The dreaded DIET thread!

Looks fun :D Can just see me bouncing up and down with me kettle bell, the kids would think I've finally cracked :D
You don’t want too much weight on the rebounder but doing jump jacks with light hand weights for 5 mins is a good little workout
I'm sure it gets tougher the closer you get to your ideal weight? I haven't weighed myself in a few days now, it was the same each time more or less so figured I'll do something like you, just do one weigh per week. I think I knocked myself ou of ketosis over last weekend, it was our daughter's birthday and though I never touched any of the actual party food, I did have some takeaway [some fried chicken and a handful of chips], and wine, and may or may not have eaten some pizza :angelic:

Funny thing was that was at 9.30pm, tried again at 11.30 and I had lost half a pound in the space of 2 hours!!!

I know that the closer you get the slower it becomes but at 15st 9 and being 5ft 8 I am not exactly slim and still have plenty to lose, would have not been expecting it to be so slow until approaching 14 stone
I forgot to mention that our old digital scales broke down at the weekend (along with the washing machine and my ten year old Casio watch), and the replacement Salter difital scales are showing an increase of 1 kilo which didn't please me. I always use the scales on the tiled surface in the bathroom.
My eating has been rubbish this week because I haven't been feeling well and haven't been able to exercise.
Funny thing was that was at 9.30pm, tried again at 11.30 and I had lost half a pound in the space of 2 hours!!!

I know that the closer you get the slower it becomes but at 15st 9 and being 5ft 8 I am not exactly slim and still have plenty to lose, would have not been expecting it to be so slow until approaching 14 stone
I can lose almost a kilo soon after my first cup of coffee in the morning...
Not any more, I took myself off of them soon after starting the diet
I'm very happy to hear that,
and bear in mind I've heard that their muscle-wrecking/pain/memory effects may (varies person to person) take up to two years to disappear after withdrawal.
I'm very happy to hear that,
and bear in mind I've heard that their muscle-wrecking/pain/memory effects may (varies person to person) take up to two years to disappear after withdrawal.

I have experienced these symptoms, the brain fog, leg and forearm cramps and pains, wasn't sure what to put it down to as I've been in pain for years since the back op, but a lot of this pain is new. I did think it might be the come down off the drugs, but didn't know which to blame. The statins make sense. I've seen a few scandal docu's on them now and it makes me angry that doctors prescribe them so readily
I forgot to mention that our old digital scales broke down at the weekend (along with the washing machine and my ten year old Casio watch), and the replacement Salter difital scales are showing an increase of 1 kilo which didn't please me. I always use the scales on the tiled surface in the bathroom.
My eating has been rubbish this week because I haven't been feeling well and haven't been able to exercise.

Are you weighing yourself with the same type clothing [or non] each time? If I weigh myself with shoes, jeans, sweat-shirt, stuff in my pockets ... the difference can be a few lbs. My scale routine now is kick off the shoes, take off any heavy tops, empty pockets .... or just do it right after a shower. I've also stopped checking the scales every time I visit the bathroom, keep it to once a week. Your weight can fluctuate during any day.
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Are you weighing yourself with the same type clothing [or non] each time? If I weigh myself with shoes, jeans, sweat-shirt, stuff in my pockets ... the difference can be a few lbs. My scale routine now is kick off the shoes, take off any heavy tops, empty pockets .... or just do it right after a shower. I've also stopped checking the scales every time I visit the bathroom, keep it to once a week. Your weight can fluctuate during any day.

Always try to weigh myself at the same time - 6.00 to 6.30 with just the clothes I was born in, and with an empty stomach. My right heel has been hurting badly for around six weeks now, and it first started about four hours after coming back from a six mile walk. I am used to walking long distances and there was no hint of foot pain during the walk or immediately after.
I wonder if it may be Plantar Fasciitis, and if it is I will have to put orthotic insoles in my walking shoes.
Always try to weigh myself at the same time - 6.00 to 6.30 with just the clothes I was born in, and with an empty stomach. My right heel has been hurting badly for around six weeks now, and it first started about four hours after coming back from a six mile walk. I am used to walking long distances and there was no hint of foot pain during the walk or immediately after.
I wonder if it may be Plantar Fasciitis, and if it is I will have to put orthotic insoles in my walking shoes.

