weekly Robhooley167's Film 52 for 2012 - They think it's all over, it is now...

Hi Rob,

What a shame about week 18.....never mind at least you have played about with your new toy and found it's weakness!......better luck next time!

Week 19 & 20 ...Both made me laugh. Typical student scenes!lol

All the coffee mugs ...presumably to keep you awake whilst ploughing through all those books!!lol

And the reminder on the computer screen.....Teacher/parental control ...cyber style :D

Lots of dust etc on that scan..not that it bothers me personally . In any case you had a valid excuse of having insufficent time to clean it off whilst concentrating on revision!:D

An uncluttered piece of furniture in a student room ..that has to be a first!:D

Chairs are usually destined to be clothes horses or silmilar (I still use em for that purpose much to the annoyance of my mrs!:D)......wondering how many dead pieces of dried pizza etc did you find whilst uncovering it:D.....
Thanks for the comments Asha, welcome as always :)

Week 18, yes i have found the weakness... Me! :D

Week 19 and 20, i felt like i should take a break from revision before my fragile mind began to unravel :nuts:
Week 21 - Hitting the Bottle

Edale, myself and Nick (Raglansurf) were chased off by an irate farmer just after i took it with the shout of "Get off of my property"

Hitting the Bottle by Rob Hooley, on Flickr

First try with Rollei ATP 1.1 a very high resolution tech film which can render 400 lines per mm, Carl Zeiss medium format lenses can resolve about 200!
Developed in Rodinal at 1+300
Week 22 - Station Approach

Taken near Manchester Picadilly station in the rain, hence the bit spots in the image :(

Station Approach by Rob Hooley, on Flickr

Ilford PanF+ in Rodinal 1+50

As per my policy i will always upload a photo even if it is shafted in any way
Week 23 - Castlefield

Being a bit cheeky with this as i've entered it in the film photo competition as well :D

Castlefield by Rob Hooley, on Flickr

Rollei ATP rated as ISO 32 in Rodinal 1+300
Week 24 - Backalley Staircase


Ilford PanF+ in Rodinal 1+50

Sodding rain spots ruining contrast and exposure
Week 25 - Grand Entrance


The entrance to the old UMIST main building

Ilford PanF+ in Rodinal 1+50
Some cracking work Rob!

The detail in the stones in week 21....superb!!! Shame you didn't get to swing round and get the same detail of the farmers face! lol

Week 22....I just love it .....the rain spots don't bother me at all....I don't know how fast the train was going but the way you've captured it, it looks like it was running late!!! lol

Week 23 ...a brilliant use of lines/grids......a good contender for the competition too imo

week 24.....Another good use of lines/angles..........you did well not to be soaked given recent weather in the uk especially as you were looking skyward!! lol

week 25......Did you not have a crooked neck doing this?!! lol...like the angle and the symetery......looks like one of those buildings that could offer many different shots with the detail in its architecture.
Some cracking work Rob!

The detail in the stones in week 21....superb!!! Shame you didn't get to swing round and get the same detail of the farmers face! lol

Week 22....I just love it .....the rain spots don't bother me at all....I don't know how fast the train was going but the way you've captured it, it looks like it was running late!!! lol

Week 23 ...a brilliant use of lines/grids......a good contender for the competition too imo

week 24.....Another good use of lines/angles..........you did well not to be soaked given recent weather in the uk especially as you were looking skyward!! lol

week 25......Did you not have a crooked neck doing this?!! lol...like the angle and the symetery......looks like one of those buildings that could offer many different shots with the detail in its architecture.

Thanks for the comments Asha

21) I was planning on doing a different composition but was persuaded otherwise by our angry farmer

22) im going to have a try at doing some cloning work on the rain spots and the cable mentioned in the other thread

24) Believe me, i got rather damp :p my waterproof jacket ceased to be so after about 20 minutes...

25) As Nick can testify, the verticals drove me insane as i just couldnt get them right for love nor money until i just gave up and made do, turned out ok though :nuts:
Week 26 - Clinging on


Fomapan 100 pushed to 200, devved in 1:50 Rodinal
Week 27 - Asha and myself, playing with a ball


Fomapan 100 pushed to 200 in 1:50 Rodinal
Week 28 - Distortion (Last of the ball shots, i promise)


Fomapan 100 pushed to 200 in 1:50 Rodinal
Week 29 - Out with the old...


Rollei Retro 100 pushed to 200 in 1:50 Rodinal

The wreckage on the left is the old Tetleys brewery buildings, looks as though it's surrounded by apartments trying to move into its space. I know its mirrored but i preferred the way the lines worked this way round
Week 30 - The Dock


Retro 100 pushed to 200 in Rodinal 1:50

Canon A-1 28mm
Nice results there Rob. Good to see you have managed to pull your 52 back upto date.

