The Amazing Sony A1/A7/A9/APS-C & Anything else welcome Mega Thread!

Mason and Bone by owenbarnfield, on Flickr

A guard dog watching you all lmao :) taken on the a72 with 24-70mkii canon lens

Very cute Owen.
I don't have much to share yet as the weather has been dire since my A7ii arrived, so I'll post one of my test shots (my dog, Rossi). I was testing the manual focus with the zoomed in EVF, a feature I love as it makes it so easy to nail focus even with my eye sight ;)


Hoping to get out at some point this week if the weather gives something. My filters arrived yesterday so all set for now :)
Question about vintage lenses on the A7, do they all suffer from flare and haze issues? I like shooting contrasting landscapes, but these OM Zuiko lenses I'm using all suffer from flare or haze. Any suggestions for suitable lenses? Here's a pic I took yesterday, kinda spoiled by a purple haze in the middle:
Swan Lake Somerset.jpg
Swan Lake
I've given the idea of using MediaFire a miss so will just stick images up in my posts.
The flooding in this area has gone now so you can now walk on these fields
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Question about vintage lenses on the A7, do they all suffer from flare and haze issues? I like shooting contrasting landscapes, but these OM Zuiko lenses I'm using all suffer from flare or haze. Any suggestions for suitable lenses? Here's a pic I took yesterday, kinda spoiled by a purple haze in the middle:

gotta be honest I cant see a purple haze...................... looks spot on to me nice shot
Did a wedding yesterday and a christening today.......... I have a new found respect for the a7 series bodies can only say that it is faultless for this purpose. ... even with metabones and the 70-200 2.8 is2 I cant complain........ the a7sii is an absolute monster I have pics at 102800 iso which are remarkable considering ......... I have a 1dx2 coming for sport/action but really really happy with the a7ii bodies for weddings
Did a wedding yesterday and a christening today.......... I have a new found respect for the a7 series bodies can only say that it is faultless for this purpose. ... even with metabones and the 70-200 2.8 is2 I cant complain........ the a7sii is an absolute monster I have pics at 102800 iso which are remarkable considering ......... I have a 1dx2 coming for sport/action but really really happy with the a7ii bodies for weddings
Good to hear, I'm planning to use my A7RII's for weddings etc :)
I've just finished editing a wedding I shot 2 weeks ago with a D750 and A6000. Whilst I can tell the difference between the results because FF will always be different to crop, my clients won't :0)
That is so true. I just used the 55/1.8 on the A7R and 16-70 F4 on the A6000. In fact, I'm typing myself back into the the same combo with A7R2 and A6300. (Not for weddings, that was a total one-off.)
How did you like the 70-200?

The lens handled really well on the A6K and didn't feel too large or heavy. It locked focus quickly even in low light and the OS seems to work very well.

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I had the D750 on a sling strap and the A6K/70-200 on my belt on a Capture Clip and it never got in the way or felt like it was going to fall off.

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The only negative i'd say is that even with good high ISO from the A6K, sometimes F4 just isn't a wide enough aperture to give good subject separation but that's not really the fault of the lens. I think on a FF body the resulting shallower dof at F4 would be better. Other than that it's an excellent lens.
55 zeiss and 28mm f2 ... was my main weapon of choice in native.... then metabones with l lenses
The problem is that most wedding images you find now are shot at very shallow dof like a portrait so a lot of clients want similar results. Shooting at F4 on a good sharp lens isn't a major problem technically but it does mean that other than at longer focal lengths it's hard to deliver similar results to a fast wide prime (without stating the obvious there!).
yeah f4 for me doesn't give the look I like to achieve for portraits like you say Steve.... the only thing I'm going to invest in is the nissin air commander and flash for my a7r2 and its a great setup then
Out of interest, what lenses are you shooting for weddings now?
Not shooting weddings professionally yet as its something I am working towards doing, using this year as practice year so will be shooting a few as a secondary photographer, also have other non-wedding work lined up :)
Will let you folks know how I get on.
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yeah f4 for me doesn't give the look I like to achieve for portraits like you say Steve.... the only thing I'm going to invest in is the nissin air commander and flash for my a7r2 and its a great setup then
The Nissin Di700a & Air is a great system, I have 2 along with PS8 units ;)
Not shooting weddings professionally yet as its something I am working towards doing, using this year as practice year so will be shooting a few as a secondary photographer, also have other non-wedding work lined up :)
Will let you folks know how I get on.

Good luck with it. You're certainly going all out on your gear so you'll have no reason not to deliver the results :0)
Good luck with it. You're certainly going all out on your gear so you'll have no reason not to deliver the results :0)

I just wonder if it wouldnt have been more sensible to hold off buying it all now as by next year the A7rii will be replaced. Perhaps hiring on second shooter days etc.
I was going to suggest the same thing to be honest but didn't want to sound like I'm trying to (not) spend other people's money. I'd have personally bought less kit until I know what I wanted to shoot and why that kit couldn't deliver (or if it could) but then again we all like new toys :0)
I was going to suggest the same thing to be honest but didn't want to sound like I'm trying to (not) spend other people's money. I'd have personally bought less kit until I know what I wanted to shoot and why that kit couldn't deliver (or if it could) but then again we all like new toys :0)

As you know Im all for spending but I also consider the other side, I think more so when new releases are imminent around the time gear actually starts paying for itself. It is nice to have new things though.
Then again, @owenb proves that the A7Rii is perfectly capable of delivering excellent results as is a 5D MK1 so there isn't always really a technical 'need' to buy the latest version.

Agreed. It does help to have better performance but if the current camera in use does everything the tog wants then its an unnecessary expense. Ive FINALLY sort of reached that result with my D750, its just ridiculously good. If the replacement is half a stop cleaner at 12800 its no big deal, I tend to stick to 6400 anyway and thats very clean, combined with my fast lenses I never need higher ISO.

We seem to be getting higher numbers that are kind of becoming meaningless for most people. Unless they change sensor and lens design drastically then weve hit the limits with what we can achieve with current sensors, makes more sense to skip 3 gens these days with releases every 2 yrs in order to see an actual improvement.
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as soon as the couple have seen there photos will ask if I can share a couple on this private forum... I have a good few with the a7sii at 51200 that are just insane.... also the a7rii bouquet shots pleasantly supplied how well it coped :)
as soon as the couple have seen there photos will ask if I can share a couple on this private forum... I have a good few with the a7sii at 51200 that are just insane.... also the a7rii bouquet shots pleasantly supplied how well it coped :)

The D750 is also good for hi ISO but its just not anywhere Id ever want or get to be tbh. Some would argue better to actually get the shot though, guess it depends on the client etc. but with my combo of lenses even in very dark areas I never get that high unless I cock up with my shutter speed or stop down a crazy amount.

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yeah was pitch black int he evening poss the darkest venue I have been to just used it as a test as had the icelights with me as well but they are useable which I'm shocked at tbh.... I never used Nikon tbh I own a 6d and its a bit better than that at high iso but I haven't done any scientific tests or anything..the a7sii does focus very very quick in this sort of light though which is another consideration..... tbh I'm really surprised it is as good as it is ( I borrowed it off the wife and olny took 25 ish shots so take it with a pinch of salt until I have done further tests etc)