My Doc said I have this, my feet were killing me every morning I got up and stood on them. Like I couldn't walk for a few seconds at all, really intense stabbing pains up through the arch of my feet and around the heels. Here's the thing though .... since starting Keto, it's stopped! :woot: It's puzzling me, I had been doing stretches and rolling my feet on a tennis ball or foam roller, so that might have helped too, but the diet is definitely the main reason.
My Doc said I have this, my feet were killing me every morning I got up and stood on them. Like I couldn't walk for a few seconds at all, really intense stabbing pains up through the arch of my feet and around the heels. Here's the thing though .... since starting Keto, it's stopped! :woot: It's puzzling me, I had been doing stretches and rolling my feet on a tennis ball or foam roller, so that might have helped too, but the diet is definitely the main reason.

That is exactly what I have. On my recent holiday around France and Germany, I was in absolute agony, because the right foot was planted on the loud pedal for hours at a time. When we stopped I could barely stand up let alone walk. I am going to start doing the foot exercises. I may have to invest in a new pair of trainers as well, with good arch support.
That is exactly what I have. On my recent holiday around France and Germany, I was in absolute agony, because the right foot was planted on the loud pedal for hours at a time. When we stopped I could barely stand up let alone walk. I am going to start doing the foot exercises. I may have to invest in a new pair of trainers as well, with good arch support.

Get a tough Tennis ball, I bought a cheap pack of three and burst them all putting so much pressure on them trying to get relief! - Buy one good one, and roll it under the arch of your foot while standing, putting pressure on it as you roll it about. Do this for a few mins each foot every morning.

Someone told me this works even better - can of peas/tomatoes whatever, freeze it overnight, and roll your foot along it in the morn, same thing again, putting pressure on it using your weight. Apparently the cold helps to reduce swelling on top - I didn't try this, I would have only it began to ease off. It is curable which is the good news.
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I use a combination of golf balls (rolled under the arches) and off the shelf (well, off e-bay!) insoles with higher arch support than usual to control my PF. Hasn't cured it completely but does let me do a few miles of walking most days without being in agony. Weirdly, being either barefoot or wearing (Croc) flip flops most of the time for 2 weeks earlier in the month didn't cause a flare up.
I use a combination of golf balls (rolled under the arches) and off the shelf (well, off e-bay!) insoles with higher arch support than usual to control my PF. Hasn't cured it completely but does let me do a few miles of walking most days without being in agony. Weirdly, being either barefoot or wearing (Croc) flip flops most of the time for 2 weeks earlier in the month didn't cause a flare up.

Cheers for that advice, I will get a couple out of the bag.
Do you think a Titleist PTS or NXT would be best or maybe a Pro V1 which has a softer cover and will probably take a bit of backspin better?:)
I prefer Srixon or Callaway - in pink (ladies' balls tend to be softer...) Luckily I usually only do 9 holes but can manage 18 if I wince a bit on the second round (only a 9 hole course with a few extra tees.)
So, after last weeks little glitch of 1.25lb lost, this week saw 4lb off! This was despite me having more syns than before (although still under my quota of 14, averaged 11.6 per day). Even had a pint on Sunday too! 1 stone 3.25lb off now in 6 weeks. Crazy thing is (although at times boring) I am not fussed about crisps and chocolate like I thought I would. Cravings often go quickly and a lot of what I ate before was out of habit.

Its helping the running though. Did my quickest 6 miles on Sunday at 1hr 4mins (and 17 secs) and last night I did 3 miles in 29.36, have never broken the 30 min barrier.

Did a lovely dinner last night - pearl barley cooked in chicken stock, added small cubes of parsip and carrot plus onion, sage and rosemary, served with roasted squash and chicken. Lovely! No syns either, aside from the bit of cranberry sauce!
I would say that's excellent progress for 6 weeks! Well done.

