weekly SimonB - 52 for 2024 - Week 32 Hot with tech

I'm on a mission at the moment!

Another two pictures to catch up on, these were also quite good fun to take.

Week 26 - Natural Abstract

I wanted to use the macro lens and I had a lot of leaves on the lawn as I had spent the weekend pruning the beech trees in the garden. The sun was very bright and by holding the leaf up to the sun and being careful not to look directly at the sun, I was able to capture all the cells and veins in the leaf.

Week 26 Natural
by Simon Brown

Week 27 - Light

The blinds always throw interesting shapes on the floor in the morning and with some catnip I managed to find a willing subject in our cat Lilly. She loves rolling around in the sun and the catnip helps too! I really like the way her paw is just sticking up in the air, I had to adjust the shutter speed to account for her quick flicks from side to side.

Week 27 Light
by Simon Brown
Another selection of pictures towards catching up!

Week 28 - Clouds

This was taken about a week ago at the local beach, the weather was unusually nice and everyone had taken the opportunity to enjoy it, as you can probably see from all the cars at the bottom. I thought the clouds here looked quite good for the theme, although it did need some tweaking to get some blue in it, hopefully I didn't go too far.

by Simon Brown

Week 29 - Summer

I was at a loss for ideas for this theme and ended up with two images that I liked for the theme, I chose the rose image of course as it is nice to see them in full bloom but I also liked watching the dogs enjoying the weather on the beach, choices choices!

Summer Rose
by Simon Brown

Summer Dog
by Simon Brown
I think I might have gone with the dog on the beach - that shot has a great feel to it.
Drink and Bridges - Two good shots. Good choice of B&W in Drink and the colour contrast and composition in Bridges is great.
Two nice shots. I particularly like the composition and simplicity of the bridge.
I thought this would be a good one for the theme and the technique, however it was a bit of a pain to do, but I learnt a lot in the process. There is quite a bit of photo shopping involved in this picture. My propmaster wife Disney93 kindly helped out by holding the slippery ice cube with a pair of tongs, which was later edited out. I also "backlit" the bottom of the match with another flame, which was also edited out along with the mini tripod holding the match.

Finding the right settings was the tricky part as my prop master had the tough job of keeping the ice cube as still as possible while I had to set the camera to get as much light as I needed to keep the match and flame sharp and the background dark.

After many, many shots and attempts, I finally came up with this.

I'm sure you've noticed that the hot and cold make a nice contrast for the tech!

Hot and Cold
by Simon Brown
Yep - that's a clever clogs shot for sure :)
Good idea for the tech theme and has worked well. Fair play for the effort involved
Nice idea and nicely taken.

I think now you know why all food photographers use gelatine ‘ice’ cubes.

We once work with an inexperienced guy shooting drinks and the ice was gone in about 20 minutes under the studio lights

That makes a lot of sense, my ice cube wasn’t wasted. It was soon plopped into a glass of whisky.

Yep - that's a clever clogs shot for sure :)

Thank you!

Good idea for the tech theme and has worked well. Fair play for the effort involved

A frustrating process but I sort of got what I wanted in the end.

Plenty of tech in there !

Thanking you!
You certainly put the effort in. Works well for the theme and fits the tech bill well.