The Amazing Sony A1/A7/A9/APS-C & Anything else welcome Mega Thread!

Yeah they're insanely fast, 0-60 in around 2s I believe. Teslas don't do it for me, quick and the SUV's are pretty practical but they're certainly not drivers cars and the interior quality doesn't reflect the price. I'm also not a fan of such heavy reliance on the touchscreen to control everything. I'm not sure how modern cars (not just EVs) are getting away with this in all honesty, I think they're pretty dangerous as you have to take your eyes off the road.

I don't understand why there's not been a bigger push for synthetic fuel, at face value it seems the obvious choice. I know it's pricey at the moment, but the more people that get on board then surely the cheaper it will become. This way we're not depleting an energy source, I believe it's carbon neutral, and the infrastructure's in place already so there's no increase in carbon footprint to put an infrastructure in place.

I'm yet to see a study that shows that EVs are better for the environment. Sure local polution is better, but globally I've not seen evidence that they're greener. Most of the electricity certainly isn't green, and as mentioned the carbon footprint to put an infrastructure in place must be pretty large. It also sounds like the national grid will not be able to cope with the number of EVs forecast for the future. I'm not convinced EVs are the long term solution.

The wheels, look great in real life (IMO)

A7R02686 by Toby Gunnee, on Flickr

To be fair the wheels aren't just as bad looking close up but they aren't as nice as pretty much every set of wheels you would find on a BMW car. Have yet to see an E.V with a nice set of wheels.

I am not usually someone who falls into the trap of believing in lunatic conspiracy theories but when it comes to E.V's for me it's very obvious that the E.V agenda has nothing at all to do with the environment. From everything I have read there is a strong argument for for saying that E.V production and use will have a more damaging impact on the environment than cars.

At the risk of sounding like a conspiracy nut I personally believe that the whole E.V agenda has been pushed by the Chinese government. There is not a significant sized political party in Europe that has not received a huge amount of funding from companies owned by the Chinese government over the last 10-15 years, While there are some that believe that is because the Chinese can remote control the car remotely, making them extremely useful in event of a war which is true, I think it comes more down to money. Pretty much every single traditional car manufacturer are in massive financial trouble as they can't compete with China's E.V's. It is very likely that over the next few years a lot of traditional car manufacturers will shut up shop for good. Even right now the VAG Group, Ford, Honda and BMW just to name a few are in massive trouble and nobody seems to be that concerned. about the jobs and skills that will be lost. For the Chinese not only does this allow them to completely dominate the car industry, it has huge financial implications for Europe and the rest of the world.

I also think that governments around the world have other reasons for pushing an E.V agenda than the environment. E.V's do not have the lifespan of a car, that mean's that eventually it takes a lot of older car's of the road. The guy who has a car worth a couple of grand won't be able to have a car any more and there is reasons for doing that. In the U.K alone with population growth and immigration being so high we are already massively struggling with road infrastructure. On the news today there was a few stories running about the housing crisis, they expect over 5 million immigrants to arrive into the U.K over the next 5 years and they expect 1.5 million new homes to be built over the same period, there already isn't enough houses for the people who are here now add population growth to that and it is a mess. The same thing applies to the roads as well, for the government the less people that have access to their own vehicle the better.

Most people don't realise how little money a lot of people have. I am in the lucky position that I could nip down to my local car dealership and pay for a decent new car outright or get something high end on a lease etc. It was really brought home to me recently though how people even locally to me are struggling for basic necessities. My wife works part time for a housing association, a couple of weeks ago one of her tenants asked could she give her a lift as her friend couldn't and her wee Micra was off the road as it needs a new starter. It turned out she needed a lift to the local food bank, she hadn't had anything to eat for 3 days, she hasn't been able to afford gas to heat her home since November. The next day another tenant approached her having spoke to the first one, asked her for the same lift to the foodbank, she has 3 kids and to make sure her kids got fed she had basically been starving herself to the point she had become ill. Both of these ladies work, but in low paid jobs. People in that situation will never have the option to buy an E.V. Even if they could, they could never afford the cost of a replacement battery when it dies. My wife tells me that a lot of her tenants are in a similar situation.

