The TP Weight Loss thread 2008


Kim Jong Bod
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Right, fatties, lets join ranks and get those blubby butts off the seats and into action!

Now's the time to get active, start eating healthily, and lets lose some weight!

I'm starting with the following stats, and I'll update it regularly....

Start Weight : 20st 7lb
Current Weight : 20st 7lb

Current Weight Loss : 00st 00lb
Time Taken : 0 days

I'm also going to be taking a photo of myself regularly, and sticking it in here....hopefully seeing my fat self on here will spur me on :D

Who's with me????
Go on then(y)

Need to do something:bang:

Start Weight 16st 12lbs
Current Weight 16st 12lbs

Current Weight loss 0

Time taken 0 days
I'll join in this year.

I'm still doing the Atkins Plan (have been for over a year and have lost 30lbs) but am going to try and pack in the beer this month to see what effect it has on the Atkins. Sunday is my weighing day, so I'll update then. I'm not doing the photo thing though :wacky:


Start Weight: 247lbs
Current Weight:

Current Weight Loss:
Time Taken:
:LOL: Good idea marcel...but theres no way that Im posting my weight on TP for all to :LOL:

I'm with you Adele, no chance my vital stats are getting published. I'm happy to share my successes be they lbs or stones! My success for today was a large fruit salad for brekkie (not a bacon roll!) and a feta salad for lunch (not a bacon roll! :LOL:).

Good luck to everyone though.
Well I generally go to the gym 3 times a week and have been keeping that up over the christmas period.
Apart from this last week when i have been made up with cold/flu and now feel awful.
I will help continue to support the people on here :) And will post how I am doing...but somethings a woman should never tell ;)
[plus you'd not believe me cos I dont "look" what I weigh] :LOL::LOL::LOL:
I'll join in but no photo:-

Start Weight 12st 12lbs
Current Weight 12st 12lbs

Current Weight loss 0

Time taken 0 days

Yeah, Marcel i am with you

Start Weight : 18st
Current Weight : 18st

Current Weight Loss : 00st
Time Taken : 0 days

I am a fatty i know :)

Tony (y)
I'm in on this also, and seeing as I started going to the gym before Christmas and I have not managed to put any weight on during the festive period I am optimistic :)

Start Weight : 12st 10lbs
Current Weight : 12st 10lbs

Current Weight Loss : 00st 00lbs
Time Taken : 0 days 0
Target weight 11st
I'm up for this as well.

Start Weight : 14st 10lb
Current Weight : 14st 10lb

Current Weight Loss : 00st 00lb
Time Taken : 0 days
:naughty: i will play see if i do any better than last year..

start weight : 16st 7lbs
current weight : 16st 7 lbs

ill weigh in every 2 weeks..


my target is 13st 7lbs:D
I'm in too - great idea.

Start Weight: 15st 13lb
Current Weight: 15st 11lb

Current Weight Loss: 00st 02lb
Time Taken: 3 days

I will also donate to charity £1 for every pound I lose - this one is particularly poignant for me.

Current charity pot - £2
any and all encouregment gratefully received
currently at approx 18 st so plenty of lard to go at
I'll update when weighed :help:

no photos tho...
I'll play, too. I don't need to lose any weight (just did the conversion so I can speak the same language here, and I'm 8 st 7 lb) but I have been TERRIBLE about going to the gym.

I typically have gone at least five days a week, but ever since the Brighton workshop, I've been out of the habit. (Yes, folks, it's all your fault. LOL!) My 7-year-old has informed me that I feel "squishy", so it's time to fix this.

It's pointless for me to do weigh-ins here, but I can keep you posted on my progress via the number of pairs of jeans in my closet I can wear again without looking like a muffin. ;)

- CJ
Oh CJ, I'd love to be 8st 7lb again. That number is a very distant memory for me these days :confused:
I'm definitely up for this, going to join Weight Watchers tomorrow, so I'll be brave and share my weight tomorrow. I'm also re-joining the gym to try and get my lardy ass into shape. 2008 is going to be my year! Hopefully no more health problems which plagued me throughout 2007, so no excuses this year :)
OK, I'll play! :)

Starting weight . . . . . 12st 1lb
lost... nothing yet, only started today!

GOOD LUCK EVERYONE! :clap: :woot: :banana:
Excellent contributions everyone. Dont worry if you dont want to share your weight or pictures, it's perfectly understandable.

