The TP 52 - 2024 The sign up and chat thread Week 39 Exit

Don't forget to set up your personal threads HERE ready for the off on Thursday

@lindsay Lindsay​

@Boots Paul

@Harlequin565 Ian

@-Oy- Dave​

@gjhill Gary​

@Stardust Charlie​

@joetheslug Joe​

@LC2 Tim​

@nog Keith​

@ncf15 Nick​

@ShinySideUp Martin​

@portraitsbyrj Rhonda​

@RyanB Ryan​

@cptnm ?​

@wornish David​

@Hawthorn ?​

@Simonbrown16 Simon​

@Adamcski Adam​

@Disney93 Sophie​

@Donnie Paul​

@SimonH Simon​

@Kell Kell​

@Nikon f1.8 Paul​

@PhotoVanGogh Lewis​

@robj20 Rob​

@Gandalf Andy​

@Chevin Duncan​

@JayceeC John​

@BobBCN Bob​

@Cloudforest Pete​

@seaodyssey Pete​

@DB5 Keith​

@rpn Stan​

@Adamcski Adam​

@ecniv Vince​

@welshwizard645 Peter​

@HelenC Helen​


You managed 3 Rob ;)
Really determined this year. I'm going to ignore the technique stuff and just stick to the themes to give me the best chance. Fingers crossed.
Really determined this year. I'm going to ignore the technique stuff and just stick to the themes to give me the best chance. Fingers crossed.
They aren't compulsory, they were added a couple or so years ago, because some people wanted more of a challenge.
I do them if they fit with what I'm doing. They do add an extra dimension to the challenge, something more to think about.
They aren't compulsory, they were added a couple or so years ago, because some people wanted more of a challenge.
Ah - every day's a school day! I thought they were needed to ensure a complete 52.
Some of them I find very tricky, but always (usually) willing to give it a go, but I'll worry less about that now - but will attempt them at least.
Welcome to the 2024 52 challenge
Make sure your trays and seat backs are in the upright position & just sit back and enjoy the ride.

Week one
A gentle start Close to home

And the technique for the next two calendar months for those that want a little extra challenge,
one image

SooC Straight out of camera, Obviously it will need a resize for web but that's all.

For the new guys any questions should be answered HERE

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Should be doable - in fact I have an idea ooozing through my close cropped swede already :naughty:
Was just saying to my daughter this morning that last year's challenge had started with close to home so it won't be that .
Was just saying to my daughter this morning that last year's challenge had started with close to home so it won't be that .
It was actually "Your area" its a subtle difference :)
Yes, my mistake. Great way to start as so many options (y). Off for a wander with the dog in search of inspiration.
Scored 3 in 2021, 41 in 2022 and nil last year after relocating to the Netherlands made it a busy time on both the home and work fronts. However the new environment presents fresh opportunity so I’d like to join in please.
Hi, I'll sign up too please. I think it'll do me good to have some motivation/pressure to take some photos. I don't know how far I'll get, but new year and good intentions an all that hope.
One photo a week. Can't be that hard right? ;)
I've added you to the scrolls.

Have you read the guides? If not, I highly recommend them.
Looking at week 1 submissions, I thought SOOC meant no post processing but does it just mean no cropping?
Looking at week 1 submissions, I thought SOOC meant no post processing but does it just mean no cropping?
SooC Straight out of Camera.. no processing at all, no cropping just a resize for web.
But as I know from past experience some people ignore the actually spirit of the tech.
And just do what they want.
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SooC Straight out of Camera.. no processing at all, no cropping just a resize for web.
But as I know from past experience some people ignore the actually spirit of the tech.
And just do what they want.
Thanks, Cobra. I'll give it a go. Fingers crossed for some good light tomorrow
You don't have to do the technique on week one. You have about 8 weeks to get the technique in.
I had a look earlier and it seems that there are a few cramming them in, despite the fact that I said
And the technique for the next two calendar months for those that want a little extra challenge,
one image SooC Straight out of camera, Obviously it will need a resize for web but that's all.
Let's see how far I get
Added to the scrolls.

I get the feeling that you've not seen / read the guidelines for the challenge as you've not set up your personal thread.
All the details you need to know are here:
Welcome to the 52.
If I may ask, if one of you fine gentleman has time to teach an old dog new tricks, then for the 2nd weeks post I will need an easier grasp on the linky to my feed and the main picture feed. It took me far too long to work out, not sure how I managed it this time. I am new to PS and LR so not sure on things… now I’m babbling…
If I may ask, if one of you fine gentleman has time to teach an old dog new tricks, then for the 2nd weeks post I will need an easier grasp on the linky to my feed and the main picture feed. It took me far too long to work out, not sure how I managed it this time. I am new to PS and LR so not sure on things… now I’m babbling…
This should cover it.
You just need to link from the image on the home page, back to your thread.

Edited to add, you seem to have cracked it (y)
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@Stardust , Charlie don't forget to link your image.
Oops, I was just going to mention the lack of links for LongLensPhotography and Stardust but I see they have been notified.
Top job! Cheers!!
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Welcome to the 2024 52 challenge
Make sure your trays and seat backs are in the upright position & just sit back and enjoy the ride.

Week one
A gentle start Close to home

And the technique for the next two calendar months for those that want a little extra challenge,
one image

SooC Straight out of camera, Obviously it will need a resize for web but that's all.

For the new guys any questions should be answered HERE

Sorry I'm late Chris, please add me to the scrolls for 2024
Sorry I'm late Chris, please add me to the scrolls for 2024
That's actually Tim's @LC2 dept.
But I've added you to the 1st page list, & tagged Tim.
I'm sure he'll be along shortly (y)