While E.V's are only a small part of the overall problem they don't help. The government wants to make having your own vehicle unavailable to many people which will lead to more people being unable to work and making the current situation even worse. In N.I anyway public transport is atrocious and has been for decades, if you don't have your own form of transport, it would be extremely difficult to work or even do simple things like get to the doctors or the nearest shop.

I have strong feelings about E.V's affecting cars which is my hobby, but I also have strong moral concerns about how E.V's will impact on the country long term. Even just for myself if an E.V was the only option available I could have one, my wife could probably have one, but last year my daughter passed her test and we were able to buy her a small cheap car, we probably couldn't have afforded to get her an E.V especially if we both had one. My daughter has to have her own vehicle to be able to get to her part time job and next year she will need it to get to university. With no suitable public transport available if she doesn't have her own car she can't work even part time and she wouldn't be able to go to university.
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To be fair the wheels aren't just as bad looking close up but they aren't as nice as pretty much every set of wheels you would find on a BMW car. Have yet to see an E.V with a nice set of wheels.

I am not usually someone who falls into the trap of believing in lunatic conspiracy theories but when it comes to E.V's for me it's very obvious that the E.V agenda has nothing at all to do with the environment. From everything I have read there is a strong argument for for saying that E.V production and use will have a more damaging impact on the environment than cars.

At the risk of sounding like a conspiracy nut I personally believe that the whole E.V agenda has been pushed by the Chinese government. There is not a significant sized political party in Europe that has not received a huge amount of funding from companies owned by the Chinese government over the last 10-15 years, While there are some that believe that is because the Chinese can remote control the car remotely, making them extremely useful in event of a war which is true, I think it comes more down to money. Pretty much every single traditional car manufacturer are in massive financial trouble as they can't compete with China's E.V's. It is very likely that over the next few years a lot of traditional car manufacturers will shut up shop for good. Even right now the VAG Group, Ford, Honda and BMW just to name a few are in massive trouble and nobody seems to be that concerned. about the jobs and skills that will be lost. For the Chinese not only does this allow them to completely dominate the car industry, it has huge financial implications for Europe and the rest of the world.

I also think that governments around the world have other reasons for pushing an E.V agenda than the environment. E.V's do not have the lifespan of a car, that mean's that eventually it takes a lot of older car's of the road. The guy who has a car worth a couple of grand won't be able to have a car any more and there is reasons for doing that. In the U.K alone with population growth and immigration being so high we are already massively struggling with road infrastructure. On the news today there was a few stories running about the housing crisis, they expect over 5 million immigrants to arrive into the U.K over the next 5 years and they expect 1.5 million new homes to be built over the same period, there already isn't enough houses for the people who are here now add population growth to that and it is a mess. The same thing applies to the roads as well, for the government the less people that have access to their own vehicle the better.

Most people don't realise how little money a lot of people have. I am in the lucky position that I could nip down to my local car dealership and pay for a decent new car outright or get something high end on a lease etc. It was really brought home to me recently though how people even locally to me are struggling for basic necessities. My wife works part time for a housing association, a couple of weeks ago one of her tenants asked could she give her a lift as her friend couldn't and her wee Micra was off the road as it needs a new starter. It turned out she needed a lift to the local food bank, she hadn't had anything to eat for 3 days, she hasn't been able to afford gas to heat her home since November. The next day another tenant approached her having spoke to the first one, asked her for the same lift to the foodbank, she has 3 kids and to make sure her kids got fed she had basically been starving herself to the point she had become ill. Both of these ladies work, but in low paid jobs. People in that situation will never have the option to buy an E.V. Even if they could, they could never afford the cost of a replacement battery when it dies. My wife tells me that a lot of her tenants are in a similar situation.

While E.V's are only a small part of the overall problem they don't help. The government wants to make having your own vehicle unavailable to many people which will lead to more people being unable to work and making the current situation even worse. In N.I anyway public transport is atrocious and has been for decades, if you don't have your own form of transport, it would be extremely difficult to work or even do simple things like get to the doctors or the nearest shop.

