The "What is it?" thread - Part II

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I'd just like to dedicate my latest win to my good pal Al - I owe it all to him :D

....Dead easy one this time :)


Gin and Irn Bru - Hmmm Hmmm Hmmm ;)
And for uninitiated 'Proctology' is made up of 2 words the Greek word 'Proktos' meaning Anus or Hindparts and 'Ology' meaning study of.
Surprising what you lear here. Is it an undercover club or something? If it is, I don't want to join thanks :D
Surprising what you lear here. Is it an undercover club or something? If it is, I don't want to join thanks :D

I do hope you meant 'Learn'....:)

Just turn the other cheek....:LOL:..:naughty:
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Is it a mastik gun?

Nope - I don't mastikate - honest.....

Soldering Iron rest?

Nope - no rest for the wicked......

is it a rangefinder

or part of a compass?

Not a range finder - nor range rover either - and as for part of a compass do you mean "that bit" you look through while aligning the needle with the direction ? :thinking:

Is that a cable coming out of the box?

Nope - no electric boxes were harmed or used here... - or did you mean a sporstman's "box" ? - 'cos that probably would't be a "cable" ;)

you thinking what i'm thinking????

is it a ring light

he probably is - but that isn't....

is it something a proctologist would use?

Sheesh! - I sincerely hope not though I have heard that the sometimes sit down and work it out with a pencil... :naughty:

Does that work with a butt plug?

...some have their own light I believe - so you can see the end of the tunnel....

see my guess above

No thanks - once was enough....

And for uninitiated 'Proctology' is made up of 2 words the Greek word 'Proktos' meaning Anus or Hindparts and 'Ology' meaning study of.

I can see you've studied this subject waaaaaaaay too closely.... :cautious:

I see a pattern emerging here.....

....could be - but don't strain yourself... :p

Me!......of course not.

"Aye Right!" ;)

Surprising what you lear here. Is it an undercover club or something? If it is, I don't want to join thanks doens't always happen under the covers either :cautious:

Is it a definite pattern? or a rash of some sort?

...sometimes I believe you can develop a rash yes :cautious:

Probably pulled the plug out

C'mon - you're yanking my chain - pull the other one....

...wait a minute - is that technically - having a yank ? :exit:

I do hope you meant 'Learn'....:)

Just turn the other cheek....


Refresh, here's the implement Jim put up.

No way would I put that up anywhere TBH :nono:
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