So what was your first slr or dslr?

Zenith E in the 80s with a temporary darkroom under the stairs. Succeeded by a Praktika with a split focus screen (can't remember the model) but it was stolen while I was at my passing out parade at Dartmouth in 1990 :-(. Nothing then until I got a 450D in 2009 - a pressie from my husband on his return from Afghanistan :).
first SLR was a Pentax MX that I bought in 1978; spent the money I'd saved from a summer job to get that. After a couple of years, made the mistake of buying a Nikon. They make better doorstops than cameras. Saw the light and bought a Canon T90 in 86, moved to an EOS5 in 93 and switched to digital with a EOS1Dmk2 in 2004
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OM 10 and I still have it
My first ever camera was a kodak 110 - the one with the disposable flash cubes

My first SLR type camera was a kowa that had a fixed lens but was otherwise like an SLR (if it was digital it would be a bridge camera but tht term hadnt been invented)

My first actual SLR was a praktika which had been my grandads (but i only had the one lens)

the first SLR I owned for which i actually had a suite of lenses was a Pentax MZ6

My First DSLR was a Canon 300D
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Pentax ME super, second hand in 1985, never really knew how to get the best out of it, couldn't afford the developing and printing costs to experiment so every picture taken had to mean something, but I always used the cheapo send off in the post developing and printing companies who sent you back a free film and now I have 1000's of negatives to scan of the kids.
Ah ah. Some great old cameras mentioned here. Do you remember the old instamatics that use to take squarish photos. I always remember been all excited when I was a kid putting the roll of film into a Trueprint envelop waiting two weeks for the prints to come back and then been pretty disappointed as I had only got around two half decent pictures out of 24...
My first SLR was my Grandads Praktica MTL3. I was loaned it in around the mid 90's. I didn't get on with the split prism focusing, and still don't. I can manually focus my 40D faster and more accurately than the Praktica.

My frist SLR that I bought was an EOS 300v in 2003. Digital was starting to get cheaper, but it still wasn't quite good enough IMO to take over from film (and I couldn't afford the £1000+ price tag at the time!)

I bought my first DSLR (40D) in 2008.
The first I used was my Dad's Nikkormat FTN with a nice Nikkor F1.4 50mm - weighed a tonne. He still has it somewhere. But when I saved up some money the first one I bought was a Canon EOS 600 in June 1989.
Mine was a Nikon Coolpix 2100 i picked up about 2003. I loved it, never left the house without it, was usless at gigs and the places i wanted to use it thou but never the less it was my first camera, not sure it was worth the money i paid for it thou which im sure was about £180 quid.
I later got a Canon 350D August 2006
My first DSLR was a Sony A200 afew years ago, my first SLR was a Canon AE1 about the same time :)

interestingly I found my very first camera (an old Olympus point and shoot) the other day that i haven't used for about 15 years maybe. There's still a film in it :D i need to get that badboy developed :D
Nikon D40 came first, horrible thing, then an OM10 as first film SLR much later on.
Blood, sweat and tears shifting sacks of potatoes as a young teenager earned me enough money to buy the Ricoh XR1 with 50mm 1.7. I couldn't stretch to the Olympus or Pentax offerings. It was a great and simple camera, but was eventually sold to fund booze [and some food] when I left home to study.
First dslr was a secondhand Canon 30D.
Canon T50 for personal use then a Canon AE1 programme for work use... I soon realised I'd made a poor choice for my own use after using the AE1P.... Hey Ho...Thats how it goes.
A Zenit and then Olympus OM-10 back in the day and then a Nikon F60 when I got back into photoraphy.1st digital is current D40,thinking of an upgrade though to a D5100.
I remember having a Kodak Instamatic (with disposable flash cubes) as the first camera I owned. Before that I had used an old folding one of my Dad's.

As I mentioned earlier in this thread, my first SLR was a Ricoh KR-10. Next was a Canon EOS 630. I bought this new in 1989 or so for about AUD$600 or $700 (I think) - I got it duty free back when that was much cheaper than retail. I sold it a few years later when times were tough.

I then bought another EOS 630 in 2004, before I could afford a decent digital. Paid about AUD$130 (I think) from a certain well known auction site. Used it for a little while then sold it.

Wanting to dabble again in film, I bought another EOS 630 today from that same auction site. Cost me AUD$15. I was looking like getting for $5 until a minor bidding war in the last minute.
My first DSLR is what I have now, my 550D.

I had a Fuji S6500 before this, but I outgrew it and wanted a bit more freedom with my photos. I've always enjoyed it but in the past didn't have the money for decent kit.
Penatx ME Super with 50mm 1.7 lens. Complete with ERC. Eventually added some slow zooms and a couple of flashguns. Used it to do my O level in Photography (yes, an O level!)

Still have the camera and 50mm - haven't used for years so should really dig it out...(where have we heard that before?)

Trip down memory lane with may of these old models being mentioned. Lots of my mates had Canons and the college issue was the old K1000.

Good times.
pentax me super for me too, then on to a minolta 7000i and finaly a canon 1000n before going digital
first digital camera was a philips badged ricoh rdc 4300 sometime around 1997 then onto a minolta dimage 5 and finaly my first DSLR canon 300d sometime in 2005
Nikon D50 a few years ago, loved that little camera.
Mine was Zenith e, Practica tl3, minolta x300 , canon eos 600, canon eos3 ,canon30d and now canon 7d and canon compact dig.
The first slr I used was my dad's Canon AE1, which I now have in a cupboard. He then bought me a Cosina CT1 super to stop me pinching his camera. This was in the 80's. I then traded it in for a Minolta Dynax 7000i. Then I had a number of years without a slr, before I got a Canon 300D. Then came a 20D. And currently a 40D.
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My first was, when I was 13, a Minolta XG-1 bought while in the US on vacation back in 1979; sparked off my love for photography :)
I played about with a Kiev Rangefinder for a while then got a Zenit (IIRC) slr that was hardly used because I couldn't afford the developing and printing. My first dslr was a Canon 550D in december 2010 and it's served me very well, but I've just put it up for sale as it's no longer getting any use.