I thoroughly enjoyed the Leeds walkabout. Many thanks for your company! ......I know I was regularly your victim for a candid shot....I had actually forgot about the one you caught of me in the ball (week 27)

Particularly liking week 26 for it's simplicity,

week 28 for the composition ....really looks like the "guy" is pushing the ball away into the distance,

and week 30 for the symetery.....a long boat entering the lock would have made it even better.....we'll have to arrange for one next time!! lol

Such a shame to see the end of Tetleys brewery........No doubt the scene you captured will look very different in a very short space of time!
Week 31 - Unlucky Dragon

Week 32 - Nothing left to Tattoo

Home Cross Processed Sensia 200
Canon A-1 28mm f2.8
Leeds Corn Exchange

Week 33 - Give us a smile


Got some weird looks by the achingly trendy looking hipster below it, but hey, what do they know :D
Week 34 - Hospitality

I'm very impressed with your ability to keep this going Rob and some excellent shots too. My favourites of your recent offerings have to be your cross processed week 32 shot and week 28 that looks like a half finished Spanish holiday resort from the 70's, very bleak.
I recognise all these shots Rob....got a few similar ones myself!!:p

The poor fella in week 32 could have done to have shared our chip shop lunch...he looks in desperate need of some fodder!!...........Good resullt with the cross processed finish/ colours of this shot...like it!(y)
Week 35 - Obelisk

This is one from my "recent" trip up to Edinburgh, i had a wander around the Old Calton Cemetery near the City Observatory and in the centre they have a large obelisk inscribed with a memorial to the 5 political martyrs who were shipped off to Australia for campaigning for parliamentary reform



Shot on HP5+ rated at ISO200, Canon A-1 with 28mm FD at f11 or f8
Devved in Rodinal

Holes in the emulsion due to me being a complete spanner. Devved the film and didnt give myself enough time to let it dry in the darkroom before i had to leave to go drinking :beer:

Enjoy (y)
Last edited:
In your desperate rush to keep up with Asha mistakes are starting to creep in, less haste more speed Rob, and possibly less rush to get down the pub :LOL:
Week 35 - Obelisk


Holes in the emulsion due to me being a complete spanner. Devved the film and didnt give myself enough time to let it dry in the darkroom before i had to leave to go drinking :beer:

Enjoy (y)

I have set myself a few rules for this challenge, to make it just that, a challenge...
5) Even if a roll is shafted in exposure or development, i have to upload a photo

Here goes nothing...

Well at least you're sticking to your rules!
I get the distinct impression that you are all ganging up on me :p
I get the distinct impression that you are all ganging up on me :p

Damn it we've been rumbled :D ................Nick, t'is time to implement Plan B I think !! :D

Tbh Rob, I was going to speak with everyone in F&C to see if we could arrange some "back to basics" developing skill lessons for you :p

I would offer but as I'm about as much good at it as you are!!!!........... :D :D :D
See, i could have photoshopped the marks off and no-one would be any the wiser, but i decided to swallow my pride and leave it as is... Some people just make me sick :shake:
See, I could have photoshopped the marks off and no-one would be any the wiser, but i decided to swallow my pride and leave it as is... Some people just make me sick :shake:

Awww......didn't intend to upset you Rob.....sorry if I did! :hug2:

As far as the shot goes, maybe a wider fov with a person in the scene to show perspective of the obelisk being 33ft high would have added made the end result more dramatic although i do like the angle you have used looking upward.....at least this time you weren't fighting with rain drops on your lens.

Hopefully you got some other decent shots from Edingburgh which haven't suffered the same emulsion loss as this one!
Week 36 - Claustrophobia

This was taken in one of the back-alleys in Edinburgh Old Town, in some of the alleys there is so little light that you can struggle to see in the middle of the day. Before anyone asks, yes the walls are angled in slightly :D


Canon A-1 with HP5+ rated at 200 in Rodinal

Love the textures in the stonework..

The leaning walls remind me of the old town here in nice, some very narrow streets and walls you could be convinced are due to fall in on you!

The wear in the steps makes you wonder how many hundreds of thousands or possibly millions of feet have walked over them throughout the years!
Great that you managed to got some detail in the shadows, it must have been very dark, I'm always amazed at the ability of HP5 to squeeze information out of very little.
Yes it's a very forgiving film, surprisingly so. It's just a shame it doesn't appeal to me without being pushed or pulled. Keep meaning to try some Tri-X as my fast film but never seem to get around to buying any :bang:
menthel said:
Nice job Rob. What dilution and time did you use for the HP5+?

Cheers Jim, I can't remember exactly but it was the Ilford data sheets value for Rodinal at 1:50 pulled to 200, so I think it was 10 minutes or there abouts
robhooley167 said:
Cheers Jim, I can't remember exactly but it was the Ilford data sheets value for Rodinal at 1:50 pulled to 200, so I think it was 10 minutes or there abouts

Thanks! (y)
Week 37

Cogs and Wheels by Rob Hooley, on Flickr

Tech info in the flickr description

Enjoy :)

Nice (y)

I don't know wether it's a male thing but mechanical stuff always attracts my attention.

Make for some interesting detailed photos like this one.

Did you take others of the crane Rob??.....if so, I'd like to see em!