weekly rpn's 2021 52 Photo Challenge - Week 52 SHOWCASE added **COMPLETE**

Nice tree thiungs - the first is the best for me - a technique I've done a few times.
Really like this Stan, I'm a big fan of mixing static and movement in an image. I think you chose the right one to post.
Cheers, Stuart. How about the whole image?
I like it up until the grass section, I'm aware it represents the full ground to top of the trees but the width change from trees to grass loses some of its abstract quality, for me anyway.
Another vote for the first, very creative it has a certain “warp factor” element to it :)
I don't think I could like the first shot more, it would make a great large print.

For reasons I don't understand though, the second shot is as wrong as the first shot is right. It just doesn't work in my head.
Caught my eye as soon as you put it on Stan, a very eye catching effect, I’d find it hard to choose one above the other but I do agree with you about the sunlight through the trees on the second one ... fits the theme absolutely perfectly, I really like them.

Cheers, Susie. I think each has its own merits.

Another vote for the first, very creative it has a certain “warp factor” element to it :)

Thank you.

I don't think I could like the first shot more, it would make a great large print.

For reasons I don't understand though, the second shot is as wrong as the first shot is right. It just doesn't work in my head.

Thanks, Nick. I think it's the combination of real-life and abstract in one single image that does the head in.
Yep, first shot. That's an excellent idea for the theme ... tall trees, stretched.
Nice Eye catching Image Stan, processing on the first one works best for me.

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I did wonder how you got ICM to do that. pp eh/. cool.
I think #1 for me, it somehow feels more believable that as you look upwards, the trees start to lose definition.
A nice ICM capture. I find the first leads the eye upward while the second goes downwards which doesn't work for me.
I liked your first image, it's quite striking but then I seen the whole image blurred and think that's the more 'complete' of all three. Good work, I do like the abstarct feel to your shots.
Very nice. Love the effect.

Thanks, David.

I did wonder how you got ICM to do that. pp eh/. cool.
I think #1 for me, it somehow feels more believable that as you look upwards, the trees start to lose definition.

Cheers, Tim. I was just like you the first time I came across this type of image and wonder how did he/she take that?
A nice ICM capture. I find the first leads the eye upward while the second goes downwards which doesn't work for me.

Thanks, Helen. No, it wasn't ICM. Just a few simple steps in Photoshop did the trick for me.

I liked your first image, it's quite striking but then I seen the whole image blurred and think that's the more 'complete' of all three. Good work, I do like the abstarct feel to your shots.

Thanks Iain.
The weather has been pretty wild here in the last few days, with strong wind and high sea. I’ve been out a couple of times trying to shoot the waves breaking over the breakwater pier near the harbour entrance and this is one of the better ones from my efforts. (More in Flickr)

Week 05 Snapper's Choice

Wave Surge by Stan, on Flickr
That works! It might have even more impact if you cropped off a bit of the sky?
Wow! That’s dramatic, perfect timing and very nicely composed :)
First image for me, it feels like the movement really lengthens the tree even further. Brilliant
My eyes are drawn to the lighthouse (?) but it's obscured by the crashing waves. There's certainly much drama in the image, but I'd prefer to see the lighthouse without the waves obscuring it. "Nature's fury vs man" sort of thing.
My eyes are drawn to the lighthouse (?) but it's obscured by the crashing waves. There's certainly much drama in the image, but I'd prefer to see the lighthouse without the waves obscuring it. "Nature's fury vs man" sort of thing.

Thanks, Ian. It's not quite as big as a lighthouse as we know them but more of a big navigation beacon. Here's a better photo to show the size and structure.

Departing by Stan, on Flickr
And that image appeals more to me. Still shows nature's fury, but has the humans battling it. Perhaps not as aethetically pleasing but more interesting (to me).
Very dramatic Stan.
I agree with the crop also.
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Thats a great seascape image with plenty of drama. I'd agree about the crop as it does work like that. How does it look in mono?
I really like the energy in the slight crop. Just taking the edge off magnifies the power.

The real star for me isn't here. I love the 'Washed Over' shot you put in the Fuji X thread!