speedlite diffuser

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looking to buy some form of speedlight diffuser for my sb900
anyone reccomend a good one ??
im looking for the dome shaped ones like kood or gary fong type
but will go for what you guys reccomend

looking to buy some form of speedlight diffuser for my sb900
anyone reccomend a good one ??
im looking for the dome shaped ones like kood or gary fong type
but will go for what you guys reccomend

They're all the same, all do the same thing, doesn't matter if you use the bottom of a milk carton or spend £50.
looking to buy some form of speedlight diffuser for my sb900
anyone reccomend a good one ??
im looking for the dome shaped ones like kood or gary fong type
but will go for what you guys reccomend

Why, exactly, are you "...looking for the dome shaped ones like kood or gary fong type"?
They can very occasionally serve a valid function, though that function is extremely limited and is very rarely the function that people buying them think it is.
As Phil correctly states above, those particular kinds of modifier "all do the same thing, doesn't matter if you use the bottom of a milk carton or spend £50".

A better question (because it would garner infinitely more useful replies) would be:
"I want to make this kind of photo [include description or link] in these conditions [include description of situation] and I think that I probably need this kind of modifier to diffuse the light [include description or link].
If I am right, which would you recommend?
If I'm wrong, which alternative would you recommend?"

If what you actually need is the type of thing you describe then, as Phil suggests, just take a Stanley knife to a plastic milk bottle and make it fit your SB900.
Despite the difference in cost your photos will look much the same.
If you insist on shelling out fifty quid even though you don't need to, you're very welcome to use the money you save on the modifier by sending me beer or chocolate for Christmas. Address available on request.
Go on, you know you want to. :)
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As other people have said, they don't do a lot - basically the popular ones, as always, are just those that are marketed the best, or lied about the most.
We sell one that works as well as any, and it doesn't cost 50 quid, it costs what it's worth:) https://www.lencarta.com/flashgun-mini-diffuser-ball

Basically, these things only work indoors, they are a waste of both time and flash power when used outdoors. Used indoors, some light reaches the subject directly, and is very slightly softer than if it wasn't there, because it's very slightly bigger than the flashgun, and it's size that matters. But, much of the light also travels upwards, and bounces off of the ceiling, which makes the ceiling the light source. This really does make the light softer, because the ceiling is big.
And some of the light bounces sideways where it will reflect off of the walls, if they are close enough, and again this makes the light bigger.
Be aware though that all of this is just a quick fix, and you'll always get more consistent and better results if you can take the time and use the grey cells to plan the lighting.
point taken guys , will just stick with the diffuser that came withe the flash
Use the diffuser cap provided, or the little pull-out hilite panel. Both work very well, in the right situation and when you understand what they're doing in conjunction with the environment. Basically all these attachments work by using soft light reflected from the ceiling and walls while adding a nice catchlight to the eyes. They can be very effective, especially when you drop the shutter speed to balance the ambient background light with the flash.

However, my favourite flash accessory is the Lumiquest Quik Bounce. It works like all the others but has a few advantages - it makes the on-camera light source larger, usefully softening the light, at least at closer distances; it raises the on-camera light source for better shadows modelling; you can moderate the bounce/direct ratio by zooming the flash head; it doesn't waste precious light fired out of the back; it works outdoors with the flaps closed; rotate the flash head and it works for vertical framing; fast and easy, and folds down flat.