Police and photographer clash, yet again.

Sensationalist journalism?

Surely not............zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
this is why I stick to wildlife, plants, birds etc.Never see the police in the middle of a nature reserve, and never had a robin wih a mobile call 999 to report me for taking its pic.

I agree that it does seem like an excuse to be able to stop anyone and go OTT with the full monty search. why would you make yourself obvious taking pics of an area if you are planning a terrorist attack surely something more covert would be better ?
please i hope we are not going to go over and over this subject again. Whilst its an important subject to some of us we've done it to death.

1) post link to DM story
2) discuss police infringing photographers rights
3) repeat

Sorry, maybe I'm just grumpy. I'll get out of the correct side of the bed tomorrow i promise :)
No.. i'm not going to encourage more debate on the same subject. just making everyone aware of yet another news report!
Taking a picture of a pub sign the other day and the publican came out and asked what I was doing!
Getting as bad as the police, although he did not search me.
Gawd that was a boring read. The cops never beat him up, tortured him, or did anything really interesting. :shake:
So it`s true when they say, you have to fail 5 O LEVELS before you can join the police
We need a sperate forum for all these stories, it seems to become the latest darling of the Daily Mail now Clarkson defeated them in there attempts to continue getting major TV celebs the sack. We all know it happens surelywe don't need daily updates?
How outraged would we be if the railway station was blown up and the following interview went somthing like...
"he showed us his house of Commons pass so we didnt searched him, we are sorry about all the dead people but we didnt want to upset the photographers!"
i for one dont mind being stopped, so long as the plod are polite.
This sounds pretty straight forward to me. A person was spotted taking photos near a major train station. They stopped him and asked to look through his belongings, All parties concerned were happy about it. He went on his way and the police continued doing their job based on the directives they've been given. A total non story in my opinion.
boring news. no rights were disregarded in this. why do people get wound up at being stopped and searched? Yes there have been stories of mistaken identity.
I rather police stop people to prevent other 7/7's and such activities than for this whole thing to be about PC. (hes holding a camera we cant search him, it might not go down to well..)
boring news. no rights were disregarded in this. why do people get wound up at being stopped and searched? Yes there have been stories of mistaken identity.
I rather police stop people to prevent other 7/7's and such activities than for this whole thing to be about PC. (hes holding a camera we cant search him, it might not go down to well..)

This has nothing to do with being "PC". It's about the police doing their job properly as opposed to randomly stopping and searching people for no good reason. This is about privacy and freedom, and that this country is beginning to feel more and more like a police state. Unless this situation is nipped in the bud, it's only going to get worse and stopping people under the pretence of "anti-terrorism" is desperation on the part of the police force. This country is covered in CCTV, when is this invasion of privacy ever going to stop?
This has nothing to do with being "PC". It's about the police doing their job properly as opposed to randomly stopping and searching people for no good reason. This is about privacy and freedom, and that this country is beginning to feel more and more like a police state. Unless this situation is nipped in the bud, it's only going to get worse and stopping people under the pretence of "anti-terrorism" is desperation on the part of the police force. This country is covered in CCTV, when is this invasion of privacy ever going to stop?

How do you know they are stopped for no reason? There will always be people who think they should never be stopped because they know they are doing nothing wrong, therefore they believe that when they ARE stopped there can't be a good reason. These are the people who generally give their thoughts to the media and that's the viewpoint that is reported. If you are in a public place then it is not an invasion of your privacy to be questioned by a police officer. It also doesn't make it a police state.
This country is covered in CCTV, when is this invasion of privacy ever going to stop?
Is it possible to invade one's privacy in a public place using only visual monitoring? :thinking:

Oh, and it'll stop when there are no nutters left that see fit to blow up innocent people. When there aren't, and all the CCTV cameras have been taken down, bear this in mind should your car be stolen when parked under the pole that used to house a security camera.

Dear oh dear :bang:
How is it not an invasion of privacy if it's in a public place? You still have rights and right to not be harassed by the police, whether you're in public or otherwise. Why should I feel that whenever I leave my house, I have to think about my every move for fear of being stopped and searched for reasons of "anti-terrorism"? I could do that 10 years ago - and there were worse and REAL threats of terrorism 10 years ago - why not now? I've lived in many other countries and my every move outside my house hasn't been captured on video tape for my and others' "safety" elsewhere. It's just the start of things worse to come in my opinion.
he was not harrassed, by thesounds of it the only reason of why this made it to the paper was because of who he was. i for one am glad they still searched him even after he adivsed them who he was.

i dont see the big problem - if you have nothing to hide let them search you, you will be on your way in 5 minutes. its not a police state, nor does it feel like one. He could of protested and had to deal with it down at the station but using his common sense he let them do thier job and he even has stated that he is glad they did.
Out of interest, where does harrassment fit in to this particular story?

An ageing, greying, white, member of parliament taking a photo of a cycle path and the police used Section 44 to question his actions? I'm sorry, but that's harassment. Harassment meaning to "intimidate, hound, harry, plague, torment, bully, bedevil; pester, bother, worry, disturb, trouble, provoke, stress; informal hassle, bug, ride, give someone a hard time, get on someone's case."
How is it not an invasion of privacy if it's in a public place? You still have rights and right to not be harassed by the police, whether you're in public or otherwise. Why should I feel that whenever I leave my house, I have to think about my every move for fear of being stopped and searched for reasons of "anti-terrorism"? I could do that 10 years ago - and there were worse and REAL threats of terrorism 10 years ago - why not now? I've lived in many other countries and my every move outside my house hasn't been captured on video tape for my and others' "safety" elsewhere. It's just the start of things worse to come in my opinion.

