Scots_quine's 52 Challenge for 2020 - Week 52 added

Good little catch up you've done there.
I do like the free well shot, colourful, with a really strong reflection.
Hi Joan,

Are you out of hospital now? I hope everything is okay.

Narrow - Why is it that most hospitals (especially post war ones) are so dreary? It surely can't help recovery.
Free - That's a lovely shot and so different from Narrow. Excellently lit, lovely colours and great reflections.
Sharp - Poor little logitech... It'll be forever watching out in the shower now !
I hope you're doing okay now Joan.

A lovely catch-up.
Sharp. Great idea and well pictured.
Snapper's: Simple, colourful and effective.
Narrow: Love the light and softness about it.
Sharp- I hope no mice were injured in the making of this! Definitely fits the bill.

Choice - very nice composition with the reflections and colours.

Narrow and soft - very accommodating of them to place you in a ward where you can keep your 52 up to date! Joking aside, well captured and I do hope you are home now and not back in hospital. Speedy recovery Joan.
Nice catch up, hope you're not in hospital too long!
Very nice indeed! Well crafted and will taken.
I'll try that again .. :D

A nice artistic take on the theme Joan (y)
A digital clock, ? they don't come much more digital than that Joan (y)
I'm confused by the shadow on that - looks like it's on a corner!? o_O

Definitely digital!
A bit of a sneaky shoehorn there Joan, ;)
But different from a lot of the others so that is a (y)
From me.
Hi Joan,
Digital Age - As Shugpug says, quite an illusion there. The background looks flat until you look at the shadow, which indicates it's actually a corner. Cleverly shot.
Camera - A per Chris, a clever shoehorn, though you obviously waited for there to be a person in the photo, thinking about how you can work with restricted composition :)
I like the effect - is that a photo book - I've been trying to work out the subject from what I can see if the interior.
Ha that thought had occurred to me too for leaves, but unlike you, I couldn't think of an imaginative way to photograph it. The processing works nicely.
Nicely processed Joan (y)
A different take on the theme too.
I like the effect - is that a photo book - I've been trying to work out the subject from what I can see if the interior.
It’s one of my gardening books - I think it may be The Secret Garden.
That's something a little different.

Yup, that works.
That's worked nicely - lovely complimentary colours.
Nice - I got some similar results a few yaers back by tossing the camera in the air in frnt of my monitor ;)
Lovely colours and patterns and definitely abstract, well captured/processed.
Very nice Joan
Very colourful and off set symmetry ( if that's possible ;) ) all add up very nicely (y)