weekly RyanB's 52 for 2024 Week 52 Transport

YES YES! That's what it takes for a great fireworks shot. A photo that would be good without them - made better with them :)
Week 45 Snappers Choice

I've been playing with my new (to me) Trioplan 100mm f2.8 this last week since I got it so its got to be a bubble bokeh shot...


Stained Glass

Good stuff and interesting bokeh!
Very nice!

Did you lie on the floor?

It looks like they've had moths on the right hand side.
Very nice!

Did you lie on the floor?

It looks like they've had moths on the right hand side.
Thanks Paul, No lying on the floor from me just looking straight up and stepping around until I found as close to the middle as I could using the viewfinder.

As for the rhs those marks have puzzled me as well, I might bring a long lens with me next time and see If I can get some more detail that way. This is a 100% crop, looks like stars with a reddish circle? I did wonder if it all corresponded to the night sky but some seem randomly placed and others not so much and mirror each other. Almost like they didn't finish the whole job and the entire ceiling should have had them.
The skill of these people to design and build this, really impressive. Nice colours captured here.
The skill of these people to design and build this, really impressive. Nice colours captured here.
Thanks Alan! Totally agree, the blending of form and function is evident everywhere you look in these old buildings. It boggles the mind how much planning must have gone into them.
Great shot of one of my fave ceilings :)
Week 47 Ancient tech flash

Ancient or positively prehistoric... A very lazy use of on camera/ phone flash as the indoor lighting was very poor.

Diplomystus dentatus a 48m year old freshwater predator related to the modern Herring and Sardine
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Something fishy going on there!

Tell us more.
Definitely ancient!

Might be past its best... does it pass the sniff test?
Nicely done Ryan :)
Nicely topical but different. And my fave Cathedral too :banana:
Nice one Ryan and a nice close to the set.