Mr Badger, you brought up an interesting point, mentioning they don't see light the way we do. I can tell you how I got that photo, for some strange reason I could see light that others couldn't see, let me explain...
As I mentioned, over a hundred of these objects flew over, over a nine day period, and best of my knowledge, not a dang person even noticed. Not a one to the best of my knowledge, yet tens of thousands should have.
Your very right, they may not see light like we do, I was able to see light like others couldn't, that's a fact. A step further, my camera could see what's in my photo, when I couldn't, I didn't lie when I said I took a blind shot in the sky to capture that photo, that part was true, but it was the two beams of light that flipped my wig.
Yes, I knew exactly where it was, because just like a police helicopters spotlight, this thing has two, and they lit the sky up unimaginably.
However, the beams were blue, and I guess it's like a deer being colorblind, this beam to others blended into the dark of night, and no one even noticed
I can offer you an uneducated explanation for the lights in my photo. They are NOT lights how we view lights, such as in our cars and homes, which we use as necessities, accessories, to be able to visibly see. No, those lights in my photo are nothing more than a byproduct of their energy source. Those streaks of light in the heart shaped field surrounding the "craft", were multicolored, even within the same strips, side by side were some, with jeweled colored bits of light, which means the energy was visible, from one end of the other, of the visible light, humans can see, on the electromagnetic scale, so one could only imagine how well the can use the while scale. We can only see a tiny fraction of a fraction, of what's all around us. That light in the photo, is simply a byproduct of the enormous amounts of energy, that "power supply" uses.
I'm not sure I explained that very well, just look at it this way, nine nights, every night, all night, these huge craft shined two giant beams of light from craft to ground, unloaded their intelligent cargo, did plenty of exploring, and to my knowledge, I was the only one who was terrified by what I was seeing.
You made a very good point me Badger, one of the best I've heard, because you were spot on, that's the part people can't wrap their mind around. They were cloaked on a different wavelength, which is completely invisible, to the vast majority.
Lol, I couldn't have said all that if I didn't have a picture, no one is going to believe it anyway, but what I said is 100% true, and I pray one day everyone gets to see what I've seen, especially the mockers, the next picture I want to take is the expression on their face when they realize, they're not alone