The 52 Weeks of Daysleeping 2020 (Week 20: SOMETHING OLD & Week 22: HOUSEHOLD ITEM)

I like those, hard to choose, I think number 1 for me too.
Not going to lie - I have been totally uninspired by the Week 12 theme. So here it is - not my best work but I always enjoy taking pictures of Albie and he was a very obliging model.

Theme: Fence
Title: "Territorial Limits"
Kit: Nikon D7000 / Nikon 35mm

Week 12_Fence by Daysleeper40, on Flickr
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Shockingly I am behind again. Not quite got 'Fence' sorted out yet but I am working on it. Been a bit of a weird couple of weeks. In the meantime things are hotting up with the Wirels for week 13...

Thank you all for your comments - appreciate you all taking the time. I know I am being shocking at keeping up with this myself but I am looking at all the shots when I get the chance.

Theme: Flora
Title: "Bouquet"
Kit: Nikon D7000 / Nikon 35mm

Week 13_Flora by Daysleeper40, on Flickr

The rejects...

flora _5 by Daysleeper40, on Flickr

flora _3 by Daysleeper40, on Flickr

flora _4 by Daysleeper40, on Flickr
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They are fantastic Fi. You can feel the emotion in #1 even though they are wire!!! A great image, well thought out and executed.

Though.. Surely #3 is more appropriate for the current climate. ;)
A nice set of shots you've taken, Fi. I think you made the right choice to pick #1 as your main photo. Good idea and nice setup. Love the bokeh.
They are fantastic Fi. You can feel the emotion in #1 even though they are wire!!! A great image, well thought out and executed.

Though.. Surely #3 is more appropriate for the current climate. ;)

Thanks both - and yes @LC2, that was the original concept tbh but then my romantic side got the better of me!
I like the idea and the use of Forget-me -nots is great.

Love the cat on the fence pic. The blue sky against the colour of the cat is great.
Well thought out on fenced Fi
And again, a slightly different take on flora
Fence - Perfect for the theme some great added interest with Abbie I really like it.

Flora - Great set of images I think you've selected the right on for the main image.
Fence - Not the most inspiring of themes was it.
I do like that you've got a typical puddy tat pose there. The number of fence panels I've had to replace that our moggies have destroyed by using them as scratching posts just like that...
Looks like you had fun trying out all the different poses of your little wire people. Great imagination.
I think your chosen Image just pips the last one.
I am enjoying the wire people theme running through your thread and it seems you can easily adapt them to the weekly themes as they come out. But I have to say that the standout for me is the Depict a Book shot. Very nicely done!
Lovely shot for Flora - love these things :)
#1 for me, it has a bit more of a story to it and it look natural (well as natural as wire figures can look).
Those are great - lovely user of the Wirral's for flora!
Thank you all for your comments - and apologies for anyone who is bored of them but the Wirels are back for week 14. I know - I'm as shocked as you are ;)

Luckily the Wirel-Park is not impacted by the lockdown so play time is still on...

Theme: Time
Title: "Play Time"
Kit: Nikon D7000 / Nikon 35mm

Week 14_Time by Daysleeper40, on Flickr
Look like they're having more fun than us! Nice photo.
Another great wirel! Really nice light and the composition is great too, you can almost see him/her smiling!
Playtime, great idea Fi.
And no, I'm not bored of them (y)
Great fun interpretation, don't think I will tire of the "wire" images, possibly would have dropped or clone the top right to remove part of a branch?
As always very creative and well executed photo!
I'm not bored of the wires, I find them quite entertaining. This is another that looks great.
So week 15 then - when did that happen?!

I do have a new Wirel shot I could use given the Snappers Choice theme but in the interests of not boring everyone to tears I will keep that for the Wirel side project and go with one of the first macro bug shots of the season. Limited to a back garden safari due to the lock down situation but it proved relatively fruitful. Loads of Bee Flies which I had never seen before and managed to get a few in flight shots of. I think on the whole though I was most happy with this effort of a teeny tiny wing-ed thing. Anyone able to help with an ID?

Theme: Snappers Choice
Title: "The Collector"
Kit: Nikon D7000 / Tamron 90mm / Nikon SB600 + home made pringles diffuser

Week 15_Snappers Choice by Daysleeper40, on Flickr

The rejects...

MacroWildlife_20200411_115605 by Daysleeper40, on Flickr

MacroWildlife_20200411_141744 by Daysleeper40, on Flickr

MacroWildlife_20200411_115231 by Daysleeper40, on Flickr

MacroWildlife_20200410_155510 by Daysleeper40, on Flickr

MacroWildlife_20200410_163914 by Daysleeper40, on Flickr

MacroWildlife_20200411_114649 by Daysleeper40, on Flickr
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Nice set Fi (y)
Despite having a few regulars, I've still not got a bee fly. They just won't stay still even for a nano second!
As for the ID, I'm pretty sure that's one of the "Leaf cutters" but can't be more specific than that.
Nice set Fi (y)
Despite having a few regulars, I've still not got a bee fly. They just won't stay still even for a nano second!
As for the ID, I'm pretty sure that's one of the "Leaf cutters" but can't be more specific than that.

Thank you - I must have a very laid back community of Bee Flies as I found them WAY easier than actual bees. Thanks for the ID too - I have just googled leaf cutter bee and I'd say you're correct :)