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The other day I went on an early morning photoshoot to capture the sunrise. However, all my photos came out with glare from the sun. How can avoid this or at least minimise it?
Any filter is more likely to introduce more flare than to reduce it. Making sure the front element is spotless might help. Some lenses are more prone to flare than others. Primes are generally less prone to flare than zooms.
Any filter is more likely to introduce more flare than to reduce it. Making sure the front element is spotless might help. Some lenses are more prone to flare than others. Primes are generally less prone to flare than zooms.
Personally my Voigtlander 20mm 3.5 ends up being my best anti flair UWA, I'd guess a good combination of fairly modern lens coating but also a relative modest amount of glass in it.
Take 2 photos. Have the sun in one (which will generate flare) then take the same photo but covering the sun with your thumb in the second. That will remove the flare and if you have editing software blend the sun from the first photo with the flare into the second without the flare.
you could try a cpl?
The opposite, and in fact remove any filters when shooting into the light. Same for dirt and grease deposits

There are crap lenses that flare like mad. But these days most are reasonably resistant.