So what film camera/bit of kit have you been obsessing about today?

Thanks. I suspected it might be a no name kind of camera as it was so vaguely described.

Obsessing now on whether this is a yashica just like I already bought and hated or it's something else. Think the other box is a brownie?

Well I'm no expert on TLR's, had a Mamiya C330 that didn't do anything for me, but that dial on the side looks like one on a Seagull TLR, I dunno if that design is common across lots of different manufacturers or if its particular to the Seagull.
Thanks. I suspected it might be a no name kind of camera as it was so vaguely described.

From what I've seen, "vaguely described2" seems to be the norm on that site.........somewhat of a gamble imo
Only 17 minutes late, that's good for me, and I usually am no help I'm gonna call that a win
There are few boxes of general camera crap that look quite interesting. Don't think there are any bargains as I'd imagine they would fish the good stuff out and put that separately.
W.....its gotta be a W

I prefer the Silver Fuji......and no bellows
They're both designed by Fuji, and built by Cosina, Voigtlander is bathing in reflected glory tbf
Much as I would love the wider lens it's that it's a modern folder that attracts me, the perfect lightweight, compact (in MF terms) and modern travel camera.

I may make it my mission to pick one up this year
I actually prefer the standard lens, wa distortion does my box in, but the standard doesn't come in a non folder.
As much as I love the idea that Fuji is/was making modern MF film cameras to buy new, I can't help feeling that we've moved on from the old school
concertina bellows asthetic.
It's a quality thing, but it seems like they tried a bit too hard to cover all bases with that retro design...:).
This week I have mostly been obsessing about reading the instruction book for my Canon EOS 3! After fishing the camera out of the cupboard the other week and putting a film in it for the first time in about 14 years, I realised I'd forgotten what some of the buttons did! All read now... well, apart from the 'custom functions' section, which I shall avoid on the grounds that life is too short! :whistle:
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Seagull TLR and other bits went for all of £10. Other more interesting box of stuff went for over £100. It'll be interesting to see where it fetches up as there was distinctive bits in it: Keystone MFG model A-9, no J6927; Ensign, cased, early 20th century; Gevabox 6x9

Had a small diversion and investigated the yashica f1.4 range finder thingy. Mostly obsessing over when I'm going to get the link to the next lot of scans at filmdev!
Flash, of all things! Something that would work with my X10 as well as Pentax MXs. And off camera. And less than @excalibur2 's nuclear blast...

Probably never happen, like most things I obsess about.

Mamiya 7???
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Kodak thinking about what they'd have to do to bring back Kodachrome. I'm sure I felt a ripple from gazillions of photographers going a bit light headed and giddy :)
Kodak thinking about what they'd have to do to bring back Kodachrome. I'm sure I felt a ripple from gazillions of photographers going a bit light headed and giddy :)

I've come over all 'Kodakery'. And my hands are sweaty..
I've come over all 'Kodakery'. And my hands are sweaty..

Don't worry, it's age. Happens to us all.

I always preferred Kodachrome to Ektachrome, and 25 rather than 64. has to be 120

i'll shoot 35mm if I have to but I just don't want to wear a skirt and paint my nails again has to be 120

i'll shoot 35mm if I have to but I just don't want to wear a skirt and paint my nails again

Again???? You mean that you've.........Ooh la la monsieur, tres coquin !! :naughty::D:D
A good choice.



Again???? You mean that you've.........Ooh la la monsieur, tres coquin !! :naughty::D:D

You should see the bloke I was with, here's a picture of him on 35mm kodachrome, we were both shooting it so dressed accordingly...:D


You should see the bloke I was with, here's a picture of him on 35mm kodachrome, we were both shooting it so dressed accordingly...:D


OMG I think I'm gunna be si:puke:ck!

My obsessive is new Nikon D750 or D610, 610 has it money wise, but 750 may have the edge with better images. Have to say the top of my list is the D750, even had one in my hands to play with yesterday. Took a lot of will power to leave it in the camera shop I must say.
The Rick Olsen screen in my Rolleicord and why I'm finding it harder and harder to focus.

I've just refitted the original screen.

Dimmer - yes.

Much easier to focus.

Think I'll stick with it.
I'm wondering whether changing mine for the Olsen screen was a good idea as well. I've kept the old one just in case.

Lucky I have a P & S I can use instead with 120 :D
Beer Can Pinhole for long exposure Solar graphs, Guinness of Stella Artois??
I'm wondering whether changing mine for the Olsen screen was a good idea as well. I've kept the old one just in case.

Lucky I have a P & S I can use instead with 120 :D

Photos or it isn't a real thing. :)
Interested to know how you find it, @srichards , what with the viewfinder being portrait format and so on. Quite wide angle, IIRC?

EDIT: compared to a ETRS or Mamiya 645, it's tiny!
Portrait viewfinder is interesting! Nice bright viewfinder though with very clear lines. The others I have with the frame lines aren't anywhere near as clear. Field of view is roughly a 37mm in 35mm speak so it's broadly similar to the Trip and the Voigtlander.