Well for a start, I don't think there is any worse threat than the suicide bomber so I don't think the "worse and REAL threats of terrorism 10 years ago" holds much water. Secondly, being stopped and asked questions if a police officer has cause is not an invasion of privacy (Refer to my previous post on that) and thirdly, I go out without thinking about my every move for fear of being stopped and searched under the terrorism act, never been stopped yet, with or without camera. With regard to CCTV, do you get upset if you're walking down the street and someone looks at you? Do you really think all those CCTV tapes are kept and analysed? No, they are only checked if a crime has happened and after a certain while they are erased and reused or disposed of.
An ageing, greying, white, member of parliament taking a photo of a cycle path and the police used Section 44 to question his actions? I'm sorry, but that's harassment. Harassment meaning to "intimidate, hound, harry, plague, torment, bully, bedevil; pester, bother, worry, disturb, trouble, provoke, stress; informal hassle, bug, ride, give someone a hard time, get on someone's case."

And none of those definitions apply to questioning somebody. A police officer who makes assumptions based on age, hair colour, skin colur etc would be a very poor one IMHO.
An ageing, greying, white, member of parliament taking a photo of a cycle path and the police used Section 44 to question his actions? I'm sorry, but that's harassment. Harassment meaning to "intimidate, hound, harry, plague, torment, bully, bedevil; pester, bother, worry, disturb, trouble, provoke, stress; informal hassle, bug, ride, give someone a hard time, get on someone's case."

Funny, I'd call it 'doing your job'. He was asked, he complied, he went on his merry way.

No harrassment there at all (in any sense of the word).
i dont see the big problem - if you have nothing to hide let them search you, you will be on your way in 5 minutes.

Nothing to hide.. yeah. How about pointing CCTV cameras in your bedroom window then? Because if you have nothing to hide, then there's no problem.

I'm a strong advocate of rights, freedoms and privacy and I just find it very sad people are willing to give them up and while all this might seem petty, things can only get worse unless it's stopped before it does get worse.
Nothing to hide.. yeah. How about pointing CCTV cameras in your bedroom window then? Because if you have nothing to hide, then there's no problem.

I'm a strong advocate of rights, freedoms and privacy and I just find it very sad people are willing to give them up and while all this might seem petty, things can only get worse unless it's stopped before it does get worse.

Good grief, no one's giving anything up here! Your bedroom is a private area, the streets are a public area. There's no reason to point CCTV cameras at your bedroom is there?
Nothing to hide.. yeah. How about pointing CCTV cameras in your bedroom window then? Because if you have nothing to hide, then there's no problem.

I'm a strong advocate of rights, freedoms and privacy and I just find it very sad people are willing to give them up and while all this might seem petty, things can only get worse unless it's stopped before it does get worse.

So you have a CCTV camera pointing in your bedroom do you? Wow!

You may well be a strong advocate, but you aren't a very good one to be fair if you argument and protestations are based around irrelevant issues and upon apparent misinformation.
Good grief, no one's giving anything up here! Your bedroom is a private area, the streets are a public area. There's no reason to point CCTV cameras at your bedroom is there?

Of course not, although most domestic violence does happen in the home! So perhaps not the bedroom, how about the kitchen? But like you say, if you're not doing anything wrong..

My point is matters concerning privacy ARE getting worse and there's no way anyone can deny it. ID cards will be coming within the next couple of years. What next?
He was asked if he could have a look in his bag. If he declined he would probably been arrested under the terrorism act, not just searched. I hope you have never lost anyone in a terror attack, for me i have i lost 3 people that i knew. One of them was very close to me as well.

heres a situation for you then. Said man is not stopped, an attack happens. said man beleived to be involved. In the attack you lose a family member a S.O. Will you still stand by your convictions then.
Of course not, although most domestic violence does happen in the home! So perhaps not the bedroom, how about the kitchen? But like you say, if you're not doing anything wrong..

Sorry to be a pedant but where can domestic violence take place if not in the home? Isn't that akin to saying to most RTA's happen on roads....
He was asked if he could have a look in his bag. If he declined he would probably been arrested under the terrorism act, not just searched. I hope you have never lost anyone in a terror attack, for me i have i lost 3 people that i knew. One of them was very close to me as well.

heres a situation for you then. Said man is not stopped, an attack happens. said man beleived to be involved. In the attack you lose a family member a S.O. Will you still stand by your convictions then.

I'm sorry to hear about your losses, but terrorist attacks rarely happen. We can't keep on living in fear of terrorist attacks or even the fear of crossing the road. You've given me that situation, I can give your a 100 more situations that would necessitate installing safety measures of one kind or another.
Of course not, although most domestic violence does happen in the home! So perhaps not the bedroom, how about the kitchen? But like you say, if you're not doing anything wrong..

My point is matters concerning privacy ARE getting worse and there's no way anyone can deny it. ID cards will be coming within the next couple of years. What next?

But your point is not being put across because you are not coming up with any evidence to back it up. We have denied it and have backed it up with reasons why. ID card will not invade your privacy either, the only information on them will be what you provide yourself.
I'm sorry to hear about your losses, but terrorist attacks rarely happen. We can't keep on living in fear of terrorist attacks or even the fear of crossing the road. You've given me that situation, I can give your a 100 more situations that would necessitate installing safety measures of one kind or another.

We don't have to live in fear of it, but we do have to remain aware of the threat, and it is real.
heres a situation for you then. Said man is not stopped, an attack happens. said man beleived to be involved. In the attack you lose a family member a S.O. Will you still stand by your convictions then.

And heres one for you. Said man is stopped, an attack still happens close by,said man is not involved in any way. It is later disclosed that had the officers not stopped and searched a man taking photos of a footpath they would have arrived at the attackers location in time to possibly foil the attack. You lose a family member in the attack. How are your convictions now?