I have strong feelings about E.V's affecting cars which is my hobby, but I also have strong moral concerns about how E.V's will impact on the country long term. Even just for myself if an E.V was the only option available I could have one, my wife could probably have one, but last year my daughter passed her test and we were able to buy her a small cheap car, we probably couldn't have afforded to get her an E.V especially if we both had one. My daughter has to have her own vehicle to be able to get to her part time job and next year she will need it to get to university. With no suitable public transport available if she doesn't have her own car she can't work even part time and she wouldn't be able to go to university.
You conspiracy nut :LOL:

I don't know enough about the politics to be able to have an opinion on this, but I do believe EV's are possibly a bandaid solution. I think they'll get better, and if they can figure out a way to make electricity regeneration much more efficient so that they are more or less self charging then there may be some legs in it. Of course, batteries would need to have a longer lifespan, disposal is a big issue, there's only a finite amount of lithium, and of course there's the enormous cost for a new battery. I guess a lot of EVs will be 'written off' as soon as the battery needs replacing.

With regards to people on low income and poverty unfortunately I am all too aware of this, and it does seem to be a growing problem. This is one of the reasons I don't understand the world we live in, how can footballers earn £250k + per week kicking a bag of wind around for 90 minutes yet we still have poverty in our country let alone the rest of the world, it just doesn't make sense. I am a big footy fan, but the wages are indefensible to me. And it's not just footy, it's a lot of sports, American Footy, Basketball, F1 etc.

With regards to wheels, these ones are some of my favourites I've seen, EV or non EV.
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You conspiracy nut :LOL:

I don't know enough about the politics to be able to have an opinion on this, but I do believe EV's are possibly a bandaid solution. I think they'll get better, and if they can figure out a way to make electricity regeneration much more efficient so that they are more or less self charging then there may be some legs in it. Of course, batteries would need to have a longer lifespan, disposal is a big issue, there's only a finite amount of lithium, and of course there's the enormous cost for a new battery. I guess a lot of EVs will be 'written off' as soon as the battery needs replacing.

With regards to people on low income and poverty unfortunately I am all too aware of this, and it does seem to be a growing problem. This is one of the reasons I don't understand the world we live in, how can footballers earn £250k + per week kicking a bag of wind around for 90 minutes yet we still have poverty in our country let alone the rest of the world, it just doesn't make sense. I am a big footy fan, but the wages are indefensible to me. And it's not just footy, it's a lot of sports, American Footy, Basketball, F1 etc.

With regards to wheels, these ones are some of my favourites I've seen, EV or non EV.

My cousin owns a company that recylces E.V's. He used to have a car salvage business but moved to E.V's because financially the difference is huge. They write off E.V's for very small problems. My cousins business went from turning over 500k and employing 2 people to turning over 12 million and employing 16 people when he switched to E.V only salvage and recycling.

Just one example my cousin had an MG4 in a few weeks ago, was pretty much a brand new car with under 3k miles that had been in a minor accident, literally a very minor bump on the bumper. However due to concerns about battery safety the insurance company wrote the car of and the car was salvaged and scrapped. This happens a lot he has had Tesla’s with less than 1k miles.

Another example a couple of months back there was a flood and he got in 12 x Citroen Dispatches from a fleet all written off by the insurer for battery safety concerns. There was no obvious water damage to any of them and they all worked perfectly. All were very new vehicles.

When it comes to footballers I am caught in two minds of course they get paid an obscene amount of money but then their employers are using them to make an obscene amount of money as well. I have really fallen out of love with football over the last few years and it not just because United are crap. I have went less and less over the last lot of years as in all honesty at the risk of sounding like an old man it just is not as good as it used to be. The football itself is much less exciting, all of the players are extreme athletes and the skill and entertainment factor is fairly low, football has become overly tactical to the point of being boring. The whole match day experience isn't as good as it was either, with tickets being so expensive it has changed the crowd dynamics dramatically, hardly see any of the United guys we used to see all the time any more even in the pub pre-game.

It is really expensive for me to go, by the time I pay for flights, hotel, ticket and the rest a match ends up costing me around £800 usually, away games in England usually cost me around £1200 and away games in Europe a lot more. Its pretty rare I have anytime of work at the weekends these days well. When my Dad was still alive we used to do about 20 or so matches a season but I just couldn't justify doing that now. In the last few years I have only done about 4/5 games a season.

