Post a picture of you taken by someone else..

Forgotten about this one. Was just pulling out of a parking space having given the missus the camera (with the Sigma 10-20) to hold. She held it up and took the shot (It was set to Aperture Priority). Not that bad for a half second exposure hand held in a moving car! ;)

Hey freeloader Joe you just set a precedent...

And killed the thread :D

Forgotten about this one. Was just pulling out of a parking space having given the missus the camera (with the Sigma 10-20) to hold. She held it up and took the shot (It was set to Aperture Priority). Not that bad for a half second exposure hand held in a moving car! ;)

I've been in that wonderfull car :p

Updated one of me.
Me before a 'mooting' (mock court case) competition (I lost :LOL: )


And me on track (the yellow car) :)


Both pics by my dad.
Updated one of me.

Now that is just down right scary, Jordie! :eek:

Do you mind if I "borrow" it to hang on the chimney breast?
It should keep the dogs and kids away from the fire, for at least a month :D
Here's me - taken by my dad in 1973.

I've still got the camera !


Me and my dog (well one of them) taken about a year ago. Not sure where the blonde hair went in fact I'm not sure where the hair went full stop.

For some bizzare reason everybody around me was taking snaps :shrug:

Here's one of me with my daughter taken last month by my friend Alistair who is also a member here :)

With my friend Martin, I'm on the right.

An old pic, taken Early 2006. A cookie for anyone who can guess where we were...
Khao san road in Bangkok, just past the Tom Yum Kung Restaurant.

White choc chip please :)
Khao san road in Bangkok, just past the Tom Yum Kung Restaurant.

White choc chip please :)

Correct...with worrying accuracy :thinking:

Cookies in the post... :cautious:
I was stood behind the guy taking a photo of you :p
Me and Agent Smith at Warner Brothers studios Hollywood in the movie cars warehouse.

Taken with my camera but by someone else, I was teaching them how to use the thing over the holiday by the end the photos were actually not that bad.
Just before I turned this 350 year old Oak into sawdust! Taken by a workmate. It was a few (cough) years ago:D

Either your incredibly short Charlie, or that's a bit of a monster tree that
you are about to carve up :D

( Also, I have heard of black and white pictures, but never quite believed the existence of them,
my grandad used to like to spin a yarn or two :p )
For some bizzare reason everybody around me was taking snaps :shrug:

Well I guess if I was having a bad hair day like that, I would expect people
to point and snigger ( and some might even go as far as to take pictures, for the following law suit :D)

Now that is just down right scary, Jordie! :eek:

Do you mind if I "borrow" it to hang on the chimney breast?
It should keep the dogs and kids away from the fire, for at least a month :D

Oooo I dunno Chris....

Oh go on then :D
Just before I turned this 350 year old Oak into sawdust! Taken by a workmate. It was a few (cough) years ago:D

Christ!! charlie, them GSW`s cause some damage in your neck of the woods :puke:
Either your incredibly short Charlie, or that's a bit of a monster tree that
you are about to carve up :D

( Also, I have heard of black and white pictures, but never quite believed the existence of them,
my grandad used to like to spin a yarn or two :p )

I am just over 6 ft tall :razz:

So you got the gift of the gab from your grandad did you.
You should maybe try B&W sometime too:p :D:D


feels like half the photos on my facebook have me using some variety of camera...
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This is me, Taken by: not sure who, where or when, maybe about 5 years ago, when I used Nikon. I now use Canon.

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Ok, why not .. here's a picture of me taken in a visit to Holden in Australia ....

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i hate pictures of me, but here i am, 2 years ago in some random dive club in southampton

No idea who it was taken by. I'm the one on the left, or I used to be :)
