Simon's 52 in 2024

Hot, I think the chosen shot works best.. the blue sky certainly adds to the hot theme.
Song title... nice one. Like the use of the mirror for the reflection.
Nailed it Simon :)
Good one. I must start to explore this mirror technique.
Thanks Bob.
It's a small circular mirror from one of those rotating bathroom shaving mirrors that I deconstructed for this purpose. Put it on the grass outside and got an angle where the blue sky reflected and then cropped to tidy.
Nice shot of a nice set Simon!
Yup, I've got one of those too and it looks equally unused...
Nicely shot.
Week 35 - Snapper's Choice

Just back from a week in Corfu (it was lovely thanks).
Here's three shots that I quite like from quite a lot more that I haven't yet had time to work through. I "only" had my Sony RX100vi with me other than why iPhone 13 Pro. These are all from the Sony.

This first one is a shot of the pool area in our small hotel, taken at about 8.30am one morning. I love the stillness of the water and the consequent reflections.

Pool reflections by Simon Hiscocks, on Flickr

This second shot of a couple of sunbeds was initially just a throwaway shot as I was trying to get my settings right for another shot, but the more I look at this the more I like it for the lines, the symmetry, the towel and water bottle. It's growing on me every time I look at it.

Sunbeams by Simon Hiscocks, on Flickr

My final offering in this set, is of the beach at Agios Georgios (north), the area we stayed in. I wanted to include the fabulous "sea daffodils" that are growing all along this stretch of beach along with the broader beachscape. What I didn't see until I got home and pulled this up on my monitor was the how the early morning light on the straw umbrellas makes it look as if they were photoshopped in - they weren't, this is a SOOC image.

Ag. Georgios (north), Corfu by Simon Hiscocks, on Flickr
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Three nice holiday shots Simon. No2 does has a certain quality that I like :)
Looks like a chilled holiday. I like you chosen shot... it tells a story more than the others.
Predictable - yet nicely done :)
Council? No Hi-vis? Scandalous!

Nice shot :)
Council cutting grass? Hold the front page! BCP Council are apparently helping the wildlife and it’s nothing to do with money when we get overgrown on our doorstep…..Sorry did that sound like a minor rant?

Nice shot and not jealous. 1726606267904.jpeg
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Council cutting grass? Hold the front page! BCP Council are apparently helping the wildlife and it’s nothing to do with money when we get overgrown on our doorstep…..Sorry did that sound like a minor rant?

Nice shot and not jealous. View attachment 434082
Cheers Alan. Priorities all over the place. I frequently rant about the local council. Missed refuse and recycling collections, There’s a field next to us, and it gets mown anything up to 3 times a month during the summer. But can’t fix the potholes though, or do anything about the brambles infiltrating my garden over the fence, or the (very) adjacent trees that dump a shedload of leaves on my garden every year.
Week 38 - People

Alas, it's been a busy week with little time for photography, and now the weather has turned 'orrible, and I've got another busy few days before flying off to Portugal for 5 nights and 4 rounds of golf (it's a tough life :ROFLMAO:)

But this shot, taken a couple of days ago on my iPhone, seems to tick the box for this week's theme of people - my chums getting ready to tee off at Newport Golf Club in the Senior's (yes I am old enough!) 4 Ball, Better Ball competition.)

Newport 4BBB by Simon Hiscocks, on Flickr
Definitely a Gentlemen Only Ladies Forbidden shot.

Nicely snapped :)
Just what you need on the first tee, an attentive audience and a bloke with a camera . Hope he got his first shot away.