weekly Superpippo's 52 in 2013 Weeks 50,51 and 52, Fantasy, Fit and Water added - P&BD and Finished

Thanks for the comments Marsha - God to see that some of the comments on Greed realted to the type of biscuits used as well as any photographic merits :D
Well I do consider myself the most knowledgeable when it comes to any cocoa based or baked products, offering crit on photos is where I'm rubbish :LOL:

I see what Iain is saying about your vertical shot and I agree. However, I like that you've got the two strut things (architecture ain't my thing either) symmetrical bottom left & right (y)
It works for me, nice exposure in what would have been difficult conditions, I work in a cathedral so I am aware of the difficulty, but that is spot on:clap:

Thanks Allan - good to have the comments of one with that type of experience

As the other Allan said Alan :LOL: nicely handled lighting in there.
No loss of detail in what is bang on theme IMHO.

Not sure if it was possible but the black arched windows, were they symmetrical? Just to balance the image a little. Other than that, (y)

Thanks Iain. The black arched windows in the rhs are not replicated anywhere. Neither is the one to the left, which is actually over the entrance to a glazed walkway. Behind me there is even a rectangualar box built in later. This is the cupola at the Church St entrance to the Winter Gardens, Blackpool and the view that i shot is the one with the 'most' symmetry. I am most happy with the lighting.

Well I do consider myself the most knowledgeable when it comes to any cocoa based or baked products, offering crit on photos is where I'm rubbish :LOL:

I see what Iain is saying about your vertical shot and I agree. However, I like that you've got the two strut things (architecture ain't my thing either) symmetrical bottom left & right (y)

Thanks Marsha. Those 'strut things' are columns topped with the Victorian interpretation of a Corinthian capital.

And where do you stand on Lindt 85%
And where do you stand on Lindt 85%
Ooooo Noir now that's some seriously dark chocolate, quite bitter to me but enjoyed in small chunks. Also good for when I gave up dairy for nearly a year as it's dairy free!

Have I mentioned before that I've been to the Lindt factory shop in Switzerland :love:
Hi Alan

beautiful piece of architecture and really spot on exposure , plenty of detail and spot on theme ...luvly jubly (y)
Cracking shot Alan, exposure and lighting perfect - not too much shadow anywhere and love the light coming in through the dome. Symmetrical enough for me too. (y)

Slightly wider if poss to catch the extremes of the curve left and right - but you have to shoot with the legs you have. :LOL: (And at 10mm already you can't really get much wider!!)
Hi Alan

beautiful piece of architecture and really spot on exposure , plenty of detail and spot on theme ...luvly jubly (y)

Thanks Lynne

Hi Allan :)

Vertical - Shame your lens wasn't just a tiny bit wider (or you had shorter legs :D), but what you have caught is very nice, well lit and well balanced at the bottom of the frame (y)

Cracking shot Alan, exposure and lighting perfect - not too much shadow anywhere and love the light coming in through the dome. Symmetrical enough for me too. (y)

Slightly wider if poss to catch the extremes of the curve left and right - but you have to shoot with the legs you have. :LOL: (And at 10mm already you can't really get much wider!!)

Cheers guys. 10mm is as wide as i can go and I was jammed up against the wall -- but shorter legs? mmmm. ....Of all the gear that I would like to own that hadn't crossed my mind - I must keep my eyes out on the forum... even tho I am not sure whether they would have to be Nikon compatible. :D
I like that nice textures and colours took me a while to figure it out, i really should read things first, nice to see you back on track.
That works really well. Lovely colours, and really jumps out at you.:)
lovely effect created here - the mind knows its flat but it's really hard to not see it as a three dimensional object. Great colours and texture of the fabric coming through too.

Not sure if it's the quilt itself or the angle it was shot at, but the perspective strikes me as being a tiny bit off. Most noticable in the bottom row of "blocks" rising up, but the top row sloping down.
Thanks Lynne, Nick, DK , Graham and Andy

Graham - the perspective is abit off, altho shot straight on to the quilting, because of the way the material was falling and trying to illustrate the texture, small folds, stitching and colour. Could be better tho I agree

DK - err no my fair hands are not as good as the fair hands of someone not a million miles from me who finds it therapeutic to watch tv and stitch something at the same time. :wacky:
Week 21 - Movement

I don't often post more than one shot ( I have difficulty enough) but this week I have. We have a keen interst in dancing and so these two reflect that.

#1 - Quite noisy as it is a heavy crop and the lighting in the Tower ballroom is very difficult - daylight from the top canopy, tungsten side lighting, leds and theatre spotlights- well that's the excuses done . Otherwise I am quite satisfied with this, altho I continue to try for that properly exposed shot there.

Movement 1 by Superpippo0547, on Flickr

#2 follows the example of some dance shots that I saw a few years ago and I really like the colour, vibrancy and movement in this. However the comp is not quite right and some might think it to be just a blurred photo. I await your views :)

Movement 3 by Superpippo0547, on Flickr
Nice set. Do like #3. It has it's issues, but it works for me. Real sense of movement. Think I might prefer the bloke cropped out to give it an even mor abstract feel.