My cravings had died down too, they are still there though, I did a Tesco shop on Tues and I did that silly thing of going when I was hungry - it was about 3pm, my first meal time and I hadn't even had a snack. I ended up buying tonnes of crisps, chocolate, biscuits and sweets for herself and the kids based on my hunger :D I did get stuff I needed too but all stuff for cooking with - Almond flour, eggs, olive oil, topped up my herbs, veg etc ... but I went on a right carb dash for the others

I am keeping nicely below 18st even with all my clothes on now and I'm still cooking up some cool little recipes to keep it interesting. Yesterday I made 'fat head dough' sausage rolls and Flax seed wraps
I have gone off the rails a bit, probably caused by a succession of things going wrong in the house. However, I pulled myself together yesterday and made a chicken and aubergine stew in a spiced, tomato based sauce. We had a bowl each last night with toasted sourdough bread, and we are both 700g lighter this morning - how weird? Still about enough left for another four portions.
I have gone off the rails a bit, probably caused by a succession of things going wrong in the house. However, I pulled myself together yesterday and made a chicken and aubergine stew in a spiced, tomato based sauce. We had a bowl each last night with toasted sourdough bread, and we are both 700g lighter this morning - how weird? Still about enough left for another four portions.

I'm finding I have tonnes of left overs from my cooking too, I'll always have something or other wrapped in the fridge to snack on, whereas before this diet I was always rooting for crumbs :D
Here's one for the slimmers... If made to recipe it's 4.5 syns per pie! Mine were slightly more cause I love pie .

Steak and ale pie
View attachment 135936

Recipe? I bet I can't have it on Keto?

I had some steak tonight, been a while, along with some cauliflower rice smothered in butter and a cream peppercorn sauce I found that's only 5 carbs per pack, I used only half, will have the rest over some chops tomorrow.
Another 4lb this week, coming in at 15st 1 3/4lb - So that's a touch over 1st 7lb or 9.7kg off in 7 weeks. Running coming on too as managed to trim almost two and a half minutes off last weeks 6 mile PB.
Another 4lb this week, coming in at 15st 1 3/4lb - So that's a touch over 1st 7lb or 9.7kg off in 7 weeks. Running coming on too as managed to trim almost two and a half minutes off last weeks 6 mile PB.

You are doing well Simon, watch the old knees though, because carrying a bit of weight and running, particularly on roads are not the best of friends. Which running shoes do you use as a matter of interest?
I'm still steady at 17.10, hanging there without too much effort atm, though I am still craving - more so bread and pastries than sugar. Haven't bounced back to 18 for a couple of weeks now, so slowly going down a bit, then plateauing, then down a bit more and so on. I have to remind myself now and then I started out over 19st, so I should be happy! but I'm still experiencing side effects like brain fog , side pains, dehydration and cravings.
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You are doing well Simon, watch the old knees though, because carrying a bit of weight and running, particularly on roads are not the best of friends. Which running shoes do you use as a matter of interest?

Thanks - Used to have Saucony Jazz 17 but these had worn so recently got some Saucony Ride 10s. Seem to be pretty good.
I forgot to mention that our old digital scales broke down at the weekend (along with the washing machine and my ten year old Casio watch), and the replacement Salter difital scales are showing an increase of 1 kilo which didn't please me. I always use the scales on the tiled surface in the bathroom.............etc

Don't know why it is so difficult to get accurate scales. I am using my 2nd set in under a year and they are suspect. I zero the scales before use, but when I step off the pointer never returns to zero.
Don't know why it is so difficult to get accurate scales. I am using my 2nd set in under a year and they are suspect. I zero the scales before use, but when I step off the pointer never returns to zero.

My scale seems pretty precise, you have to stay on it for a few seconds until the numbers blink, this means it's locked in on the weight, and when you step off the number remains for about 20 seconds. I've tested it with some weight and it was spot on
My scale seems pretty precise, you have to stay on it for a few seconds until the numbers blink, this means it's locked in on the weight, and when you step off the number remains for about 20 seconds. I've tested it with some weight and it was spot on

I always weigh myself two or 3 times and it comes out the same (I am in the hope that at some point it will give me another pound!!)
Yeah, weekly update time (seeing as I don't actually attend SW this is my replacement!)

