change from blown white.

Oi ;)

Cheers for the comments guys - we were kind-of after some background shadow, so she was standing close, definitely stuff to take on board - cheers.
I'm not too keen on the background shadow but if it was what you were after you've done it well.

Third shot probably my favorite here.