Recommend some film please


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I just bought a Nikon F80 from another forum member, so i'm looking to buy some film and have a play, not used film for many years and never on a SLR, so what would you recommend, B/W and colour suggestions, ie Kodak, Fuji, etc, or am i just as well with something like a non branded or supermarkets own brand, feedback much appreciated :)
I've tended to run B&W on my film cameras of late - adds to the feel of old technology lol!

If you don't have access to your own developing kit, and don't want to use sometimes expensive develop and print facilities such as then yur best option in B&W are the films that utilise the normal C-41 developing process. this allows you to use highstreet/supermarket film development machines, but gives B&W results (albeit printed on colour paper, not true B&W paper).

Take a look at - buy yourself a few rolls of Fuji Neopan CN

or Ilford XP2 Super

go have a play, develop them via Asda/Tesco and then decide whether you want to use more specific B&W films and B&W processors.

Its great fun :D
i would buy some colour film as suggested, from 7day shop then you can use the local dev shops and see how you get on.

bw i only use ilford fp4[125asa] for portraits and hp5 for rock and roll and general use [400asa]
I've only used B&W and dev'd myself.

Would recommend Ilford HP5+ or Delta 400 for general use. I also like fp4+ (ISO125).

If you are going to get this dev'd at a supermarket then go for Ilford XP2 which is dev'd using the same process as colour (C41?).

Buy from 7dayshop.
What you really want is something that will give you some impressive results - why don't you put some Velvia 50 in and take photos of something colourful? If you'd rather do portraits, try Astia or Provia instead. Provia 400X is pretty good.

The problem with negative film is getting from the negative to a print is an extra factor to go wrong, and will make it harder to troubleshoot if you're having difficulties.

All best,
Bought a roll of Ilford XP2 Super from jessops as couldn't wait for delivery, i really fancy trying to get some nice B&W snaps, thanks for all your help and feedback guys, may go and have a little play tomorrow if the weathers nice, then i will try out some colour film, it was quite funny when i was testing the camera out, every time i pressed the shutter button i looked at the back of the camera :LOL: force of habit i guess, not used a film camera for years, and then i only ever had compacts never had an SLR (y)
it was quite funny when i was testing the camera out, every time i pressed the shutter button i looked at the back of the camera :LOL: force of habit i guess, not used a film camera for years, and then i only ever had compacts never had an SLR (y)

He he I still do it for the very same reason.
If you are after developing B&W films from home (which you can then take the negs to any lab to get them printed if you dont have a dark room) you may be able to get some dev tanks and light proof baggies from (which is where mine came from)

As I dont have the space to set up a dark room (poor old enlarger is sitting and collecting dust at the minute) I develop the film and then take it with me to work to get it printed and put on disc.

out of interest has anyone tried ilford sfx 200 b/w film? and what did you think of the results?
SFX is IR film isn't it ?

If you mean C-41 process B&W then... My last roll was XP2 - have to say i was pretty impressed with the results, given it was developed and printed in Tesco. Its hard to compare to my previous experience with the Fuji Neopan CN as the last roll came out of a EOS3, the earlier ones from a EOS30 using Asda processing.

Whether i got lucky with Tesco i don't know but the prints and negs look sharper on the Ilford.
if you want vivid colour and dont fancy shooting slide film, go with fuji reala.
portraits ive always loved kodak portra (vc and nc). these are 'pro' films and i assume these are still about, ive not shot film for about 5 years.

id definetely recommend the c41 black and white films, xp2 etc, aside from the slight clour cast its a good way to quickly and cheaply get b&w developed if you cant do it yourself.
*hint* *hint* *cough* *cough* look at my for sale thread....
Try Agfa APX100 cheap to buy ten rolls 35mm were about seventeen quid if remember correctly .
I gave it 20% more developing time and im very pleased.
Guid health:beer::beer:
I've got a lot of time for XP2, irrespective of convenience. I'd probably use a lot more HP5 or FP4 if I developed my own, but right now XP2 suits me well.

It's lovely stuff, especially in high key situtions. Nice and sharp, good tonality, plenty of exposure latitude and reasonably fine grain given the filmspeed.

For colour though, I like Fuji Pro 400H. Supposed to be a portrait film I think, but I like it for general use. Not too garish and pretty forgiving.