I do like the blurred one, as for the comp i think Andy is right when he says cut the left hand figure out, though it is a pity you didn't get them both in, it still it works for me (y)
Hi Alan, pattern is amazing, love the detail, colour and 3D feel to it :clap: Whoever made it has a lot of patience. Is it hand stitched?

I favour the second movement shot as well, the first one lacks a main focal point for me. I think it would be best to have picked out one couple which is why the second one works for me. There's just enough detail in the blur to see what it is, I agree with the crop, the gentleman needs to be either all in or gone!

I bet it's great dancing there?
Nice set. Do like #3. It has it's issues, but it works for me. Real sense of movement. Think I might prefer the bloke cropped out to give it an even mor abstract feel.


I do like the blurred one, as for the comp i think Andy is right when he says cut the left hand figure out, though it is a pity you didn't get them both in, it still it works for me (y)

Yep me too... Pic 3 with the guy cropped out, love the movement in the dress and feet (y)

Hi Alan, pattern is amazing, love the detail, colour and 3D feel to it :clap: Whoever made it has a lot of patience. Is it hand stitched?

I favour the second movement shot as well, the first one lacks a main focal point for me. I think it would be best to have picked out one couple which is why the second one works for me. There's just enough detail in the blur to see what it is, I agree with the crop, the gentleman needs to be either all in or gone!

I bet it's great dancing there?

Thanks all for these comments. Shamed to admit that my choice was #1 but my wife went with you lot and thought #2 much better :D

Having said that, I like it a lot and I would really have liked to have captured it with the man in as well. Good to have all of your input as this was definitely one in which I was in 2 minds.

And, yes, Marsha the quilting sampler is hand stitched and yes, it is great to dance at the Tower - in fact we were there yesterday and off again in about 90 minutes. Dancing is addictive once you get hooked.
Aaaaand another vote for no3 (or the second one you've posted).

Not going to refer to it as the blurred one, more the one that has captured the flowing, spinning movement brilliantly. I like the chap being there, but I don;t like his hand so I might favour a crop of at least part of his leg.

I presume the dress was black? I like the fact that you've kept the contrast low to emphasise the floaty, glidey, (almost ghostly - in a good way) feel to it.
Hi Alan,
I like pattern, as Andy said it has a real 3D feel to it with lovely texture and detail. I particularly like the abstract nature of it, quite simple yet very effective. (y)

Another vote for #2 movement, it fits the theme so well.
It has a real lightness and floaty feel to it that is very pleasing on the eye.

I am sure the ballroom where you took the photograph would be very interested to see it printed and hung on their wall :clap:
Pattern is outstanding, good texture and colours. :clap:

Movement 3 (#2 in your post) - It looks like a Degas to me I :love: it!

Keep em coming!
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Hi matey :wave:

#2 image for movement....crop as said before & too me it would then be perfect...really shows a sense of movement , lovely lovely , can see this one framed & on the wall of a high class French style café...sort of Moulin rouge style.. :clap::clap: Wonder if it would work in mono :thinking:
Pattern: Wow that really stands out! Brilliant.

Movement: Really like the movement in the dress, agree with the others about chopping the left figure out.
Aaaaand another vote for no3 (or the second one you've posted).

Not going to refer to it as the blurred one, more the one that has captured the flowing, spinning movement brilliantly. I like the chap being there, but I don;t like his hand so I might favour a crop of at least part of his leg.

I presume the dress was black? I like the fact that you've kept the contrast low to emphasise the floaty, glidey, (almost ghostly - in a good way) feel to it.

Thanks Graham. Yes dress was black and the whirl of the voile is spinning further out then the base material which I think makes the shot. I just missed the right comp.

Hi Alan,
I like pattern, as Andy said it has a real 3D feel to it with lovely texture and detail. I particularly like the abstract nature of it, quite simple yet very effective. (y)

Another vote for #2 movement, it fits the theme so well.
It has a real lightness and floaty feel to it that is very pleasing on the eye.

I am sure the ballroom where you took the photograph would be very interested to see it printed and hung on their wall :clap:

Thanks Iain

Pattern is outstanding, good texture and colours. :clap:

Movement 3 (#2 in your post) - It looks like a Degas to me I :love: it!

Keep em coming!

Cheers Brain

Hi matey :wave:

#2 image for movement....crop as said before & too me it would then be perfect...really shows a sense of movement , lovely lovely , can see this one framed & on the wall of a high class French style café...sort of Moulin rouge style.. :clap::clap: Wonder if it would work in mono :thinking:

Thanks Lynne. Thought of mono but I feel that it lost some of its impact.

Pattern: Wow that really stands out! Brilliant.

Movement: Really like the movement in the dress, agree with the others about chopping the left figure out.

Thanks for looking in Lisa
I think that works really well because of the people watching from the pier, nicely spotted :clap:
yeah - I really like this too - the bands of colours doing it for me, the sand, the rusty ironwork, green, cream and the blue of the sky (y)

Did you try any with a lower viewpoint, (purely to meet the theme even more than it already does?)
Excellent. (y)

Love the simple blocks of colour and the people in the pier and below giving it scale and meaning. Absolutely spot on!