In saying all of that my brother has just been given a long term contract with the B.B.C to be a presenter on some documentaries so he moved to Manchester a couple of months ago so he could be close to Media City. I am heading over tomorrow for the weekend to see his new place etc. and we are going to the Palace game on Sunday. Have already booked another 5 trips before the end of the season as I can stay with him making it a bit less expensive.
My cousin owns a company that recylces E.V's. He used to have a car salvage business but moved to E.V's because financially the difference is huge. They write off E.V's for very small problems. My cousins business went from turning over 500k and employing 2 people to turning over 12 million and employing 16 people when he switched to E.V only salvage and recycling.

Just one example my cousin had an MG4 in a few weeks ago, was pretty much a brand new car with under 3k miles that had been in a minor accident, literally a very minor bump on the bumper. However due to concerns about battery safety the insurance company wrote the car of and the car was salvaged and scrapped. This happens a lot he has had Tesla’s with less than 1k miles.

Another example a couple of months back there was a flood and he got in 12 x Citroen Dispatches from a fleet all written off by the insurer for battery safety concerns. There was no obvious water damage to any of them and they all worked perfectly. All were very new vehicles.

When it comes to footballers I am caught in two minds of course they get paid an obscene amount of money but then their employers are using them to make an obscene amount of money as well. I have really fallen out of love with football over the last few years and it not just because United are crap. I have went less and less over the last lot of years as in all honesty at the risk of sounding like an old man it just is not as good as it used to be. The football itself is much less exciting, all of the players are extreme athletes and the skill and entertainment factor is fairly low, football has become overly tactical to the point of being boring. The whole match day experience isn't as good as it was either, with tickets being so expensive it has changed the crowd dynamics dramatically, hardly see any of the United guys we used to see all the time any more even in the pub pre-game.

It is really expensive for me to go, by the time I pay for flights, hotel, ticket and the rest a match ends up costing me around £800 usually, away games in England usually cost me around £1200 and away games in Europe a lot more. Its pretty rare I have anytime of work at the weekends these days well. When my Dad was still alive we used to do about 20 or so matches a season but I just couldn't justify doing that now. In the last few years I have only done about 4/5 games a season.

In saying all of that my brother has just been given a long term contract with the B.B.C to be a presenter on some documentaries so he moved to Manchester a couple of months ago so he could be close to Media City. I am heading over tomorrow for the weekend to see his new place etc. and we are going to the Palace game on Sunday. Have already booked another 5 trips before the end of the season as I can stay with him making it a bit less expensive.
I’m sure all this car chat is fascinating, but I’m also sure there plenty of forums dedicated to the topic. This thread is already the broadest topic going (2586 pages are testament to that), so can we keep it at least vaguely photography - and Sony - related?
I’m sure all this car chat is fascinating, but I’m also sure there plenty of forums dedicated to the topic. This thread is already the broadest topic going (2586 pages are testament to that), so can we keep it at least vaguely photography - and Sony - related?
To be fair it’s become more of a community in it’s own right and I personally like that and I think it would be a shame if it stopped. I like to hear about others’ lives outside of photography, hearing what woof woof and Mrs woof woof are up to for example. I also like reading about other photography related stuff that’s not Sony, and whilst I know there’s other threads available for other photography talk I don’t know the people on there and who I can ‘trust’ to give useful info etc.

I do understand not everyone may feel the same but surely it’s no hardship to just scroll past the posts you’re not interested in? I guess if there’s a lot of people that don’t like it then we could have a vote? :thinking:
To be fair it’s become more of a community in it’s own right and I personally like that and I think it would be a shame if it stopped. I like to hear about others’ lives outside of photography, hearing what woof woof and Mrs woof woof are up to for example. I also like reading about other photography related stuff that’s not Sony, and whilst I know there’s other threads available for other photography talk I don’t know the people on there and who I can ‘trust’ to give useful info etc.

I do understand not everyone may feel the same but surely it’s no hardship to just scroll past the posts you’re not interested in? I guess if there’s a lot of people that don’t like it then we could have a vote? :thinking:
Agree with this 100%.

Why does it matter if this thread is used for general chit chat along with talk about Sony camera equipment?

The use of forums has fallen through the floor because of silly things like that and over the top moderation.

