Product Photography ( Lighting help required please )

for shoots like this I'm aiming to get several things sorted

1. reproducibility of lighting. its likely that next week/month you will need to shoot a different fly, but have the same look. so you need a documented setup in terms of product, camera and (flash) light placement, alling with the settings and powers.

2. Right tool for the job. the 200mm Nikon macro is perfect for this sort of shoot. or, consider extension tubes.

3. Decent solid tripod (for your sanity)

4. Small scale flash modifiers.. this might be as simple as a hole in a piece of card or small card reflectors

5. Shooting tethered into Capture One... seeing the result instantly in "big" on the screen is easier than assessing thing in the viewfinder / rear screen
I thought getting a bit of white acrylic was going to be easy, what sort of shop sells it? I see Amazon does it but suspect online is going to be silly money with postage of a decent size piece.
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find the guys who make shop signs, usually found on local industrial estate, they are usually good for offcuts
I thought getting a bit of white acrylic was going to be easy, what sort of shop sells it? I see Amazon does it but suspect online is going to be silly money with postage of a decent size piece.