Simon's 52 in 2024

It makes a great abstract shot. I'm not sure if I would have worked it out if you hadn't explained. Nice one.
A good take! All nice shots, but I do like your chosen one for this week. It looks a bit like snow had you not explained it
Arches - I like your chosen shot, the angle gives a real sense of scale.
Weather - I can't quite get my head around why it looks like it looks (or maybe it always looks like that if you're silly enough to look at the sun?) but it's a fascinating composition!
Arches - I like your chosen shot, the angle gives a real sense of scale.
Weather - I can't quite get my head around why it looks like it looks (or maybe it always looks like that if you're silly enough to look at the sun?) but it's a fascinating composition!

Thanks Nick

Re the weather shot. I wasn't looking directly at the sun - or in fact anywhere near it - although the sun shining through the clouds was in the original photo. It's a big crop of that photo Unfortunately I've deleted the original shot, but it was a wider shot similar to this iPhone shot and I just cropped out the bit with the sun in it and covered. it to mono to make it slightly more dramatic.

Nice set of critters there Simon :)
A great set. I rather like the jaunty composition and colour of the beetle image.
A great set. I rather like the jaunty composition and colour of the beetle image.
Thanks Helen - I like the beetle shot, but it was a dodgy iPhone shot - I was afraid to get too close in case I moved a leaf an it got away, so quality not great (similar with the demoiselle).
Week 23 - Vegetable(s)

I'm afraid I'm not overly inspired by this week's theme, and have other stiff going on, so this is very much a tick box exercise this week.

Tonight's runner beans waiting to go in the pot.

I suspect some may argue it's a fruit rather than a vegetable? :LOL:

Beans by Simon Hiscocks, on Flickr
I think we should rather avoid the whole fruit / vegetable debacle!

I like that shot - far from a tick box one. That looks appetising to me. I can even smell them (though that could be the broad beans my wife is shelling downstairs!)
I think we should rather avoid the whole fruit / vegetable debacle!

I like that shot - far from a tick box one. That looks appetising to me. I can even smell them (though that could be the broad beans my wife is shelling downstairs!)
Thanks Paul!
It's vegetation therefore it vegatable. Otherwise it would be animal or mineral :)

Nice shot of them :)
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Nice one Simon. We went there when we stayed in Mevagissey a few years back :)
Week 25 - Snapper's Choice

First up - an admission. This wasn't taken within this week's time frame, it was actually taken last Wednesday whilst we were away on holiday in Cornwall. We didn't get back until end of the week and opportunities for taking photos in the next 7 days are severely hamstrung by a family celebration, squeezing in a bunch of to do's and going away on a golf trip.

If snapper's choice had been last week I'd have submitted this but it wasn't :LOL:, so apologies for using it as a shoe in to use it for this week.

This is the Morden Stream near Cotehele Mill (National Trust) as it flows down into the river Tamar. The original colour shot was ok, but nothing special, but a conversion to mono has I think worked.

Morden Stream flowing into the Tamar by Simon Hiscocks, on Flickr

A second offering (which I might have used as the main theme, but it's a couple of days older still, so I'd be pushing my luck even further), is one of Charlestown Harbour (we stayed here for a few days in the first part four week away). The colour version was nice, but I played around and used Affinity Photo to tone map and convert to a high contrast mono and it's resulted in (for me) quite a striking image.

Charlestown reflections TM Mono by Simon Hiscocks, on Flickr
Personally I don't have a problem with the temporal anomaly for either of your images. I like the selected shot. There seems to be a nice flow through the scene.

The Charlestown shot has potential, but it needs more contrast. But even with that, it won't be as well balanced as the Morden stream. Now, there might be a crop in there that delivers...
Personally I don't have a problem with the temporal anomaly for either of your images. I like the selected shot. There seems to be a nice flow through the scene.

The Charlestown shot has potential, but it needs more contrast. But even with that, it won't be as well balanced as the Morden stream. Now, there might be a crop in there that delivers...
Thanks Paul. Good feedback. I deliberately didn’t crop the second shot as I wanted to keep the mast reflections but I might go back and fiddle around to see what apertains….and boost the contrast!! ;)
Week 26 - Natural Abstract and Tech - Contrasty

This weeks chosen shot is a of a pine tree I walk past a lot near Penarth seafront. It's quite a bright limey green usually and quite contrasty by default, but with the current tech them I though it would work converted to mono and with the contrast boosted, so here it is (I've added a smaller version in it's original unfiltered state below for comparison)

Natural Abstract 2 by Simon Hiscocks, on Flickr

DSCF2791 by Simon Hiscocks, on Flickr

The second shot is a close up of a bunch of white roses in my garden, also converted to mono with boosted contrast

Natural Abstract 1 by Simon Hiscocks, on Flickr