This thread has almost become its own standalone forum which is a good thing, many may not bother to post on T.P without it.
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To be fair it’s become more of a community in it’s own right and I personally like that and I think it would be a shame if it stopped. I like to hear about others’ lives outside of photography, hearing what woof woof and Mrs woof woof are up to for example. I also like reading about other photography related stuff that’s not Sony, and whilst I know there’s other threads available for other photography talk I don’t know the people on there and who I can ‘trust’ to give useful info etc.

I do understand not everyone may feel the same but surely it’s no hardship to just scroll past the posts you’re not interested in? I guess if there’s a lot of people that don’t like it then we could have a vote? :thinking:
I take your point - and I am a relatively new joiner to this particular thread so maybe it’s just how things go - but it feels a bit like the radio show just a minute. A bit of deviation is ok, but at some point it feels it’s gone to far and you’ve just got to push the buzzer.
As the title says "Anything else welcome Mega Thread!" :ROFLMAO:

It's not uncommon for this thread to contain other non-sony/photography stuff. We've had all sorts from watches to printers.

Just the way it is here... and I'm personally fine with it.
even though I don't post often these days, I do regularly check back.
...but it feels a bit like the radio show just a minute. A bit of deviation is ok, but at some point it feels it’s gone to far and you’ve just got to push the buzzer.
I suppose this is really the job of the moderators.

All threads tend to wander from their stated subject and I am as guilty as anyone of causing that. This one, though, does tend to wander a bit too far and that's down to certain people who are rather more prolific than others. Perhaps they should be encouraged to consider where particular contributions might be better displayed?
Moderator and Sony user here.

As said, the Sony section, possibly other one make groups too, have a bit of a communal thing going on. There's a lot of gear chat, pictures being posted and social commentary too. If the thread became entirely non-photographic then we would take steps to change that, otherwise it's generally a good balance.
For me, yes there was a bit of diversion into car chat.... but that was because someone wanted to show off pictures they'd taken of their new car with their Sony camera.

So I'm ok with it. They were good pictures too! I'm a BMW fan (5 touring here) but not a huge fan of the IX looks (though I would own one. But I owned a Berlingo before so maybe shouldn't be trusted on matters of style!). They look better in person, I think they're hard to photo - but the pictures that kicked this off were pretty great car photography IMO.
I take your point - and I am a relatively new joiner to this particular thread so maybe it’s just how things go - but it feels a bit like the radio show just a minute. A bit of deviation is ok, but at some point it feels it’s gone to far and you’ve just got to push the buzzer.
Yeah it can sometimes go on and on ;) I think it's when there's not much gear talk going on as much as anything else, it's been very quiet on here so far this year sometimes going a day or so without a post which is most unusual. I guess we must all be happy with our current gear and/or there's nothing new coming out that's interesting any of us ;)
For me, yes there was a bit of diversion into car chat.... but that was because someone wanted to show off pictures they'd taken of their new car with their Sony camera.

So I'm ok with it. They were good pictures too! I'm a BMW fan (5 touring here) but not a huge fan of the IX looks (though I would own one. But I owned a Berlingo before so maybe shouldn't be trusted on matters of style!). They look better in person, I think they're hard to photo - but the pictures that kicked this off were pretty great car photography IMO.
Thanks, they were very extreme processing for me and I wasn't sure if they'd work or not. I'm still a bit on the fence in all honesty, but I've always struggled to settle on processing I like ;)
Here is a photo of the Dark Hedges. People travel from all around the world to come here and I have been photographing it for around 30 years or so. It has been a popular choice with photographers for as long as photography has been a thing here. It's a huge tourist attraction in Northern Ireland because it was the Kings Road in The Game of Thrones. It's a very popular location for elopement photography and in the summer months bus loads of tourists arrive every 15 minutes and on very busy days can have upwards of 10,000 visitors per day. In recent years a lot of the tree's have fallen and others have had to be removed for health and safety reasons because they were about to fall. You can hide it though by using a longer lens for compression. The huge amount of visitors it receives hasn't helped either. The recent storms have basically destroyed it and it is extremely unlikely it will be worth photographing any more.

