Simon's 52 in 2024

Nice - I could sup a few of those about now :)
(y) Box ticked and can enjoyed hopefully

- Link from main thread not working for me
Thanks Keith. I’ll take a look at the link

Should be working now - thanks for flagging (y)
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You missed one week, I missed seven! Good for you though for being far more disciplined than me. Hope you enjoyed the drink!
Week 31 - Bridge

Plenty of opportunity this week, but little time! On holiday with the family in Pembrokeshire. This weeks offering a small footbridge over a stream at the Gwadn, near Solva taken from atop the coastal cliff path

Untitled by Simon Hiscocks, on Flickr
Looks a good walk
Definitely being watched from the stream, my wife has a thing about cattle-she would not be happy with that
Super bridge.
Week 32 - Hot

A (rare) bit of sunshine in the garden and an opportunity for the flowers to shine. A few offerings on this week's theme of "hot". I like them all for different reasons, and I'm sure as is often the case when I post multiple shots, some of you will have differing views on which one fits the theme best!

This sunflower shot stands out because of the contrasting colours of the flower, blue sky and green foliage. I also cropped it square to cut out some stragglers either side which I think suits the shot better.

DSCF3284a by Simon Hiscocks, on Flickr

Different plant, same type as above. This time I've left the flower heads either side as the balance of the shot is better, and I like the flowerhead on this one the best as the petals look like flames

DSCF3286a by Simon Hiscocks, on Flickr

Tight crop of the above shot

DSCF3286b by Simon Hiscocks, on Flickr

I grew a bunch of calendulas this year - probably too many - they're all over the garden, but their hot orange flowers are striking

DSCF3293 by Simon Hiscocks, on Flickr
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As Kell said nice set and another one that thinks you picked the right one. Colours are pretty punchy but that suits the theme
Nice set, but I think the one you chose works better for me because of the isolation against the sky.
Cheers Kell. Appreciate you looking and taking the time to comment.
As Kell said nice set and another one that thinks you picked the right one. Colours are pretty punchy but that suits the theme
Thanks Keith. I did do a little PP (tone mapping) for full disclosure, but personally I like that effect. Thanks for dropping by.
Yep - Sunflowers are great!