weekly RyanB's 52 for 2024 Week 52 Transport

Oooooh - and again.... OOOOOOOOH!

Like it :)
Really effective. One of those pictures, look a second and third time to see something more each time. I need to learn this technique and have the confidence to try it out.
Very good!
Thanks Paul!
I don't think there are enough positive comments for this.

Great shot.
Many thanks Kell, I'll take what I can get in regards to comments. Probably been a bit lax in leaving them for others myself which is something I am gonna work on.
Really effective. One of those pictures, look a second and third time to see something more each time. I need to learn this technique and have the confidence to try it out.
Thanks Alan, I'm still working on the confidence to use it on people other than myself (or shooting people in general).
Week 39 Exit

I spent the better part of 3 hours trying to coax a caterpillar I found in the kitchen out of a bottle for a shot, it just wouldn't play ball. Within 5 min this little pill bug made his way out for me, both now released back into the wild.

Splendid effort! Both of you :)
Nice one Ryan :)
Haven't commented for a while so catching up. I do like some of your "studio" shots, particularly people. Lovely to see a proper book seller too!
That's lovely :)
Week 42 Local Tech Panning

Had a little play about with some local traffic to get the panning tech done for this week.

Go speed racer, go! Some of our local traffic calming measures.;)
Like the tractor but love your chosen image, that's a cracker.
Not only great composition with the car and sign, plus the feeling of speed, but also as a bonus the drivers hands.
It looks as if he's praying with hands off the wheel.
So much to like about that image, it really punched out at me.
No1 looks like a clever clogs shot. How did you get the sign writing static - and blur going both ways?
Like the tractor but love your chosen image, that's a cracker.
Not only great composition with the car and sign, plus the feeling of speed, but also as a bonus the drivers hands.
It looks as if he's praying with hands off the wheel.
So much to like about that image, it really punched out at me.
Thanks Keith, glad you like the image. Funny enough my missus immediately on seeing the shot asked if the driver was praying.
No1 looks like a clever clogs shot. How did you get the sign writing static - and blur going both ways?
Ha, Took a clever clogs to notice I guess.( I was hoping one would) ;) I was aiming to get the sign in the shot but realised with the panning it would be blurred so I took a static shot of the sign and blended it with the final shot in PS. I did think of doing it for real but thought using an off camera flash to freeze the sign at the end of the exposure might cause an accident.

As a side note, On the other side of that treeline in the BG is where I took my Week 8 Whole shot of Ely Cathedral from the same perspective as the cover of The Division Bell.
Defo clever clogs shot of the week :banana:
Week 43 Rough

Anyone who has been to the beach knows while it can feel soft under foot, its abrasive qualities make it rough in a crack or crevasse...

A grain of sand balanced on top of another. Shot with bellows and a reversed 35mm lens, focus stack of 25 images.

Oooooh nicely done :)