weekly SimonB - 52 for 2024 - Week 32 Hot with tech

Nice cat gob, unusual for a cat to cooperate, only crit would be the busy ish background but you would get less cooperation if you tried to move him:)

Ha very true, he would be very grumpy if I had moved him.

Unkempt: My sentiments exactly. A pointless thing to do.
Gob shot: Nice one and a very handsome chap.

Thank you!
Another little catch-up from me. Snappers choice provided an opportunity to get the tech ticked off so a macro shot of some vivid colouring pencils is in order. There is far too much in colours and I leave the artistic flair to my wife, she is able to differentiate colours much better than I can.

Choices by Simon Brown

I went out for a walk in Southport at the weekend to capture the empty picture and saw that the skate park happened to be empty at the time although some people were just heading in so it was a quick snap to try and capture the emptiness. I thought the graffiti was quite vivid too! ;)

Empty by Simon Brown

Hope you all like it and as always open to criticism and comments.
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Two good shots!

I had a similar idea for the Vivid theme, but couldn't find my son's pencils!
Like them both :)

I've photographed the skaters etc off the pier there many times :)
Two good shots!

I had a similar idea for the Vivid theme, but couldn't find my son's pencils!

Like them both :)

I've photographed the skaters etc off the pier there many times :)

Love the pencils and the vividness (also in
Empty). Good catch up!!

Two nice ones. You're right, both could tick the vivid box.

2 good shots Simon

Thanks for all the comments everyone, I've been getting lazy with keeping up to date with my pictures and comments.

I must do better!
Week 17 is erm somewhat of a shoehorn :ROFLMAO:

I went to the Isle of Man last week with my brother as we do most years. I always enjoy a walk through Groudle Glen and I took this picture of the water wheel known as "Little Isabella" which was demolished and rebuilt in 2020. I always find it quite a random thing to come across and it is always nice to see the wheel turning. I believe there is talk of using the wheel to power some lights through the glen.

I was traveling by motorbike this time and therefore my luggage didn't stretch to carry my usual DSLR camera so I took this picture with my trusty iPhone. I put the picture through LR to enhance the colours etc.

I hope you like it and I shall endeavor to catch up with weeks 18 and 19.

Structure WK17
by Simon Brown
Ha still playing catch-up here with weeks 18 and 19. No excuse other than being very distracted by the sunny weather!

I did a bit of lawn renovation recently and after mowing the lawn with some straight-ish lines in the lawn I thought that it would tick the box for straight.

Week 18 - Straight

Straight Lines
by Simon Brown

Week 19 - Bent

The bent theme came to mind a bit easier as this post near where I live has been bent for over a year. I imagine the council has better things to spend money on. I took this picture with my mobile and I'm sure I must have looked a bit odd to everyone else. I was quite fortunate that the blue Audi came into the shot at the right time too.

Bent Post
by Simon Brown
They both work. You are right that the inclusion of the blue car makes a big difference.
So uploading Weeks 20 and 21 should bring me up to date finally.

Quite a wide variety of weather we have had here today, raining for most of the morning so that was the weather theme ticked and then it was sunny and warm in the afternoon. So a short walk to the local church to tick the box for the arches theme.

Quite a successful day.

Week 20 - Arches

I couldn't think of much inspiration for this theme, then I saw all the brilliant pictures everyone else posted and then it was obvious. This is a local church, I don't know much about it's history but it ticks the box for the theme.

Church Arch
by Simon Brown

Week 21 - Weather

The rain was pouring down this morning so I tried a few different ideas and settled with the raindrops on the car as I like the lines on the car, let me know what your thoughts are!

Weather 1
by Simon Brown

Weather 3
by Simon Brown

Weather 2
by Simon Brown
That’s some colours on the church, unusual.
The car would be my preference for the weather shot, well polished !
Arches. Nicely framed with the trees
Weather. I'm with you on the car shot, although the puddle works quite well too.
Another fan of your puddle shot here, but the car works very nicely too
Arches - the trees in the foreground work well to add some depth.
Weather - I think the puddle shot says "weather" the best because of the action you captured, but since you posted a car - what kind of car?
That’s some colours on the church, unusual.
The car would be my preference for the weather shot, well polished !

Thank you, I was quite lucky with the weather.

Arches. Nicely framed with the trees
Weather. I'm with you on the car shot, although the puddle works quite well too.

It was a toss up between the two pictures :p

Another fan of your puddle shot here, but the car works very nicely too

Thanks very much.

Arches - the trees in the foreground work well to add some depth.
Weather - I think the puddle shot says "weather" the best because of the action you captured, but since you posted a car - what kind of car?

Yeah it was a toss up between the two and it took a few attempts to get the right shot for the puddle. The car is a BMW Z4 unfortunately sitting in the rain.
Week 22 - Critter

I just so happened to have a day off today and while tidying up the garden I spotted this daddy long legs by the window. I went to get my camera and fitted the macro lens and it took quite a few adjustments in the camera settings to try and get what I was after. The critter was also good enough to move itself to the brick wall which I think adds a lot more interest to the picture.

I chose this picture in the end as I like how the legs take up a large portion of the picture and it highlights the detail in the wings.

Critter 1
by Simon Brown

I was very close to selecting this picture but I didn't because I wasn't happy with the narrow depth of field and I found it quite hard to get the head in focus. I imagine that a tripod would have helped here.

Critter 2
by Simon Brown

I did like this picture except for the plain background of the windowsill and that one of the legs is smack bang in the middle of the picture.

Critter 3
by Simon Brown

Hope you like the pictures and feedback is always welcome!
A good set of images. I have to admit I've never looked at a Daddy Long Legs in detail before - interesting.
Nice shots of a Cranefly :)

To me a Daddy longlegs is a Harvestman.
A great set of pics for this week! I like both of the ones with the wall, agree that the background of the third is a little plan. Your chosen pic definitely shows off the details best I think
A nice set and some great detail. The wall does make the best background in my opinion
Great shots recently. Your chosen Critters is a beaut!!

Thank you very much!

Arches and weather are nice shots - the critters shots are excellent

Thanks Simon (y)

A great set of pics for this week! I like both of the ones with the wall, agree that the background of the third is a little plan. Your chosen pic definitely shows off the details best I think

Cheers, it was good taking them and once I had figured out the correct setting on the lens it suddenly became a lot easier!

A nice set and some great detail. The wall does make the best background in my opinion

Thanks, I’m glad you said that it was a good job the cranefly moved to the wall.
Currently on holiday in Germany without my camera, so it’ll be shots from the mobile phone for the moment. This weeks theme was very lucky as we are staying in AirBnBs. Therefore I’m told that requires us to go the local supermarket for some essential supplies. I’m sure I must have looked strange to the locals taking this picture but I liked how the mirror gives the illluison of more fruit and vegetables on display.

A quick tweak in Lightroom and here we are.

Vegetables by Simon Brown
A nice selection. I did simlar - but closer :D
Ah, I'm falling behind again!

So here begins my slow catch-up with weeks 24 and 25.

Week 24 - Decay with tech

This is a tangerine that I deliberately left out to rot, and it took a surprisingly long time to get to this stage. I went for a close-up with the background blurred, with the intention of meeting the minimalist technique.

Week 24 Decay
by Simon Brown

Week 25 - Free week

Nice to finally have a day off with some good weather, this was the perfect oppertunity to take some pictures in the area. The ducks caught my eye so I spent some time trying to get a shot of them that I liked. I thought the water dripping from the bill added a little something extra.

Week 25 Free
by Simon Brown
Nice catch up, tried the same leaving a banana but gave up waiting for it. Drake has lovely colours and sharp