. In recent years a lot of the tree's have fallen and others have had to be removed for health and safety reasons because they were about to fall. You can hide it though by using a longer lens for compression. The huge amount of visitors it receives hasn't helped either. The recent storms have basically destroyed it and it is extremely unlikely it will be worth photographing any more.
That’s so sad! Lovely pic though, over 30 years you must have some good material for an epic Timelapse if you’ve shot from similar spots
currently reworking my telephoto end of the camera bag. Had 200-600 for a while, along with 1.4x and 2x TCs. Then picked up Tamron 50-400 for travel (handy same filter thread as 17-28 and 28-200). Then recently picked up the sigma 500 5.6 to try out. Very pleasantly impressed with image quality and weight vs the 200-600, but the 15fps limit on the A1 is slightly frustrating, so going to try out the 300GM for a week. Having the TCs already makes the abhorrent cost slightly more palatable (at least in justifying it to myself), but interested to play with them all side by side.
That’s so sad! Lovely pic though, over 30 years you must have some good material for an epic Timelapse if you’ve shot from similar spots
Yeah I have a ton of stuff from there from being there with family, ex girlfriends, then my missus and the kids etc.

I have hundreds of images shot at wedding and elopements as well. Will pull them out of the archives at some point and do something with them.
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currently reworking my telephoto end of the camera bag. Had 200-600 for a while, along with 1.4x and 2x TCs. Then picked up Tamron 50-400 for travel (handy same filter thread as 17-28 and 28-200). Then recently picked up the sigma 500 5.6 to try out. Very pleasantly impressed with image quality and weight vs the 200-600, but the 15fps limit on the A1 is slightly frustrating, so going to try out the 300GM for a week. Having the TCs already makes the abhorrent cost slightly more palatable (at least in justifying it to myself), but interested to play with them all side by side.
If their not too long for your use I would also try out the 400mm & 600mm lenses and providing they're within budget. There's a guy on here Mick Erwin who gets some stunning wildlife photos with the 600mm lens.
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If their not too long for your use I would also try out the 400mm & 600mm lenses and providing they're within budget. There's a guy on here Mick Erwin who gets some stunning wildlife photos with the 600mm lens.
Thanks - yeah I played with both at an LCE X Sony event last year and they are incredible lenses. Both way out of budget (in fact so is the 300 really, but it’s slightly easier to justify). The 600 is too big. If 400 was closer in price to 300 I think I’d be more tempted by it, but as things are, it’s 200-600 vs 500 5.6 vs 300 2.8 with TCs
Thanks - yeah I played with both at an LCE X Sony event last year and they are incredible lenses. Both way out of budget (in fact so is the 300 really, but it’s slightly easier to justify). The 600 is too big. If 400 was closer in price to 300 I think I’d be more tempted by it, but as things are, it’s 200-600 vs 500 5.6 vs 300 2.8 with TCs
If you don't need the immediate flexibiliity of a zoom my choice would be the 300mm with TC's. Looking here there's very little difference in the IQ between the 200-600mm at 600mm and the 300mm with 2xTC, but of course you can have the f2.8 loveliness with the 300mm if you choose.

If you don't need the immediate flexibiliity of a zoom my choice would be the 300mm with TC's. Looking here there's very little difference in the IQ between the 200-600mm at 600mm and the 300mm with 2xTC, but of course you can have the f2.8 loveliness with the 300mm if you choose.

That's a dangerous page - not because it makes me want to swap my 200-600 for a 300 + x2 tc (both appear to be good in that comparison), but because curiosity had me switch to compare the 200-600 to the 600 f/4.... :LOL:
If you don't need the immediate flexibiliity of a zoom my choice would be the 300mm with TC's. Looking here there's very little difference in the IQ between the 200-600mm at 600mm and the 300mm with 2xTC, but of course you can have the f2.8 loveliness with the 300mm if you choose.

The LCE X Sony event actually made me love the 200-600 more and quenched my lens lust, but that was very much birds on branches. I may well test the 300 out and revert back to 200-600
Supposed to be dry this weekend. And a monthly car meet on Sunday. I might drag the Escort out into daylight for the first time in a few months & take a photo of the wheels... ;)

I'd say alloys, but it doesn't have them .... :ROFLMAO:

Maybe we could have a poll on whether my wheels are nicer than Toby's? ;)

Anyway....... An image :)

*** by Lee, on Flickr
Not thinking of Toby's wheels in particular, but EV wheels especially and current wheel designs in general are something of a tram-smash when it comes to aesthetics.
Not thinking of Toby's wheels in particular, but EV wheels especially and current wheel designs in general are something of a tram-smash when it comes to aesthetics.
They say it’s because they have to be heavier to cart the big battery around. You would have thought by now though that they could have improved the look of them..

