Simon's 52 in 2021

That works really well Simon and is bang on the theme. The "pretend horrified" look adds to the fun - even though it's oof, and makes it a chucklesome image.
Nice & different perspective :)
Love the ambition - even if you ended up 'just' using an iPhone. Very different looking image.

Did you consider removing the back of the pumpkin to poke a lens through?
Yes I did actually, although the moment had gone. The pumpkins were carved by my wife’s neice 10 yo twins who were visiting but they’d gone home (with the pumpkins) by the time I realised that might have been the better shot!
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Not outside the box but inside the pumpkin... nice idea for the theme.
That's fantastic! :banana:
That works really well Simon and is bang on the theme. The "pretend horrified" look adds to the fun - even though it's oof, and makes it a chucklesome image.

Well, you may call it quick and dirty, but I call it very successful!

Agree with the above very original take on the theme

Nice & different perspective :)

Love the ambition - even if you ended up 'just' using an iPhone. Very different looking image.

Did you consider removing the back of the pumpkin to poke a lens through?

Not outside the box but inside the pumpkin... nice idea for the theme.

That's fantastic! :banana:

Thanks all so much for your taking time to look an comment this week. Very much appreciated!
That's a great idea, it says something. I'm not sure that better image quality would make much difference in a shot like this, thinking along the lines of the roughness of footage in the Blair Witch Project for example.
I thought this was quite a well thought out shot and the graininess just adds to it too, superb.

That's a great idea, it says something. I'm not sure that better image quality would make much difference in a shot like this, thinking along the lines of the roughness of footage in the Blair Witch Project for example.
Thanks both.
TBH there wasn’t too much thought, other than I wanted to take a photo from inside the pumpkin. Personally, I quite like, the way the OOF model (my daughter) looks.
if I’d have had more time id have centred the pumpkin face more, and as @Kell suggested cut a hole in the back of the pumpkin and used my “proper” camera, but that all would have taken some of the impromptu-ness away.

Honoured to be mentioned in the same breath as the Blair Witch Project
Week 44 - Underneath

3 shots this week on the theme of underneath

The first one is a tree bough I spotted on a walk in on the Arlington Estate on our holiday to North Devon last week. I was taken by the ferns growing out of the moss on the top of the bough, leaving the underneath bare. The light was abysmal and it was raining, so I've had to crop and tweak this a bit in PP, so the quality is not what I'd like but I think it hits the theme. I chose this one for the main page as I think it's a little more unusual.

The second one, also taken last week is the two cars of the Lynton & Lynmouth Cliff Railway passing each other as they go underneath a bridge. As an aside, having walked down from Lynton to Lynmouth for a coffee and pasty, it's well worth the £3 fare to get the ride back up - it's steep!!!!

The third submission is a little older, of a wreck underneath the water in the old harbour at Barry Island, taken a couple of months ago. It was an opportune shot as this, and all the other wrecks in the harbour (and there were a few) have all since been removed.

Underneath 1 by Simon Hiscocks, on Flickr

Underneath 2 by Simon Hiscocks, on Flickr

Underneath 3 by Simon Hiscocks, on Flickr
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Nice trio ( tree-o? ) :D
They all fit the theme
Good stuff - I've done that walk and you are correct :)
Been there and got that t-shirt with the walk.
The under the tree branch does work and is very similar to mine.

All work well for the theme. I like the tree bough as it leads you through the frame, and I've never seen ferns like that growing on a tree.
All work well for the theme. I like the tree bough as it leads you through the frame, and I've never seen ferns like that growing on a tree.
Thanks! It was pretty unusual - there were a few trees in the area with ferns but this was the most striking.
Nice trio ( tree-o? ) :D
They all fit the theme

Nice set of pictures all of them worthy of the theme

Good stuff - I've done that walk and you are correct :)

Been there and got that t-shirt with the walk.
The under the tree branch does work and is very similar to mine.


All work well for the theme. I like the tree bough as it leads you through the frame, and I've never seen ferns like that growing on a tree.

All fit well, but the colours and composition in #1 win for me.
As always folks, that you kindly for your feedback. (y)
Week 45 Snappers Choice & Tech (Composite)

Gosh, I've really struggled over the last week with thoughts about a composite image. I know I've got a while yet, but I like to try and be ahead of the game so been fiddling last couple of days.

This is a composite of a shot of a reflecting pool at Portmeirion in North Wales and a jet skier off Penarth near Cardiff. I haven't really ever attempted anything like this before, so it's a bit (*cough*) rough around the edges, but I think it sort of works. In my mind I see the people on the benches trying to have a quiet few minutes peace with this jet skier during up the pool :LOL:
Apologies to any jet skiers out there.......

Unfortunately the sky in the Potmeirion photo is a bit blown out....

Done in Adobe Photshop Elements 18 (I have no idea about some of the tools I used for this!!!!!)

Composite by Simon Hiscocks, on Flickr
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Like 'free-lensing', I'm probably not going to manage the 'composite' tech as not only have I never done it before, I've never felt I needed to as it's not my style of photography. However, this is a clever composite image. It's not quite right but TBH, it's pretty close to being a completely believable image. Well composited (is that even a word?) (y)
Like 'free-lensing', I'm probably not going to manage the 'composite' tech as not only have I never done it before, I've never felt I needed to as it's not my style of photography. However, this is a clever composite image. It's not quite right but TBH, it's pretty close to being a completely believable image. Well composited (is that even a word?) (y)
Thanks Martin. as implied above, it’s well out of my comfort zone, but I guess that’s the “challenge”!
I'm sure I could have taken a little more time and attention to detail, but tbh I just wanted to get it out of the way!
I think it works really well - for a minute it really fooled me. Well done if this is your first attempt - it really works well.
It made me smile and fear for his safety with such a tight turning circle :)

Great work for a first attempt at the technique - looks good to me... next time you can composite the sky too!
It made me smile and fear for his safety with such a tight turning circle :)

Great work for a first attempt at the technique - looks good to me... next time you can composite the sky too!
Thanks Bee. Good point about the sky! #filesawayforfuturereference
Bloody hooligans! :ROFLMAO:

It's a great idea, and to my 9admittedly amateur0 eyes it looks well done too.. God knows how you managed to blend in the spray!