3lb off yesterday, so now below 15 stone - 14 stone 12.75lb! That's 1 stone 10.25 pounds off (or 11 KG) in 8 weeks. Aside from one week of just 1.25lb and 5lb in first week, it has been 3-4lb per week so fairly consistent.

Updated my goal. Would love to be at 13 stone 9lb on 12th Dec as that would be a milestone of 3 stone lost, in time for me to relax over Christmas! Hopefully achievable as that's next 2 weeks at 3lb then the rest at 2lb per week. Clothes do feel a lot baggier, but not really noticing it hugely. Face is less bloated, and neck but hopefully the weight will now drop off around stomach. Some things that have helped are the 10 calorie jelly and fat free flavoured natural yogurt. Total of 1 syn for both and great as a pudding. When I want a sweet treat I go for Alpen bars, 3 syns each although only have half a slice of bread at breakfast along with bacon, egg and beans, means I can have one for no syns!
Yeah, weekly update time (seeing as I don't actually attend SW this is my replacement!)

3lb off yesterday, so now below 15 stone - 14 stone 12.75lb! That's 1 stone 10.25 pounds off (or 11 KG) in 8 weeks. Aside from one week of just 1.25lb and 5lb in first week, it has been 3-4lb per week so fairly consistent.

Updated my goal. Would love to be at 13 stone 9lb on 12th Dec as that would be a milestone of 3 stone lost, in time for me to relax over Christmas! Hopefully achievable as that's next 2 weeks at 3lb then the rest at 2lb per week. Clothes do feel a lot baggier, but not really noticing it hugely. Face is less bloated, and neck but hopefully the weight will now drop off around stomach. Some things that have helped are the 10 calorie jelly and fat free flavoured natural yogurt. Total of 1 syn for both and great as a pudding. When I want a sweet treat I go for Alpen bars, 3 syns each although only have half a slice of bread at breakfast along with bacon, egg and beans, means I can have one for no syns!

I bet you have noticed the difference to your running.
I always weigh myself in kilos and I found this conversion chart.
The scales I have has a switch on bottom to flick between St/lbs/kg, handy. I generally leave it at stones, just what I'm more used to.
I bet you have noticed the difference to your running.
I always weigh myself in kilos and I found this conversion chart.

Yeah. Did the Cambridge 10k town & gown today. 01:02.57 (my watch actually said 6.33 miles) which was 9.56 a mile. Never ran that pace before (best was the other week at 10.17. The first 3 miles today was over a minute quicker than my previous best and all 3 of those was below 10 mins.
I've not been as goody two shoes lately as when I started Keto, but still managing to keep the weight down. I am watching the carbs, and keeping it Keto for the most part, but I've been 'cheating' a bit more, I had a box of Bulmers light cans last week, and more last night, I've had a few sneaky chips when we ordered take-away, had the odd handful of jellies, few squares of chocolate etc ... What I haven't done is touched any bread or pastries and have kept away from added sugar - I believe those 2 things were my greatest weaknesses, it was sugar and gluten heavy foods that were piling on the stodge.

I guess I am still being strict enough in general, but if I happen to go above 20g of carbs for the day I'm not stressing over it. SO I'm kind of Keto, but more so low carb, and staying below 18st. I know if I want to hit my target of 16.5 then I need to be a bit harsher - but loose Keto and IF are keeping me stable for now.
I've not been as goody two shoes lately as when I started Keto, but still managing to keep the weight down. I am watching the carbs, and keeping it Keto for the most part, but I've been 'cheating' a bit more, I had a box of Bulmers light cans last week, and more last night, I've had a few sneaky chips when we ordered take-away, had the odd handful of jellies, few squares of chocolate etc ... What I haven't done is touched any bread or pastries and have kept away from added sugar - I believe those 2 things were my greatest weaknesses, it was sugar and gluten heavy foods that were piling on the stodge.

I guess I am still being strict enough in general, but if I happen to go above 20g of carbs for the day I'm not stressing over it. SO I'm kind of Keto, but more so low carb, and staying below 18st. I know if I want to hit my target of 16.5 then I need to be a bit harsher - but loose Keto and IF are keeping me stable for now.

