The TP 52 - 2024 The sign up and chat thread Week 39 Exit



The clock ticks!!!! Get those Softies in!

:banana: :naughty: :banana:
Won’t be able to check the time for a few days without thinking of that image.

Is that real / yours :)
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Won’t be able to check the time for a few days without thinking of that image.

Is that real / yours :)
Real but not mine.
Quick question, after signing up yesterday do i start on week 3 or do i have to post weeks 1,2 and 3 together ?
Quick question, after signing up yesterday do i start on week 3 or do i have to post weeks 1,2 and 3 together ?
Entirely you choice.
But if you decide to "catch up" as it were, post them separately on the home page, with the week number and the title.
It makes Tim's ( @LC2 ) life a lot easier (y)
Week 4

After the last few weeks, there is plenty of scope for this one!
On Holiday in Whitby - I’ll sea what I can do
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I'm excited about the 52 this year. I first took part in 2016 trying to keep myself sane whilst unemployed but couldn't keep it up when I eventually did get a job. I've dipped in and out since then, but there have been many more outs than ins, mostly dictated by how on much I've been on top of things elsewhere. I'm sad to see some regular names have disappeared but it's good to be back. :)
Im trying to upload to Flickr and getting the following message

"this doesn't look like a valid photo and needs to be removed"

Anyone else had this issue ?

Seems to be only affecting ORF files as i can upload other files :confused:

I have had to save it as a jpeg in lightroom to upload to Flickr...Strange
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Seems to be only affecting ORF files as i can upload other files :confused:

You're not doing anything wrong - Flickr doesn't support RAW file formats.

Spin spinny spin spin and round we goooooo…. Theme eve agaaaaain!

Get that water in on time :banana: :naughty: :banana:

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Spin spinny spin spin and round we goooooo…. Theme eve agaaaaain!
What goes around, comes around.
It's your favourite tomorrow :D
Week 5
As some of you would have realised its love it or hate it week.
Yep, its Snappers choice

For the new guys and gals, you choose your own theme / subject.
If you haven't already, It a great opportunity to get the Technique in.
Beltin' ;)
Eeeee bah gum it’s done it to use again!

Someone’s give that big globe thingie a shove!

Snapper’s choice last day shouldn’t be too difficult. Just switch camera on and point it over yer shoulder - job done :D

Bring us anuvver one Mr slithery chap!

:banana: :naughty: :banana:
It may be that some of my calculations are off but I have the following:

18 have posted up to Snapper's
14 to Week 4
5 to Week 3
6 to Week 2

And someone called Matthew Watts has posted a stunning image but no link to a personal thread as far as I can see.

Not that it's any of my business, rather OCD kicking in.
And someone called Matthew Watts has posted a stunning image but no link to a personal thread as far as I can see.
Random images do sometimes appear from non participants,
And they get deleted. Thanks for the heads up.
Haven't really been on in a week but I've missed some cracking images, I clearly need to up my game! I'm up to date though, which is a bit achievement by my usual standards.
Haven't really been on in a week but I've missed some cracking images, I clearly need to up my game! I'm up to date though, which is a bit achievement by my usual standards.

There is no need... this is a personal challenge.
There is no need... this is a personal challenge.

That's exactly what I'd expect my rivals to say!

Not really, of course it is personal. Occasionally I can come up with something really nice, and the rest of the time they're just average pictures. Where I've fallen behind and given up before is when I'm trying to produce something frame-worthy every week but in reality, that's not possible. I need to learn to be happy with doing what I can do (actually applies to my entire life but this is a good place to start).
Week 6

This maybe a little more tricky than past themes Neat & Tidy
I like this one.
Hmm, think I may get “the look’ when my I tell my better half what the theme is this week

@LC2 my week 3 soft seems to be missing from the scrolls. Cheers
Oooooooh - nice one :)

*Cracks knuckles, dusts off the thinking cap and get a tin of creative juices out of the pantry!
Might nip out to get some neat shots of tractors whose owners are protesting in order to get the government to tidy up its act, but then again.......
Cap in hand, I'd like to try again. My most recent attempt was dead by this time last year but I have finished twice previously and the 52 has often been a reason to pick the camera up and get the grey cells working, so I've noted the first six themes and will set up my thread now...