All this talk of wheels has me looking at changing mine. :ROFLMAO: £2600 with a new set of tyres. :oops: :$
Maybe we could have a poll on whether my wheels are nicer than Toby's? ;)
I would say your car's nicer than mine full stop ;)
They say it’s because they have to be heavier to cart the big battery around. You would have thought by now though that they could have improved the look of them..

All this talk of wheels has me looking at changing mine. :ROFLMAO: £2600 with a new set of tyres. :oops: :$
I thought they were designed to be more aero efficient to improve range?

I think whilst most EV wheels look like something from a hot wheels toy car some are really nice. I actually really like mine (obviously the only one on here :LOL:) but Merc's AMG multispokes, and some of Porsche's wheels are really nice. Some Audi ones are nice too
I would say your car's nicer than mine full stop ;)

I thought they were designed to be more aero efficient to improve range?

I think whilst most EV wheels look like something from a hot wheels toy car some are really nice. I actually really like mine (obviously the only one on here :LOL:) but Merc's AMG multispokes, and some of Porsche's wheels are really nice. Some Audi ones are nice too

Yep that is part of the reason as well but they also have to be heavier as well. Manufacturers don't seem to have adopted well, having spent all their previous time trying to make wheels lighter and better looking with the increased size everyone has these days.

My favourite wheels are old school, probably the old BMW motorsports from the E36 or Mercedes Monoblocks. Have also always hated split rims.

When my wee bro had his Lambo he had split rims and he wanted them painted. They made a total mess of it as Lambo don't actually allow them to be painted so once they split them to paint the wheels where no longer safe, the refurb company had to replace them and could only get them from Lambo cost 10k :oops: :$
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QQ Guys,

Is the a7R3 still a good bank for buck camera? Still acceptable resolution?

It would be used solely for portraiture, paired with Sigma 85 f1.4 & Sony G Master 135 f1.8?

42mp file size more manageable than the 61mp from the a7Riv & a7R5.

QQ Guys,

Is the a7R3 still a good bank for buck camera? Still acceptable resolution?

It would be used solely for portraiture, paired with Sigma 85 f1.4 & Sony G Master 135 f1.8?

42mp file size more manageable than the 61mp from the a7Riv & a7R5.


24mpx is still a very acceptable resolution, and the lenses you use will have much more effect on image quality (both those should be excellent though). I would have thought questions would be more about AF capability than anything else.
QQ Guys,

Is the a7R3 still a good bank for buck camera? Still acceptable resolution?

It would be used solely for portraiture, paired with Sigma 85 f1.4 & Sony G Master 135 f1.8?

42mp file size more manageable than the 61mp from the a7Riv & a7R5.


For sure in terms of I.Q it will do a good job.

The disadvantages compared to the newer bodies for portraits will be white balance and noise performance and the big obvious one A,F performance which tbf won’t be an issue for static portraits. For anything that moves though you would be much better off with one of the newer bodies.

A7IV can be bought fairly cheap used now with it about to be replaced might be worth a look 33mpx is a good balance between I.Q and easily workable files sizes.
QQ Guys,

Is the a7R3 still a good bank for buck camera? Still acceptable resolution?

It would be used solely for portraiture, paired with Sigma 85 f1.4 & Sony G Master 135 f1.8?

42mp file size more manageable than the 61mp from the a7Riv & a7R5.


It's been working for me for the past couple of years :)
QQ Guys,

Is the a7R3 still a good bank for buck camera? Still acceptable resolution?

It would be used solely for portraiture, paired with Sigma 85 f1.4 & Sony G Master 135 f1.8?

42mp file size more manageable than the 61mp from the a7Riv & a7R5.

One of Sony’s best ever sensors.
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Nice going Toby, 3, 5 and 6 are real belters. So nice to see a model not in ridiculous high heels too.