Do you think its worth going for an 'easier' diet? My mate went from 18st to 12st (I think, was definitely 6 st though) on SW which is why I followed it. For me it gives some balance as you can eat pretty normally so in all honesty doesn't feel like a pain. For example I find the 10 cal jellies and a 0% flavoured yogurt are fine for me sweet treat wise and they are just 1 sin. An alpen bar is 3 and if I only have half a slice of toast with my egg, bacon and beans for brekkie I can have one 'free' (14 sync is the max per day). Last week was a good one, 6 per day averaged but my norm is around 9 per day (tend mohave a day or 2 at 12-14 and a few with just 3 or 4. Can still have things like curry and rice, burger in a bun, chips, homemade nando's, roast dinners etc... just have to make a few tweaks to things like spray oil and 0% fat yogurt etc...
Do you think its worth going for an 'easier' diet? My mate went from 18st to 12st (I think, was definitely 6 st though) on SW which is why I followed it. For me it gives some balance as you can eat pretty normally so in all honesty doesn't feel like a pain. For example I find the 10 cal jellies and a 0% flavoured yogurt are fine for me sweet treat wise and they are just 1 sin. An alpen bar is 3 and if I only have half a slice of toast with my egg, bacon and beans for brekkie I can have one 'free' (14 sync is the max per day). Last week was a good one, 6 per day averaged but my norm is around 9 per day (tend mohave a day or 2 at 12-14 and a few with just 3 or 4. Can still have things like curry and rice, burger in a bun, chips, homemade nando's, roast dinners etc... just have to make a few tweaks to things like spray oil and 0% fat yogurt etc...

I might have a look into it, I chose Keto because I knew it was the carbs and sugar that were causing me to hold weight, I ate a lot of bread, pastries, rice, noodles, spuds etc and took 3 spoons of sugar in tea and coffee and would drink a lot throughout the day, I was also very fond of full sugar fizzy drinks ... so eliminating all of that is what really has my weight down so far. There's days I really crave a nice crispy roll though. But if I start eating bread again, I'll just over do it.

I have those jellies too, I have a couple of Chivers 9cal ones in the fridge atm, I can have those with a dollop of full fat cream. I also regularly make my peanut butter cookies to have handy for snacks - in fact, sometimes I don't even shape it into cookies, just do an all in one tray bake and break off pieces for snacks. It's great with a cup of tay - I do use sweetener, 2 tiny little sucrolose tabs in tea gets it almost as sweet as 2 sugars, not exactly the same and takes a bit of getting used to but it's much better than without any.
I might have a look into it, I chose Keto because I knew it was the carbs and sugar that were causing me to hold weight, I ate a lot of bread, pastries, rice, noodles, spuds etc and took 3 spoons of sugar in tea and coffee and would drink a lot throughout the day, I was also very fond of full sugar fizzy drinks ... so eliminating all of that is what really has my weight down so far. There's days I really crave a nice crispy roll though. But if I start eating bread again, I'll just over do it.

I have those jellies too, I have a couple of Chivers 9cal ones in the fridge atm, I can have those with a dollop of full fat cream. I also regularly make my peanut butter cookies to have handy for snacks - in fact, sometimes I don't even shape it into cookies, just do an all in one tray bake and break off pieces for snacks. It's great with a cup of tay - I do use sweetener, 2 tiny little sucrolose tabs in tea gets it almost as sweet as 2 sugars, not exactly the same and takes a bit of getting used to but it's much better than without any.

I used to be hot on bread too. I would easily have bread with breakfast (at least 1 slice), occasionally a bagel/baguette at lunchtime, like those bake at home ones, and often bread in the evening (2-4 slices)! At weekends I would easily have a lot of baguette. That was the one thing i thought would be hard but have very quickly got used to it without. You are allowed some bread type things 'free' each day, like a 40g serving of cereal, a weight watchers wrap, a 60g brown roll, 1 slice of brown bread or 2 alpen bars for example. So I can have a burger at home - using my bread allowance for that and 5% mince (and my 30g cheese allowance) means its syn free.
Sounds good, will definitely look more into it. A good burger is another thing I miss, I can have all the fillings just not the bun, and though I've tried to make Keto-friendly buns, they are never even close.