weekly Shiny's 2021 52 Attempt

Thought I'd be original but notice someone got there first; hey ho, here they are anyway

Plant by ShinySU, on Flickr

Plant-2 by ShinySU, on Flickr
I really like the one you picked. It's not only "plant", but it looks like a plant reaching for the sky.
I really like the one you picked. It's not only "plant", but it looks like a plant reaching for the sky.

It does doesn't it. You wouldn't catch me up in one, that platform is seriously high.
Although unfortunate you were not first to the party, I do think you had an original idea for the theme - well done. I agree your selection was a good one.
Good stuff - No1 does look like a plant and it's plant :D
Nice alternative take on the theme even if you felt you were beaten to it. I really like the first shot for the way it climbs diagonally across the image. Top job :)
Indigenous: If you know anything about Cornwall you will know that Trago Mills is typically Cornish (there is one in Devon too). This particular picture is not exactly stunning but there is a little story behind it. I had just bought a Cornish pasty and decided that I would try to get an interesting picture of it but first I took this one after putting the pasty down on a wall. It took be no more than 20 seconds to take this shot and when I turned round a bloody seagull had pounced and was now gobbling up my lunch as fast as he could. I could have taken a picture of the seagull, or I could have saved my pasty, I chose the latter. So for Indigenous, this will have to do.

Indigenous by ShinySU, on Flickr

Dominating: This bridge is at the back of Trago Mills and must be 30 or 40 metres high and dominates the car park there. The bridge carries main-line trains to Penzance,

Dominating by ShinySU, on Flickr

Snappers Choice: As I get older I worry that young people see us old folk as throw-away, litter if you will.

Snappers by ShinySU, on Flickr

Hands: This is one of a whole series of statues at Trago. The guy who owns the business is a staunch UKIP supporter, hates the EU and also the local county council -- I have no idea why. The whole of this statue depicts a devil (the EU in this case) standing on the shoulders of the common man who has to carry it around.

Hands by ShinySU, on Flickr

Fur: And so we make it back to my dog [again], sleeping on the windowsill, something she does a lot of.

Fur by ShinySU, on Flickr
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Really like "Hands". I'd be sorely tempted to desaturate that car, or the number plate & brake light at least just to pull the attention away.

Fur is nice too. Family pets are really... part of the family... This will be a nice one to look back on in the years to come I think.
Really like "Hands". I'd be sorely tempted to desaturate that car, or the number plate & brake light at least just to pull the attention away.

Fur is nice too. Family pets are really... part of the family... This will be a nice one to look back on in the years to come I think.

Yes, that car is quite distracting. Unless one actually takes a picture of cars they add nothing to any subject at all.

A quick job in lightroom:

Hands by ShinySU, on Flickr
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Looks much better to me.
Had to catch up so these are not brill but fit the brief:

Clean (water)

Clean by ShinySU, on Flickr

Glass (and dust particles)

Glass by ShinySU, on Flickr

Snapper Choice September
There is nothing special about this photograph apart from the fact that I've been photobombed by one of my dogs while taking a daily picture of the garden from exactly the same position to see the passing of the seasons. Didn't even know he was there until I downloaded the pics to my computer. It just appealed to me.

SnappersSeptember by ShinySU, on Flickr
Heh. The photobomb works great and adds humour and a sense of time/memory to a plot of land that could easily be quite timeless.
Water - Interesting how oof the background is, even at f/11.
Glass - They certainly look well used :) A nice line up of Nikon kit.
Snappers - Hehe, He certainly makes the shot doesn't he. A " whad'ya doin' " look on his face. Love it.
Water - Interesting how oof the background is, even at f/11.
Glass - They certainly look well used :) A nice line up of Nikon kit.
Snappers - Hehe, He certainly makes the shot doesn't he. A " whad'ya doin' " look on his face. Love it.
Nikon 105mm micro does the trick.

The equipment does need a good clean -- oh, I could have used it in 'Clean' too.

The garden picture ends up like that because I am taking thee pictures from different directions every day to see the passing of the year. I don't look through the camera but just place it on three prescribed lines, 35 degrees apart, and press the shutter button at the same aperture each time. Anything could appear in the photograph without me noticing.
The equipment does need a good clean -- oh, I could have used it in 'Clean' too.
Nah, it looks used and loved like that.
If you were booking a tog for a photoshoot, who would you be more likely to trust. Someone who turns up with obviously used, but loved equipment (scuffed paint, but clean optics etc.) or someone who turns up with brand spanking new (looking unused) equipment...

Some would consider lemurs behind bars as unnatural and I suppose they would be right in a way, but considering the destruction in Madagascar of their natural habitat, this may be as natural as they are ever going to get. In truth, this is not a fair representation of where the lemurs are housed, they are at Porfell Animal Park in Cornwall and they can leave their enclosure and head out over the roofs of other enclosures. Their own enclosure is sizeable and interesting.

Unnatural by ShinySU, on Flickr
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A view downstream from the bridge in Lerryn in Cornwall. Best viewed big in Flickr.

Natural by ShinySU, on Flickr
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A nice related pair Martin.
Unnatural - And yet he does have a sad demeanour. Cornwall in Autumn isn't the same as Madagascar. A fair bit chillier I expect.
Lovely shot though and does provoke thought.
Natural - Letterbox works. I'm liking the reflections off of the water.
Was there anything you could have done to avoid blowing the clouds?
Was there anything you could have done to avoid blowing the clouds?
Not really, it was an opportunist snap while out for a walk with my sister, the sun was shining directly at me and a lot was reflecting off the water. I've had a look at the raw file and there is nothing left in the clouds.
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The lemur is a interesting one makes me wonder what is he thinking about the DOF is really well captured too
Nice river view Martin, much better bigger on Flickr.
Poor little lemur, at least his has plenty of bananas.

Nice river view Martin, much better bigger on Flickr.
Poor little lemur, at least his has plenty of bananas.


I must stress Pete that the lemurs live in positive luxury and are extremely well looked after. The picture was intended to depict the theme, not to pass comment on the care and well-being of the animal concerned and they are probably better off where they are than they could ever be in the wild.

The river image is the sort of picture that is best viewed on a huge canvas so as to be immersive. I love going to art galleries where they show massive paintings of landscapes, where you have to turn your head to take it all in.
Autumn. Unfortunately I didn't have a decent camera with me and this was taken on my phone. It doesn't really show the depth of colour that was really there but...coulda, woulda, shoulda.

Autumn by ShinySU, on Flickr
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Door (to hell)

Not much of a picture really but I'm trying to catch up, it's more the back story. The door (gate) on the left is the entrance to my beehives, it is the door to hell. My bees are not the friendliest in the world but they do give great honey. At the end of June I was convinced that there would be no honey this year and yet by the end of July I managed to take 98lbs while still leaving some in the hives. They do not like me taking it and will have a good go when I open the hives and I have been stung many times. The door is there to keep the dogs from sniffing around. Blow it up on Flickr and you can see some of the bees at the entrances.

Door to hell by ShinySU, on Flickr
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How many hives Martin?
Just the two that are in the picture. I had five last summer but things went wrong over winter and early spring.
That's a massive yield in that case (y)
Architecture? Probably was called that once but now is more one of Prince Charles' notable 'carbuncles'. I'm not sure if it's occupied but it must be a dismal place to live if it is. It's in Pymouth.

I'm afraid the perspective is a little odd because I had to use Lightroom to make it vertical as I could only take the picture from low down.

Architecture by ShinySU, on Flickr
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