weekly rpn's 52 Photo Challenge 2024 - Week 26 NATURAL ABSTRACT Added

Yes, I really like this shot

Decay is brilliant! Love it.
Snapper's Choice excellent too! Who doesn't love a puffin!

I kept that rose for, oh! 4 or even 5 years in the garage. The reason was that I thought one day I might take a photo of it in its decay condition and that day finally came! :giggle:
I like them both :)
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Great shot and processing Stan. I really like your chosen shot, and it's my preferred image of the two. I'd have that on my wall! (y)
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Two great shots. I like them both but #1 nudges it, only because of the in focus earth on the 2nd that distracts a bit from the image.
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Lovely shot for snapper’s choice and like both abstract though the first one is the cracker, like Bob they do my eyes in after a while
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