Spotted a togger : Part 2

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Spotted today at the "Twelfth" in Belfast.


Anyone on here?? His girlfriend was extremely bored looking..:)
This bloke said to me " sorry mate, am in your way ?" . I replied " nope, you are exactly where I want you to be, 'cos I'm taking you picture " :)

Spotted some toggers at the Zombie Walk in Manchester last week.

Saw Mr Lemon get eaten by a couple of Zombies

Who then turned their attentions back to me

Not really spotted as we all met at my house but here a few from our Norfolk Broads meet, and as faces!!;)



Well, I think people on here can finally conclude that I infact have no head, just a ball of hair on top of my shouldars. :LOL:
Why is he wearing sunglasses, everything he looks at will appear underexposed.
Not a good idea really, unless he relies entirely on metering and histograms.

I like to think my own eye has an element of technical accuracy :LOL:
As such it shouldn't be tampered with when looking through a viewfinder.
Not exactly spotted as this was on a meet, but he deserves to have this revenge shot posted!

This shot actually shows his dislike for the 10 minutes of rain that we had..

Shine a light it's pete carr without a hat, and happier.
Okay this time i've spotted one for real and not a TP member on a meet!

By the glance he gave me I had a sneaky suspicion he may be a member here and knew full well about this thread.

Anyone recognise him? Snapped at Norwich Pride Parade.
Lydden Classic Touring Cars 25th July


My first captured togger for TP - (Makes up for my feeble lack of effort at Newbury Carnival.)


Taken this lunchtime at Chineham Business Park Mexican Funday. I lasted a full 12 seconds on the mecahnical bull
i spotted my self on a Motorsport progrma on sky! am i allowed to publish still off the video?
Saw this chap in Chichester yesterday.

Look at the size of the bag he keeps his P&S in :D

(Careful what you say, he really IS a member here ;) )

Wedding in Edinburgh Sat 1st August, wedding photographer with budding wedding photographers on his shoulder ;)
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Love the little sign showing you what is needed if this tog doesn't lose a bit of weight :p :LOL:
so dave, your carrying all that DSLR kit, how come your using the point and shoot?
More than likely asked or volunteered to take a photo of a couple with their own camera.
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