The Amazing Sony A1/A7/A9/APS-C & Anything else welcome Mega Thread!

The bottom (600mm f4) has quite a bit more contrast and saturation to it. Have they had the same processing as the 600mm f4 seems over sharpened to me/has sharpening artefacts? Maybe it’s just this site ruining the IQ again?
both had the same PP so any difference is within the lenses the sharpening was the same to keep it fair the 600f4 lens does give more contrast so may well look over sharpened .
Normally I need to sharpen less the the f4 .

Up at 4am on Friday to get to Loch Ruskie for sunrise.
The forecast was for mist, and I wasn't disappointed....

Boats in the mist by robert shearer, on Flickr

Sunrise on Loch Ruskie.... by robert shearer, on Flickr

Boats in the mist at Loch Ruskie by robert shearer, on Flickr

Loch Ruskie sunrise.... by robert shearer, on Flickr

Loch Ruskie web... by robert shearer, on Flickr
Lovely, well composed and great light.
People say how much sharper their pictures are on Flickr compared to when they put them here but I see nothing wrong with those at all.

Fantastic pictures.
That series does look sharp on here I must admit. I wonder what the secret is?
£279 seems to be the going price for the 45mm Samyang? Seems reasonable.
Trigger pulled on the Samyang 35mm 2.8 - I'll pair that with my a7ii at the weekend for some street photography in London (assuming no new lockdown). Body upgrade decision can wait for another few weeks
Should be a good pairing. [emoji846]
Trigger pulled on the Samyang 35mm 2.8 - I'll pair that with my a7ii at the weekend for some street photography in London (assuming no new lockdown). Body upgrade decision can wait for another few weeks

I have one that seems to be on long term loan to my boy...... For the cost, it's not a bad performer really in good light at least.
Samyang 35mm f1.8 review

I must say I am impressed for the size and price.


Does that make you more or less likely to buy one?

I know the Sony is more expensive so the price of the Samyang may be a big advantage but I think the Sony has an advantage for shooting at wider apertures and it focuses closer whilst only being a smidgin bigger.
Does that make you more or less likely to buy one?

I know the Sony is more expensive so the price of the Samyang may be a big advantage but I think the Sony has an advantage for shooting at wider apertures and it focuses closer whilst only being a smidgin bigger.

for me its the aperture ring that's useful.

tbh I am also considering samyang 45mm f1.8 instead.

so I have agreed with the missus to sell her LX100ii in replacement for A7c+small lens. so smaller the better....
for me its the aperture ring that's useful.

tbh I am also considering samyang 45mm f1.8 instead.

so I have agreed with the missus to sell her LX100ii in replacement for A7c+small lens. so smaller the better....

I've thought about the dial issue for the last few days and every suggested work around catches my eye but there's always a downside such as not all of my lenses having buttons, the workarounds involving more steps and a slower process and being limiting in some way and of course the fact that my ocd would run rampant.

I'd love a RF style camera, my Panasonic GX9 with a FF sensor would be lovely but this A7c isn't it for me. The evf I may be fine with, the lack of custom buttons may bother me or I may be fine using the custom menu, it's the lack of a second near top dial and having to use the back wheel that I keep coming back to and it's the one issue that I know would irritate me each and every time I used the camera in situations when I'd want to change both the aperture and the shutter speed. Maybe other people have more dexterous thumbs but I don't like moving mine back and down and around to work that back dail so yet again after reading about another work around the A7c still isn't for me. I hope you get on well with it.
I've thought about the dial issue for the last few days and every suggested work around catches my eye but there's always a downside such as not all of my lenses having buttons, the workarounds involving more steps and a slower process and being limiting in some way and of course the fact that my ocd would run rampant.

I'd love a RF style camera, my Panasonic GX9 with a FF sensor would be lovely but this A7c isn't it for me. The evf I may be fine with, the lack of custom buttons may bother me or I may be fine using the custom menu, it's the lack of a second near top dial and having to use the back wheel that I keep coming back to and it's the one issue that I know would irritate me each and every time I used the camera in situations when I'd want to change both the aperture and the shutter speed. Maybe other people have more dexterous thumbs but I don't like moving mine back and down and around to work that back dail so yet again after reading about another work around the A7c still isn't for me. I hope you get on well with it.

its definitely not ideal and I am not the most dexterous person either. but I have used A6000 for a year or so and I was happy with it. funnily enough what annoyed me more about A6000 was the lack of the level gauge in the EVF (they fixed this in later A6XXX). that annoyed me so much that I decided to go back to A7 series lol.
So even though the dial isn't a deal breaker for me I can see why it is for you.
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