We're all here to spur each other on!
Yup count me in with Dellipher on the not revealing my weight front (maybe its a girl thing..) but am hoping to lose around a stone, though my love of chocolate constantly ruins this ambition!
Good Luck everyone :)
and if anyone has any dieting tips - ie how to have the willpower not to eat, lol, that'b great! hehe
Count me in! This is the heaviest I've ever been!!! Its time to shed 2.5 stone!

Start Weight: 14st 8lb
Current Weight: 14st 8lb
Target Weight: 12 St 0lb

Current Weight Loss : 00st 00lb
Time Taken : 0 days
My main method (which has worked many times previously) is reducing portion size by about a 1/3rd, and cutting out sugary foods (has a bigger effect on me than fatty foods per se). I lost 2 stone in 3 months doing this a couple of years back. Oh, and exercise helps too;)
and if anyone has any dieting tips - ie how to have the willpower not to eat, lol, that'b great! hehe

It does depend WHY youre eating (if youre not hungry).

I tend to eat when I'm bored, so its hard for me to stop doing so....

If you think you're hungry, then drink a glass of water, or two. Then wait 10 minutes, if you're still honestly hungry, get something to eat. (Make it healthy and not too much).

OR, another tip is, to stave off any wants of snacking, brush your teeth, apparently it
OR, another tip is, to stave off any wants of snacking, brush your teeth, apparently it

...........and if it doesnt... at least you will be fat with white teeth!! :D
I followed weight watchers 3 years ago and lost 2.5 Stone in 6 months!

There is no magic involved - watch what you eat and exercise!

The Weight -watchers method gives you something to aim for each week - and it works!!!

I won't rejoin this time but I will follow the program!
Yup count me in with Dellipher on the not revealing my weight front (maybe its a girl thing..) but am hoping to lose around a stone, though my love of chocolate constantly ruins this ambition!
Good Luck everyone :)
and if anyone has any dieting tips - ie how to have the willpower not to eat, lol, that'b great! hehe

If choccy is your downfall then why not try eating some high cocoa chocolate instead? Try a few pieces of Lindt 70% cocoa or for a healthier kick, their 85% Cocoa. Less sugar, less fat and better for your body.

One of the best tricks to beat hunger is to drink water. It kills the hunger pangs and also cleanes you inside too.
It does depend WHY youre eating (if youre not hungry).

I tend to eat when I'm bored, so its hard for me to stop doing so....

yea thats why i eat too much too! i just have nothing to do and if nice food is in the house i will eat it. haha im determined to stop tho!
Well i'll be the odd one out then in wanting to GAIN weight :eek: I want to gain a stone or 2 if i can!
I'm up for this, I too may post pics to shock me into sticking with it, do we have a fat glamour section :LOL:

START: 16st
TARGET: 14st

Day 1 from tomorrow........:clap:
Well i'll be the odd one out then in wanting to GAIN weight :eek: I want to gain a stone or 2 if i can!

You can have one of mine!! :p:LOL:
The mind apparently confuses hunger and thirst, so often when you are thirsty, you reach for food instead. The water trick certainly does help.
I make sure I only drink water during the day whilst at work [I have something to eat at dinner]
But I find that most people tend to have elevensies and its one of the things that people struggle with.
So Ive found to get some sugar-free dilute juice. Something such as Apple and Blackcurrent, which is sweet. It stops you graving the sugar-y rush around 11am and 4pm at work when you're levels are dropping.
i'll play

although, shouldn't the weight be relevant to your height and build?

I'm 6ft 0" and my weight is jumping between 81-83kgs

I'd like to get it down to about 78-80 i think to be somewhere in the middle of the "ideal" range

no pics though :nono:
Going back to the brushing the teeth if you are hungry theory, I believe this does work because i have tried it. But it could have been that i had a weird fetish for the taste of tooth paste :( :)

I find that milk is a big filler for me, that helps me loads when i have spent a day out on the bike.

well I'm 15 St 10 lb

Goal weight: 10st

I lost about 2 stone last year so I really hope I can lose the rest this year. Not being able to eat bacon sarnies for breakfast is helpful but having a drivethru every corner is not!! We're (the Americans) are the fatest nation for a reason. I have taken up Karate (the Kenpo variety) and go three times a week (I'm a yellow belt now) so hopefully that will help get those pounds off.

Good luck all.
Ok, been to Weight Watchers this morning, so here goes...

Start weight: 10st 11.5lb :eek:
Current Weight: 10st 11.5lb

Weight lost: 0st 0lb
Target Weight: 9st 4lb